Rey is a Mary Sue.

Name one character trait of hers that isn't "good at everything". Seriously, try.

She mastered flight, Jedi Force skills, lightsaber forms, how to operate and repair antique ships, and beat trained Jedi-types at lightsaber and Force combat by the time she was 5 and dumped on jakkoff.

Is she an anime character?

She doesn't have a character arc, has no presence in the movie, is completely flat yet is also perfect in every way. Oh, and not to mention that everyone loves her, and the Resistance trusts her with a sensitive mission and details within 5 minutes of meeting her.

I hope we see less of her and more of Kylo or Finn


Sorry, I'll only take this seriously once there have been 45,672 threads about it....

Please stop.








Omg yes he was so boring flat.. and just good at literally EVERYTHING.. you don't care about her or have any investment in her character or arc or story... you just done... its like she's just there doing stuff randomly.

Also.. anakin was also good at almost everything.. but THIS WAS EXPLAINED WHY.... he was born from the force itself... AND ALSO.. he didn`t just learn everything instantly.. and become good at it instantly.... no... he learned the normal way people do..he didint just become born and then good a fixing things and flying ships.. and all that.. he got put into w workshop where he does those things and became good at them and by practice and teaching.. and trial and error.. and training for years.. and after then since he had most powerful connection to the force ever.. then it showed that he was really specially and good at everything.. so it more acceptable..



Anakin wasnt good at almost everything. He had skills that he built over the years. Rey went to Jedi Knight level in a single movie and managed to at the same time not simply defeat but DOMINATE a trained Dark Side user.


Neither Luke or Anakin were Mary Sues (Gary Stus). They both failed a lot and had to work to achieve things. Rey just has to turn on her "Awesome- can do anything i need to do in any given situation" switch.

Search your feelings, you know it to be true.


Neither Luke or Anakin were Mary Sues (Gary Stus). They both failed a lot and had to work to achieve things. Rey just has to turn on her "Awesome- can do anything i need to do in any given situation" switch.

I guess you missed when she ran away from Luke's lightsaber and then got captured.


I guess you missed when she ran away from Luke's lightsaber and then got captured.

Brief setback where she promptly rescues herself by inexplicable means, only reinforcing her Mary Suesness.

Search your feelings, you know it to be true.


Brief setback where she promptly rescues herself by inexplicable means, only reinforcing her Mary Suesness.

Oh well then, Luke being unable to raise his ship from the swamp was just a brief setback.


Oh well then, Luke being unable to raise his ship from the swamp was just a brief setback.

LOL! How did you figure that? Yoda had to step in and do it for him. Then Luke recklessly goes to face Vader, gets badly beaten and maimed, is left helpless dangling from an antenna until Leia rescues him. The end

Search your feelings, you know it to be true.


Don't bother trying to reason with ruby, she is absolutely out of her mind on this subject of TFA. The lengths she goes to in order to justify the nonsense of TFA ranges from absurd to preposterous and often includes no knowledge, logic, critical thinking, or any bases in reality.

Just look at her response to you calling out the Rey being captured a set back. Her response in trying, pathetically,, to compare this to Luke's multiple failures leading to his complete defeat by films end does not make any sense nor hold any logic of how one can even come to such a conclusion.


Yeah, I got that. Some people are just in a world of her own on this subject, misguided by emotion & ideology who you couldn't convince water is wet.

Search your feelings, you know it to be true.


The truly disturbing part is the fact I have not been on these boards in about 4 months, since july when they deactivated the internet at work. I have better things to do at home so I come here only at work to kill time when nothing is going on. Now they internet is back on, for now, so I am back.

but Ruby in the last 4 months has not made one bit of progress. She is stating the exact same lousy underdeveloped arguments again and again that have already been inarguably refuted months ago and yet she remains committed to repeating her poor arguments and does not even offer anything new or different or even paraphrased to give her argument any substance. it is just the same nonsense repeated over and over. It is disturbing that someone has that kind of time to waste. Think about what she could have done with her time if she spent that much on something meaningful.


nakin wasnt good at almost everything. He had skills that he built over the years. Rey went to Jedi Knight level in a single movie and managed to at the same time not simply defeat but DOMINATE a trained Dark Side user.

Anakin? Are you talking about the kid who built C3PO and his racing pod, won a pod race, and blew up the Trade Federation's control ship?


