Please give me an honest answer

Is there seriously anyone else out there who actually likes this movie?

I get that back in 2015 you people drank the Kool Aid and fanboyed in your pants over it because you wanted it to be good, but I’m wondering if the Kool Aid and the Nostalgic fan service has worn off by now so are you seeing things objectively now?


I loved it and still do now. I saw it 3 times in the cinema, thought it was great. No complaints from me.


Weird, but OK. I've seen it a total of 4 times in my life and I don't ever want to see it again. I think I've seen Maurler's Unbridled Rage video more than I've seen the actual film.


Weird, wtf ? Just cos someone’s got a different opinion than you.


I think it's weird you like this movie, but it doesn't matter what I think, all that matters is that you like it.


Well in that case a hell of a lot of people are weird then because a hell of a lot of people like this film!

You asked for people’s opinions on this film and that’s what they’ve given you so you should just accept it and move on.


I did and now I'm giving my opinion. You should just accept it and move on. I don't need you on my thread so you won't be hurting me or anything.


Why you even bothered asking a question on this site is beyond me, you obviously can’t be arsed to accept other people’s opinions so why bother!


If my responses bother you so much no one is putting a gun to your head and forcing you to respond to me.


But you are asking for other peoples opinions and then blatantly not accepting them. You are totally contradicting yourself.


Just because I ask your opinion doesn't mean I have to agree with it.


Why insult someone because he liked the movie? Are you that insecure and scared that people actually liked the movie? Fuck is your problem? Just deal with it , millions liked the movie, a smaller minority didnt.


I didn’t insult him, I just gave him my opinion as he gave me his. Also I’d love to see your data that backs up your assertions. Any data from 2015 is also irrelevant to my OP because I never asserted everyone hated it in 2015.


Its rated highly, deal with it , thats a fact , although that obviously something that upsets you, you cant change facts.


A) I never said it wasn't B) That is completely irrelevant in terms of my OP C) I never got "upset" about anything however you have been pitching quit the bitch fit over me not liking it.


You wanted peoples opinion if they still thought TFA was a good movie and the majority of the responses have said yes, yet you continue to insult people calling them weird. Not everyone hates the movies you do, so go and create a thread on another board and discuss the movies you like instead of acting like your the overlord of whats good and whats bad.


Actually there have been quite a lot of people who said they don't like it despite initially liking it in 2015, that was my point, in 2015 everyone just wanted to like Star Wars and were so excited because they could see Star Wars again on the big screen that it blinded their objectivity preventing them from seeing how flawed this movie is.

I didn't insult anyone, you just can't handle it that not everyone likes this trash movie. Get over yourself.


I never liked it from the first viewing - I saw through the rehash nostalgia bait and could easily see what was to come.

Not only the worst SW film but one of the worst film's period.


Its not the worst film ever nor is it the worst starwars film, the last jedi or TPM is


Oh yes it is! The entire Star Wars franchise is one huge fucking train wreck after another, and I'm obviously not the only one who thinks that. Accept it, people hate Star Wars. Game, Set, Match!


Wrong again , statistically its the most popular trilogy after the OT, thats a fact , then we have the magnificent mandalorian thats scored high with critics and audiences, we have book of boba fett , obi wan series, these are going to blow people away. You should check the audience scores on various websites. The DCEU, now thats a fucking train wreck , last 4 movies made around 120 million at the box office, thats a cluster fuck right there.

So to summarise, star wars is alive and kicking, the DCEU is doa.

You lost today kid, but that doesnt mean you have to like it.


I'll pay that last quote, at least til Indy 5 comes out 😀.

I dislike TFA the most because it set up the ST nonsensically. But granted Round Head couldn't have made a worse Ep8 if he tried (I'm pretty sure he was trying).


It's just kind of there. I went to see it a few times just to enjoy the 3D experience, especially when I got to see it in 3D IMAX with Laser Projection.

But the film is just pretty "meh." I thought so the first time I saw it in 2D. Luckily, I was volunteering at what turned out my final chance to see Tony Bennett live in concert that night. So I quickly forgot about the Jar Jar Abrams thing he manufactured.


I said I'd never watch it again after the theater viewing but recently I did as I was watching all the others in order. It wasn't the worst movie ever but it could have been a lot better. I thought parts of Episodes I-III were painfully bad and the last three were mostly just passable. The original middle three are best.


its good if already given up on star wars, i did after prequels and special editions becoming the true version
