Nervous for director Rian Johnson

The last two Star Wars films contained a lot of studio mandated fan service ... Rogue One, with Gareth Edwards obviously having less sway than JJ Abrams, suffered for it, with paper-thin characters and a messy narrative.

Rian Johnson has even less studio influence than Gareth Edwards, despite being a better director than Edwards or JJ.

I hope Disney doesn't crush his original vision for this film.


I actually think he'd be glad to wash his hands from the movie.


What do you mean by that?


He's stuck doing a sequel to a JJ Abrams movie he probably never expected to be such a disaster.


A disaster in the top 250 on imdb and 92% on RT with 2 billion WW


A disaster in the top 250 on imdb and 92% on RT with 2 billion WW

There are tons of sub-standard films that have cracked IMDB's top 250 briefly, and made bags of cash.


Like ?


3 days, and still no answer...


"The Avengers" have a 92% RT score, the Transformers franchise made billions. BOX OFFICE numbers are never a reliable argument for the quality of a movie. And for the specific case of Force Awakens, it's obvious that the voting system has been rigged. Just take a look a the user reviews, it's a barrage of negative reviews, yet the movie still has a high score. This franchise is too important for Disney to allow bad reputation, they simply buy votes.


The avengers earned that 92% same with its 93% audience score and 8.2 on IMDb. Plus transformers isn't in the top 250 and only makes 200 million domestically in America .


or could it be that many more people liked it than hated ? everyone I know that watched TFA loved it, family, friends, work colleagues, a few dozen haters on here doesn't prove jack, unless you have evidence?


Disaster? I love these band merry band of haters of The Force Awakens. Just because you didn't get the movie you overhyped in your mind doesn't make it bad. Look, it's cool if you don't like it. Just keep it to your self. No one needs to hear constant negative *beep* about Star Wars when we are in the heyday of Star Wars. The rest of us (the world outside the IMDB boards) loved the Force Awakens and are eagerly awaiting 8.

So shhhhhh, you hated TFA. We heard you.

*This has been a public service announcement of the shut the *beep* to all IMDBNolanJokerbitch users who bitch 24/7.*


I feel like you're that rare IMDb user who speaks my language!


Disaster? I love these band merry band of haters of The Force Awakens. Just because you didn't get the movie you overhyped in your mind doesn't make it bad. Look, it's cool if you don't like it. Just keep it to your self. No one needs to hear constant negative *beep* about Star Wars when we are in the heyday of Star Wars. The rest of us (the world outside the IMDB boards) loved the Force Awakens and are eagerly awaiting 8.

So shhhhhh, you hated TFA. We heard you.

well put rubinom, after 12 months they still cant accept the fact that majority loved TFA.


TFA is not a disaster.


how is TFA a disaster ?


I agree but I still have little faith in Rian Johnson.


I hope Disney doesn't crush his original vision for this film.
Me too, and I hope the young man's career won't be wrecked in the event of this movie winding up being even more of a mess than The Force Awakens. They are clearly using him like a tool.


No one cares if you like Rogue One more than The Force Awakens, nerd.


I care. Despite him not even have said that implicitly. So it's another one of your lies, troll.

de gustibus non est disputandum


A mess ? Tell that to the praise reviews and 2 billion WW idiot


A mess ?
Absolutely! The "raised to do one thing" FN-2187's shifty motives, hardly a believable soldier; Luke being at the at the very end of the movie, with no speaking part; Poe emerging out of the blue from an assumed death, perfectly fine, as if the crash never happened; Kanjiklub horribly underutilized; the recovered Skywalker lightsaber being "a story for another time"; Rey rediscovering her powers but not regaining more complete memories; R2-D2 waking up after detecting that the movie is about to end; the idea that Hux was actually able to rescue Kylo and evacuate Starkiller Base before it demolished.

Tell that to the praise reviews and 2 billion WW
Neither necessarily reflects good quality. Just look at IMDb's Top 250! It's 75% nonsense! Look at Avatar's acclaim and gross! You're going to tell me that it is a masterpiece?! O, my, how cute. There are tons of older films missing from certain lists that shouldn't be, e.g. the original King Kong, and some films don't belong on those lists. I've identified the culprit. It's the new generation of human beings! Their priorities and perspectives are all distorted.


What films in the top 250 don't deserve to be there ? Avatar is a better film then most


Better film than most what?
even equiped with a shovel and you couldn't dig this


Well, shame, I could not name one, except for The Force Awakens. That one belongs in the bottom 250 rather, as you reasonably will agree.
de gustibus non est disputandum


Let us pray to assuage our concerns then. 😇👳

Whatever you are, be a good one.


Rian is behind some of the best Breaking Bad episodes. I have trust in him.




You don't know your Roman numerals very well.

VII is 7
VIII is 8


i wish they did interfere for this one


Jesus Christ! I just scrolled down to see if someone beat me to the punch...good job!


No doubt!! Of all movies not to have a leash on the director. Kennedy must have been in love with RJ's script. They let him do unbelievable crap with this. Disney just came down to make sure he threw some comic book movie jokes in there for the cheap laughs and some new ships(that still look original trilogy) to sell some toys with.


"Disney just came down to make sure he threw some comic book movie jokes in there for the cheap laughs and some new ships(that still look original trilogy) to sell some toys with."

Yep, all that and don't forget the forced diversity and animal rights nonsense


Yeah for real. I about lost it when the mission was to free the dog horses or whatever they were that looked like they came from Harry Potter land. Pointless Chinese Character was the worst. I'm all for diversity in the cast but lets not force it to the point where it's obnoxiously obvious that you're creating characters for that sole purpose.