He was working as a slave to a trader who traded machines. It is logical that he would have to learn some things about machines to do his job properly. And he did that for years without the freedom to fail due to the fact he was a slave. So for him to built C3PO and his racer wasnt that odd. And its not like he built those things overnight. Took him years or at least months to complete them.

As for the pod race. It was stated that he had participated many times in the event so he had some small experience. Add the fact of his hightened senses due to his connection to the Force and you get a victory.

As for thet control ship. I agree that it wasnt the most logical thing. However it was a feat done by a child. Literally a 10 year old so for the sake of light fantasy and child dream it can become acceptable.

If you are going to reply please for the love of the Force dont call me a misogynist or racist again. I have never used gender as an argument in any of my posts and i think its unfair to insult me without proof.


Anakin was 9 years old, and he built C3PO and that pod racer. And fans complain about Rey's mechanical abilities. She's ten years older. But hey, I'm fine with his abilities, the same with Luke's, and they are every bit as impressive as Rey's abilities.


Luke's and Anakin's abilities match their background even if extraordinary or silly (Anakin), Rey's abilities do not match her background. So shut up idiot.


He was working as a slave to a trader who traded machines. It is logical that he would have to learn some things about machines to do his job properly.
Rey was working for a scrap dealer who sold spaceships as a sideline. It does not follow automatically that he would have had occasional jobs piloting them around--he never had that many flying jobs to create a full time position, or that Rey would have taken the jobs when they became available; but anyone who can't see the possibility needs to be spoonfed.

This picture contains no physical depiction of the Godhead.


Rey was working for a scrap dealer who sold spaceships as a sideline. It does not follow automatically that he would have had occasional jobs piloting them around

Without somekind of exposition offered no, it does not logically follow that he would specifically hire one of the scrapers to do the flying for him.

Pray tell in your mind how did the first time he 'hired' her play out? Did she get lesson prior to being hired? if so by whom? when? how often did she fly that enabled her to pull the stunts she does in the falcoln?

With luke we know exactly what his flying credintials were long before we see him pilot anything. And when he does he makes a lot of mistakes and nearly gets killed 3 or 4 times do to his inexperience with that particular aircraft and needs to be saved by others all of those times. His accomplishments perfectly match his given background.

With Rey no background is given, so the audience is forced to make assumptions. Unfortunetly given the setting, plot and given character none of those assumptions are even logical.

I really do not see how Rey appoligiest such as yourself ignore these story qualities.


Rey already knew how to pilot and repair ships at the start of the movie. It wasn't something she just suddenly could do.

She also has some fighting skills, but doesn't ever seem a master with a lightsaber.

So how does she beat Kylo Ren? The Force guides her, just as it guided Luke to destroy the Deathstar. They clear their minds and the Force lets them do the impossible.

The only real point on contention would be her using the Jedi mind trick, but we have no way of knowing how long it takes to master the ability, we don't know if it worked the first time he tried it or not only that Luke completely mastered it by himself in under a year.

Luke was also trusted with an important mission without anybody knowing him.

Again though it's not to do with Mary Sue's or Gary Stu's; it's simply the will of the Force.


Being a scavenger doesn't translate into knowing how to repair and pilot ships. If she has those skills, why the fvck is she still a dirt poor scavenger? And she never left her planet or went into hyperspace until she did and suddenly she knew how to fix the hyperdrive on the Falcon.

Fighting skills? Fighting backwater bums like her on a backwater planet doesn't say much. And the first time she wields a lightsaber she fared far better than Finn who is a soldier with years of combat training. And a quarter-staff DOES NOT translate into fencing/sword-fighting.

For fvcks sake Luke and Rey are in entirely different situations when it came to being guided by the Force in their first movie. Luke gets a basic outline of the Force and how to use it basically intuitively by a Jedi Master. Luke also has amateur training in piloting and shooting back on Tatooine so the Force didn't do it alone. And Luke was using the Force against a non-Force-sensitive Death Star, not another Force User. Rey has no Jedi Master, no training or experience in any relevant skills, and she managed to overpower Kylo Ren in lightsaber-fighting and Force-using. Kylo Ren, compared to Rey, has training and experience and skill and power in everything Rey does not.
If clearing their minds and letting the Force guide the is all thats needed, then why the fvck didn't Obi-Wan win against Vader? Why the fvck didn't Luke win against Vader? I'll tell you why. Because Luke wasn't ready and he needed more training and experience to develop himself.

