MovieChat Forums > Bone Tomahawk (2016) Discussion > Good acting and good directing. But it's...

Good acting and good directing. But it's a bad movie. I'll tell you why.

Because it commits the one, main deadly sin that destroys a movie. It's boring.
You could have William Hurt, Sam Rockwell and Philip Seymour Hoffman directed by Scorsese, it wouldn't matter one damn bit when the movie is boring.
Yes, I know it's a "slow buildup" but it's BORING. And it didn't have to be. Lots of good movies have "slow buildups" or are generally slow, but they are still good.

And here comes the bit that's going to pull everybody's panties into a collective twist:
I turned it off after about one hour. Because it was boring.
I like art films, I admire the works of Von Trier, Malick and Wes Anderson. I do not demand constant action. I demand not boring.


I don't blame you one bit. I thought it was agonizingly unremarkable for the first hour or so. I considered hitting STOP too but I soldiered on---it was, after all, my baseball buddy, Kurt Russell.

reply needed an Adam Sandler Cameo.....idiot alert!



The OP says the movie is "bad", which he then reasons with being too boring. He doesn't have to elaborate what "boring" means (at least not to the average man). Now, "sucky" needs further elaborations since that cán be many things, but boring is simply boring. Obviously too little was happening inbetween each climax, and he would prefer a lot more action to his satisfaction.

That being said - he should have watched the whole thing. His opinion of the movie being "bad" falls way too short if he hasn't even seen the whole thing.

Good movie. Extremely disturbing. At times funny. Russell is always a plus to watch, but the biggest kudos goes to Jenkins. He did a great job. Fox did well too. 6.7/10



Not necessarily this at all. He even specifies that he likes Malick movies, which have less happening between each climax and a lot less action, he specifically states that he doesn't demand constant action, and he states these things for a reason. Perhaps he, like many, also finds Transformers boring.

Couldn't have said it better myself Followee. You are 100% right.


Just because a movie doesn't give you everything you expected doesn't mean it's a bad movie. ou simply weren't into it. You may have expected an action movie and got a character study instead where people spend a lot of time talking.

If others understood the type of movie they were watching and enjoyed it, then the movie wasn't boring to everybody, just to you.


I agree OP. This sounded very intriguing. It has Kurt Russell in a western, where can you go wrong? Unfortunately I'm starting to find out as nothing and I mean nothing is happening in this movie. OK a stable boy just got killed so that's something I guess but up until that point it's been a snore fest. I'm going to try and finish it and see if it picks up some.

Utah! Get me two.


You should watch Transformers.. A lot of explosions to keep your simple brain occupied. Leave the nuanced acting and story lines and other bother stuff alone..



You already don't have a full set of brain cell, most of it occupied by Christ and other folk lore.



You should watch Transformers.. A lot of explosions to keep your simple brain occupied

This is 10% of all IMDB postings. I spesifically mentioned that I'm not averse to slow developing dialog-driven movies. As my director references should have told you.
But it didn't. The fact that it didn't is not my fault.


You missed the whole point. This is a character driven movie and the need to know them will reveal their motivations as the film continues to its exciting conclusion.


You see no one is going to take your opinion seriously now and you are just going to be written off as a troll.

I agree the movie was boring, until the last 20 minutes. Then it actually got pretty badass. Admittly it wasn't enough to sway my opinion that it was a slow paced movie and kinda just falls flat a bit. But unlike you I can actually say that with the full knowledge of everything that has happened in the movie and can bring a fair and sound opinion about it.

It's pointless for you to come on here and judge a movie when you haven't even watched it all. Now had you made a post going "I could only watch an hour of it because it's boring" fine. But you are saying it's a bad movie and not well done without even watching it all. In all the movies I have watched I think there have only been 4-5 movies I have ever not completely watched and turned off because they are so bad, 3 of them being sh!tty B grade movies.
