MovieChat Forums > Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk (2016) Discussion > Contrasting the realities of war with Am...

Contrasting the realities of war with America's perceptions.

What do they mean by this? I looked up the screenwriter and the writer of the novel that it is based on neither have any military time at all. So as a Vet I have to ask "what the hell do they think they know I don't?" Seems pretty antiwar to me anti american war to me anti american to me. My son just back agrees. Granted the safe space loonies may have been knocked for a loop by combat but not well adjusted guys that got their butts red for doing something bad, or a slap across the pie hole for mouthing off. Or someone that did 20 pushups for not cleaning his room. It's a freakin war people!!! Good American Soldiers shooting, killing and blowing up *beep* bad guys with some collateral damage that you do your damndess not to do. But if they would take care of their own crap we would have to do it at their house. Sorry but reality bites. That's why our leaders send us over to these places. It's to keep the crazy stuff on their lawn not ours. So what do these idiot libtards think our perceptions are? We have fought in Vietnam, South and Central America and Africa, and the middle East for a while now. None of which has been a standup man to man war like WW2 or Korea. 🇺🇸 So is it worse then these ISLAMIC'S slowly cutting off heads or drowning women or stepping on the heads of babies till they crutch or burning a 12 year old girl alive because her mom didn't pay a christian tax on time. Is it worse then your own guys raining shells on your guys or your buddies with no lower half still screaming? Is it worse than finding a Iraq boy with half his face gone still alive and awake staring at you with that "what the hell happened" look on his face. So Mr.'s Lee, Castelli, Fountain, how are we Americans all confused with misperceptions of war that you all have a crystal clear understanding of? Cause the only contrast I see is the one the liberal and progressives and leftist in the world have that seem to think only Americans are doing the killing and everyone else is a victim.



kirkpanzer, I don't think the film is commenting on war or those who sign up to fight them; I think the film is merely suggesting that American service people deserve more than the shallowness and hollowness of celebrity for their sacrifices.


What do they mean by this? I looked up the screenwriter and the writer of the novel that it is based on neither have any military time at all. So as a Vet I have to ask "what the hell do they think they know I don't?" Seems pretty antiwar to me anti american war to me anti american to me. My son just back agrees. Granted the safe space loonies may have been knocked for a loop by combat but not well adjusted guys that got their butts red for doing something bad, or a slap across the pie hole for mouthing off. Or someone that did 20 pushups for not cleaning his room. It's a freakin war people!!! Good American Soldiers shooting, killing and blowing up *beep* bad guys with some collateral damage that you do your damndess not to do. But if they would take care of their own crap we would have to do it at their house. Sorry but reality bites. That's why our leaders send us over to these places. It's to keep the crazy stuff on their lawn not ours. So what do these idiot libtards think our perceptions are? We have fought in Vietnam, South and Central America and Africa, and the middle East for a while now. None of which has been a standup man to man war like WW2 or Korea. 🇺🇸 So is it worse then these ISLAMIC'S slowly cutting off heads or drowning women or stepping on the heads of babies till they crutch or burning a 12 year old girl alive because her mom didn't pay a christian tax on time. Is it worse then your own guys raining shells on your guys or your buddies with no lower half still screaming? Is it worse than finding a Iraq boy with half his face gone still alive and awake staring at you with that "what the hell happened" look on his face. So Mr.'s Lee, Castelli, Fountain, how are we Americans all confused with misperceptions of war that you all have a crystal clear understanding of? Cause the only contrast I see is the one the liberal and progressives and leftist in the world have that seem to think only Americans are doing the killing and everyone else is a victim.

Relax there hero, it's a movie.

"Toto, I've [got] a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore."


Relax there hero, it's a movie.
Could you use a more shopworn argument dismissing an opinion? Any movie that aspires to be art is worthy of debate, irrespective of how well it meets that aspiration or whether it is taken from real life or fictional, because a worlview is being offered in addition to a story. Anyone casually familiar with Ang Lee's work knows he wasn't making the next Act of Valor.

The eleventh hour is 10 o'clock and the end of the day has sweet FA to do with your opinion.


thank you for your service


Well, it's a good thing this country keeps the intelligent people at home to run things, and sends the poor/low IQ idiots to die, as they are expendable. Its quite convenient. And to top it off, you more than willingly buy the hero/patriot lie we sell you, so your proud to do our dirty work. Thanks guys, you rock! I mean it, seriously, without you, we might actually have to send some intelligent, liberal, real americans to die, and that would truly be a waste.


So you agree Trump is intelligent and it's a good thing he was elected. Thank you, you rock!


It's a freakin war people!!! Good American Soldiers shooting, killing and blowing up *beep* bad guys with some collateral damage that you do your damndess not to do. But if they would take care of their own crap we would have to do it at their house. Sorry but reality bites. That's why our leaders send us over to these places. It's to keep the crazy stuff on their lawn not ours.

Don't act like you're protecting anyone by invading another country as if the measly number of terrorists there could possibly invade the US and take over. Are 20 men going to paddle over in canoes and conquer the entire US? They'd likely be blown to smithereens before even reaching the coast. They pose no danger to us, and calling every person in an entire country a "bad guy" because there might be a few terrorists there is outrageous. Virtually all of the victims/casualties of the war were innocent civilians who had nothing to do with terrorism when their homes were invaded.
The real threat to Americans is people like you, given that most of your posts are about how much you hate everyone who has an opposing political view, and about how much you enjoy shooting and killing people. That's why we're millions of times more likely to be killed by a right wing extremist than any foreign terrorist attack.


In the past, everything about the U.$. has had its "contrast" turned way up, to make it seem 'brighter' than it actually is. The unfiltered nature of the Internet has borne this truth out, in no uncertain measure ― domestically and globally ― and now reality is finally coming home to roost... perhaps even in Civil War II (2017) form.
(pic related:


We should have more anti war/anti America movies. America causes the damn problems overseas, invades countries that don't belong to them, steals resources and oil. Causes atrocities. It's nothing to do with "But if they would take care of their own crap we would have to do it at their house" America just looks for an excuse to go wage problems, you really think you are helping the situation over there by poking your noses in? You talk of Islamics cutting heads off etc, why do you think half the time they do it? because the west is doing what I have mentioned above! ok not 100% because of that reason, but a big part of it. Your leaders support terrorism and offer aid.
You blamed the middle east for 9/11 which again was your own doing. The trouble with America is that the government are corrupt, brainswashing it's citizens, which in turn leads them to be arrogant egotistical. Thinking they are perfect and the solution to the worlds problem when in fact it's the complete opposite.
"Good American soldiers" there is nothing GOOD about blowing up another human being. What about all the bombings you are dropping on Syria killing innocent women and children?
I could rant on all day about this but at the end of the day America are the real terrorists. You consist of 5% of the worlds population yet consume 24% of worlds energy, says it all really.