What a way to downgrade the Mind Trick.

Luke was trusted BECAUSE Leia knows him by then, his friend Biggs vouches for his skills, AND the Rebellion desperately needed pilots.

*beep* the "will of the Force". If thats true, then there's no suspense or tension. Training and experience is a waste of time.

"Not all change is progress, as not all movement is forward."


Fighting skills? Fighting backwater bums like her on a backwater planet doesn't say much. And the first time she wields a lightsaber she fared far better than Finn who is a soldier with years of combat training. And a quarter-staff DOES NOT translate into fencing/sword-fighting.

I would like to add the point that most of the fans' assumptions about Rey's fighting experience are projections and not actually suggested by the film.

In fact what is suggested by the film is that those on Jakuu avoided fighting and Rey does not get into any fights until she has the droid and Unkar tries to steal it. Compare that with Luke on tatooine, he gets into 2 fights; sandpeople and at the bar.

According to what is actually shown on film, tatooine is a more dangerous environment.

But the TFA fans' ignore this and project this idea that Rey fought everyday to survive in bloody hand to hand and staff fighting off hordes of enemies just for a few more blue chips. None of this is in the film but hey, it fits their assumptions, projection and wish fulfillment so they ignore facts to suite their feelings.

This is becoming more and more common in a world that would rather believe a fantasy that feels good instead of the hard often insensitive reality.


Well yeah. Jakku appears to be very sparsely populated with no heavily urban environment/settlement. If she grew up in a Mos Eisley type hive of scum and villainy then there would be a decent explanation but no. Its so utterly provincial and rural. Hell, that little alien scavenger just gave up an expensive looking droid without a fight. What kind of "survival of the fittest" environment is Jakku?

"Not all change is progress, as not all movement is forward."


Yup, it is good that some recognize this. I agree if she grew up in a rough Mos Eisley "type" environment her character would make a whole lot more sense.

I just find what we got annoying for 2 reasons. the first being the character was so wrong for what we know about her that is absolutely destroyed the credibility of the story. and the second the fan devotion based of wish fulfillment and projection makes impactful critical inspection and review almost impossible. too many people had their fantasy fulfilled and agenda's appeased, especially feminist, so no amount of good critical analysis matters to them.

The second annoyance is the worse because it means going forward more and more studios will continue doing this, turn out lousy products that suites the agenda and fantasy of the audience and make no attempt at all at clever and creative story telling. It is watching the death of good cinema in real time.


I would like to add the point that most of the fans' assumptions about Rey's fighting experience are projections and not actually suggested by the film.
Translation based on what I know of Saviodium: "most of the fans' assumptions about Rey's fighting experience are projections and not actually spoonfed by the film."
In fact what is suggested by the film is that those on Jakuu avoided fighting and Rey does not get into any fights until she has the droid and Unkar tries to steal it.
We see two fights in that scene. The first is Rey against Teedo, a creature with such a slow metabolism that she thinks it's okay for her to send BB-8 on its way while he's still in earshot. I cannot say that Plutt's thugs are more typical of the fights that Rey finds herself in, but neither can Saviodium say that every prior combatant is like Teedo. I think the reason he's so obstinate is because he has little actual evidence for his belief that Rey's a Mary Sue, so he must dumb down everything, hoping people won't see that it's his posts that make it look dumb and not the movie itself.

This picture contains no physical depiction of the Godhead.


Translation based on what I know of Saviodium: "most of the fans' assumptions about Rey's fighting experience are projections and not actually spoonfed by the film."

Okay name your evidence that Rey has fighting experience.

We see two fights in that scene. The first is Rey against Teedo, a creature with such a slow metabolism that she thinks it's okay for her to send BB-8 on its way while he's still in earshot.

That in no way was a fight. I do not even know what that was. She finds BB-8 in the net than steals it from Teedo without him offering any kind of resistance. How in your mind does that constitute a fight?

I cannot say that Plutt's thugs are more typical of the fights that Rey finds herself in, but neither can Saviodium say that every prior combatant is like Teedo.

Exactly, you are not even arguing against my points. No one can make any kind of guesses or assertions about Rey's experiences because the film offered nothing to go on. This is not a lack of "spoonfeding" this is a lack of logic, common sense, story and character development. It is just bad writing.

