I'm genuinely looking for some suggestions on a dark and riveting show with a planned storyline and gorgeous cinematography. The closest I've seen are Mr Robot and True Detective (S1 only).
Oh, I'll definitely check it out ... but it seems like a procedural to me. Is it not? I don't have a lot of patience for those, sadly. Thankfully, there's always Breaking Bad!
The Leftovers. It's just head and shoulders above everything else out right now. As somebody who's been "binge-watching" TV before it was cool, I highly recommend it - especially if you enjoyed Les Rev.
Just go into it with the attitude of trusting the writer's. Every scene and line of dialogue has purpose. It's rather impressive.
I remember trying to watch the first episode, but I think its score on Rotten Tomatoes biased my opinion ... I'll definitely give it another try though, given the extreme scarcity of good, atmospheric shows that are not procedurals. Thanks!
Yes, I definitely agree with the above about "The Leftovers." It starts a little slow, but comes together nicely, and Season 2 was excellent. Interesting thing about the reviews - many critics have changed their tune with Season 2 also. Plus, the IMDB for the Season 2 finale is 9.8!
Oh, that bodes so well for the show! And I've already started watching it and find it extremely intriguing. Can't wait to see where they take the story.
It starts off that way, with a kind of 'Killer of the Week,' thing, but I still think you'd like it. I don't like run of the mill procedurals either, but I loved/and love Hannibal. Even though it's a whole police thing at the start it's still done in a fairly unique and different way enough to not feel old hat. Slowly, but surely though it breaks away from that and becomes its own, twisted thing.
I say give a shot, if only to see how gorgeous it is!
Even though it's a whole police thing at the start it's still done in a fairly unique and different way enough to not feel old hat. Slowly, but surely though it breaks away from that and becomes its own, twisted thing.
I can get definitely behind that. Thanks for the suggestion!
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I actually haven't! (Not because I'm an uncultured idiot ... I'm gonna pull the non-native speaker/foreigner card to save face here.) And I keep thinking it's too late, because it must have spun so many derivative works by now that it's going to come across as extremely cliched and boring.
Watch it with 3-6 friends who are fans, but still able to laugh at the corny parts. (If you don't have these friends already, I'm sure they're easy to find. Spend your days drinking coffee and eating pie at a diner.) A group should be able to get through both seasons in 3-4 days. Bring lots of snacks.
Two other suggestions from me: Fortitude and Broadchurch. Mostly the former. The second has amazing atmosphere and cinematography but it is more like a crime drama than mystery. But check Fortitude you will love it!
Oh, I've heard of Broadchurch before, but not Fortitude. I'll definitely put them on my watch list ... especially Fortitude, which seems to offer as much of a visual treat with its Arctic setting as The Returned did with its French mountain town.
And I JUST started watching a show called The Fall. It has completely gripped me and has an abundance of the tense, creepy atmosphere that we all liked on this show.
The second season of Fargo (currently funning on FX) is excellent. I wasn't a big fan of the 1st season, but it's improved to be much better this season. It's kind of "dark", but it also has some moments of really quirky and unexpected humor so it's not as overbearing as a show like The Returned can be at times.
"I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered."
I couldn't quite move past the first few episodes Season 1 of Fargo, but your post has me in high hopes for the next one. Thanks for the recommendation! x
I've surprisingly never wanted to see The Walking Dead, but if it focusses quite a bit on the survivors' attempts at rebuilding society, it will be a very interesting watch, thanks!
The Walking Dead had been a really good show...up until this current season.
The writers know they have such a huge audience they think they can do no wrong now. This season they pulled a lame-ass stunt and wrote a scene that showed what in any stretch of the imagination should have been the death of a main character. Their fostering of this belief even extended to removing the actor's name who played that character from the main titles of the show. And then, after 4 episodes (4 weeks), they went back and manipulated what was shown to us originally of his "death" (and also the laws of reality that exist on the show for every other minor character who would have been in his same situation) and had him survive.
After a cheap trick like that, I will never consider The Walking Dead to be anything close to being termed "well-written" any longer.
"Those who would trade Liberty for Security deserve neither"
Hahaha! I don't know whether to be annoyed at the extensive sort-of-spoiler, or grateful that you're trying to warn new viewers off from a show that'll mess with their heads and loyalties. I guess I'll stick to the latter. x