Brandon and Kharece

I wish they had given more information on why he didn't want to be with her. Yes, she lied about who she was, but the real girl was still cute and likable. Maybe a little bit chunky, but it works for her. I thought she was really attractive. And he hooked up with her in the past, so it doesn't seem like her physical appearance was the problem for him.

So then what was it? Why doesn't he want to give a relationship a shot with her? Especially since he fell in love with her personality and their interactions while he thought she was someone else. It felt like they left out some information about Kharece that could have cleared up a lot of confusion. What was her past, what was her story? There has to be a reason he absolutely didn't want anything more than a booty call from her. Is she a psycho or a slut or something? Anything for this to make a little more sense. He just had no explanation at all for why they can never be in a relationship.


Brandon came off as being a stuck up dillhole to me. I mean to me it looked like he didn't feel like she was good enough to date looks wise but didn't mind chatting her up and bonking her in private so he could get his rocks off and feel good about himself. Obviously she seemed needy like she had low self esteem but she didn't seem deserving of such disdain. I also thought she was pretty and seemed nice enough. The dillhole will probably hold out for someone he deems pretty enough and then whine and cry when they cheat on him and he is all alone.


I know a lot of girls are commenting here and so I get your reasoning for disliking Brandon.

When I was in high school I had a friend-girl if you will. I had known her since I was 12 and she liked me and I just didn't feel it. I dated other girls but would turn to her for advice and care because I knew she would listen because I knew anytime spent with me was more special for her.

My girlfriend and I broke up Sophomore year and I decided to give it a shot with this girl. We didn't have sex, just made out and it was so horribly awkward. This girl was somewhat more naive about life and it just came across in every way. Also her family situation wasn't the best. I realize that's not her fault but sometimes you realize certain situations aren't worth the hassle.

But I had given her a taste and she wanted more. And I...just couldn't. And she got mad. Really mad for a long time. But being mad meant not getting to talk or hang out with me, so she cooled down after a while. And then she tried pursuing again. And again I had to tell her no...and the cycle went on and on.

It's a shame. In many ways she would have been perfect for me. But you can't help who you are and aren't attracted to.

Most women out there will deal with several obsessed guys over the years...but most guys don't get obsessed over so we don't handle it as well when it happens. I'm not asking you to change your feelings on Brandon, just thought I would offer some perspective.

"They have a grill, it's this grill. Now you have's called America."


Gee, thanks for coming in and mansplaining awful behavior. 

Brandon was a royal schmuck, end of story. He's some small town mouth-breather who thinks he's entitled to a better looking girl, which is ironic considering he's about as attractive as a sack of unwashed jock straps.


He's some small town mouth-breather who thinks he's entitled to a better looking girl, which is ironic considering he's about as attractive as a sack of unwashed jock straps.


"Well I too can talk of the smack!" --King Julien, "The Penguins of Madagascar"




Kharece was a good looking girl. It's his loss.

I will say though that honesty is key in a relationship. If you're going to lie about that stuff, then what else will you lie about? I get why people who are Catfished don't want to continue a relationship. I just wish they were more honest... it's not just the lying, but the fact that the person who lied isn't attractive to them.


She was a guilty pleasure to him. He did liked her enough to hang out with her and act like a couple when they were alone, his problem was that he didn't want anyone to know, so when she did her girl thing, and told her friends, he didn't want to deal with that. So he ripped her everytime he was confronted by his friends, but never to her face. He did the same thing to Nev, calling her a compulsive liar, and making her look like a stalker even though he was hooking up with her for 4 years. The real telling fact to me what that all of their mutual friends seem to be on Khareces side.

I'm not suggesting he should date her if he isn't attracted to her, but I think he actually is attracted to her, he just isn't mature enough to put with the backlash from his friends.

Kharece just needs to get some self esteem. Chubby or not she is very pretty. I thought she was the best looking one in her group of friends.


She was easy sex for him. She put out whenever he wanted it. He never really wanted to have a real serious relationship with her.