I think the reason he's so obstinate is because he has little actual evidence for his belief that Rey's a Mary Sue, so he must dumb down everything, hoping people won't see that it's his posts that make it look dumb and not the movie itself.

Ah and here come the fallacies, attack the critic and not the criticism. It is much easier to invalidate an argument by discrediting your opponent, much harder is coming up with arguments that refute their points.

The reasons Rey is a mary Sue have been listed probably thousands of times now. I will go over them again breifly.

1. Good at everything often without explanation. Name one skill she is not immmediately good at, even after her first time trying.

2. Loved or reverred by everyone. Name one character that was not immediately infatuated with her.

3. Skills and abilities suit the plot when needed. Name one character that could previously speak binary droid language. How does she understand wookie, i did not see any wookies around Jakuu? Luke did not speak wookie or droid.

4. Surpases established characters. She flies and fixes the falcoln better than Han. Becomes the captain without explanation. gets hug from Leia.

5. The film revolved around her. she even surpases the Maguffin device of finding the map by mid way of the film, I do not think I have ever scene a character overtake a maguffin before.

6. Never needs to be rescued. Every situation she either gets herself out of or overcomes all obsticles wihtout much effort (this makes the abilities and skills seem unearned and any intelligent person would find this annoying).

pretty much the only quality of Mary Sue Rey does not meet is dying at the end, but there is still 2 movies. I agree with many others that use of the term is fully justified.

Now I know your next argument will be wait to see the next movies they will explain. 2 problems with that.

1. Any explanation at this point will seem retroactive like they are trying to 'fix it'. that will more than likely hinder the story moving forward.

2. The plot of TFA depends on her and her skills and abilities to make sense, without explanation or at least a suggestion of how those abilities just came to her the character that the plot depends on loses relevance to the story and the story loses credibility.


We see two fights in that scene. The first is Rey against Teedo, a creature with such a slow metabolism that she thinks it's okay for her to send BB-8 on its way while he's still in earshot.
That in no way was a fight. I do not even know what that was. She finds BB-8 in the net than steals it from Teedo without him offering any kind of resistance.
If someone tries to steal your car; and another person hears the alarm go off and fights the first person; who are you going to call a thief? By your logic, the second person, the one who tried to stop the theft, was the criminal.
I cannot say that Plutt's thugs are more typical of the fights that Rey finds herself in, but neither can Saviodium say that every prior combatant is like Teedo.
Exactly, you are not even arguing against my points. No one can make any kind of guesses or assertions about Rey's experiences because the film offered nothing to go on. This is not a lack of "spoonfeding" this is a lack of logic, common sense, story and character development. It is just bad writing.
Your assertion as to other people's capacity to make guesses is not realistic, and in fact insulting.

As for not arguing against your point, I was saying that I find room to disagree, a courtesy that you don't extend to others.
1. Good at everything often without explanation. Name one skill she is not immmediately good at, even after her first time trying.
That assumes the first time we see her do anything is the first time she tried it. Can you point to anything in the text where she hadn't flown before? You're criticizing people for making assumptions, but this is a huge assumption.
2. Loved or reverred by everyone. Name one character that was not immediately infatuated with her.
When Snoke learns that she picked Kylo's mind, he says, "Bring her to me," in a menacing tone. Aren't you making an assumption that Snoke was infatuated?
3. Skills and abilities suit the plot when needed. Name one character that could previously speak binary droid language. How does she understand wookie, i did not see any wookies around Jakuu?
You're equating an absence of evidence as evidence of absence. I find it easy to follow that scavenging one Jakku used to be more prosperous. It is very possible that she had met wookiees before.
4. Surpases established characters. She flies and fixes the falcoln better than Han.
So Han is supposed to be up to date on all the modifications to a spaceship he hadn't seen in decades? Unless he finds the manual (which probably never existed), his knowing of all the updates would make him a Gary Stu.
5. The film revolved around her. she even surpases the Maguffin device of finding the map by mid way of the film, I do not think I have ever scene a character overtake a maguffin before.
So how did she know that BB-8 was carrying the map?
6. Never needs to be rescued. Every situation she either gets herself out of or overcomes all obsticles wihtout much effort (this makes the abilities and skills seem unearned and any intelligent person would find this annoying).
So how did she get off of Starkiller Base? She did escape from the interrogation room, but if Han hadn't spotted her, she would still have been on the base when it blew up.

