7.8 is a farcical rating for this utter mediocrity.
It's actually insulting to so many better fioks with lower ratings. The fact that it's (arguably) slightly better than the 2nd and 3rd sequels is nothing to boast about.
shareIt's actually insulting to so many better fioks with lower ratings. The fact that it's (arguably) slightly better than the 2nd and 3rd sequels is nothing to boast about.
shareIt's a woke remake of A New Hope. Nothing more.
shareI imagine it'll take a very, very long time for that rating to dip down. It's because everyone 10/10-bombed it when it first came out; this movie at one point had an 8.3 and was firmly in the IMDb Top 250 for about a year. But those people never logged back in to lower or adjust their ratings. I'm just grateful it's no longer in the Top 250. Now THAT was a farce.