MovieChat Forums > All Cheerleaders Die (2014) Discussion > Probably the worst movie I've ever seen

Probably the worst movie I've ever seen

There are clearly a lot of paid shills on this board. This movie had no redeeming factors whatsoever.

Nothing made sense, but it didn't have to. Because of magic! Bad acting, bad writing, bad editing. This movie was just awful.


not the worst but defently one of the worst i have seen and overrated here on imdb by.... well, a lot. even metacritic.


I kinda liked it...but then again, these types of films are my guilty pleasure! The crappier, the better! Like Jennifer's Body and that movie Detention with Josh Hutcherson.

Man, i love me some Jennifer's Body.

I'M THE MARY!!! You're a pasty old hag on your deathbed!


The productions values were poor in this film which did not help.

It's that man again!!


Bro, if this is the worst movie you have ever seen then holy hell you are in for some real disappointment in your life. I've see worse movies with nation-wide releases in recent years than this one. This isn't high art for sure, but what what it is it's a fine movie.


This isn't even the worst movie I've seen today.


It was just random sexy fun. Not to be taken seriously.