This picture contains no physical depiction of the Godhead.


If someone tries to steal your car; and another person hears the alarm go off and fights the first person; who are you going to call a thief? By your logic, the second person, the one who tried to stop the theft, was the criminal.

What does that have to do with anything? Your claim was that what took place between Rey and Teeto was a fight. I told you how you are wrong and it was not a fight.

But anyway, it was not theft in the first place. They were all scavengers and BB-8 apparently had no owner to claim it. Teeto had every right to claim it as much as Rey did to sell it for food. But that does not matter because they did not fight for it. Rey yelled at him and he fled. Not a fight.

Your assertion as to other people's capacity to make guesses is not realistic, and in fact insulting.

As for not arguing against your point, I was saying that I find room to disagree, a courtesy that you don't extend to others.

I find it annoying that people try to make guesses with nothing to go on. because they are baseless guesses and speculation trying pathetically to justify a bad movie and poor writing. I have no problem with people taking guesses when there is evidence to support the theories. TFA offers no such evidence and I find it insulting to the intellect that people such as you go to such great lengths to justify a bad movie.

I do extend that courtesy to others when they deserve. Most TFA fans do not. Finding a common ground to disagree upon as to be earned not given. Make an argument worth a damn and I will find terms to disagree peacefully on. You have not made such an argument as of yet.

That assumes the first time we see her do anything is the first time she tried it. Can you point to anything in the text where she hadn't flown before? You're criticizing people for making assumptions, but this is a huge assumption.

Umm the movie flat out tells us that it was her first time flying the falcoln. And her first time great at everything extended to everything that we know was her first times (force powers, lightsaber, and blasters). All of this is blatantly in the film.

See why I have a hard time taking any of your points seriously? You have yet to make a good point.

When Snoke learns that she picked Kylo's mind, he says, "Bring her to me," in a menacing tone. Aren't you making an assumption that Snoke was infatuated?

this is just stupid. If he was not intrigued and infatuated he would have just told Kylo to kill her. come on use you head.

No snoke just heard about her abilities and immediately took interest without even meeting her. Again that is definition Sue writing.

You're equating an absence of evidence as evidence of absence. I find it easy to follow that scavenging one Jakku used to be more prosperous. It is very possible that she had met wookiees before.

Wrong, the previous 6 movies show evidence to the contrary. Luke, Obi-wan, Leia and all characters could not speak Droid or Wookie (only Han understood him because they were partners). there is no absence of evidence. THE EVIDENCE IS COMPELLING.

I find your argument of her meeting wookies on Jakku absolutely preposterous because we have no evidence of any wookie being present. This is a religious like argument. Actually worse than a religious argument because at least scriptures claim divine involvement, TFA does not even make claims of wookie being on Jakku. So how can you justify such a blatantly baseless claim?

So Han is supposed to be up to date on all the modifications to a spaceship he hadn't seen in decades? Unless he finds the manual (which probably never existed), his knowing of all the updates would make him a Gary Stu.

No, no you are doing this all wrong. I can make a better argument than you can supporting your position. In the previous movies Han was never all that great at repairing the Falcoln anyway. See that is a good argument.

Now in regards to yours. Rey claimed the falcoln was a piece of garbage suggesting she did not spend that much time on it. And the new 'modifications' was a plot contrivance to show off her abilities. Think about it, if it was such a piece of garbage ship why was unkaar spending time and money updating it? Again use your head.

So how did she know that BB-8 was carrying the map?

that has nothing to do with my argument. I will clarify. In terms of 'prestige' and importance and film focus. by mid-way through the film Rey becomes more important than finding the map to Luke (which is the maguffin device). So the character and her being just so interesting and important surpassed a weak writing tool that is designed to be an easy way of pushing a plot forward.

Her not knowing BB-8 had the map has no relevance what so ever to the overarching plot and the way others react to both her and the device.

So how did she get off of Starkiller Base? She did escape from the interrogation room, but if Han hadn't spotted her, she would still have been on the base when it blew up.

Umm she is the one that deactivated the shields. If Han did not find her the base never would have blown up. If she hadn't met up with them she would have not needed to get to the falcoln to escape. She is a pilot and I am sure given the abilities she displayed could have bypassed any security measures and stolen a ship to escape. but that is more theoretical. The getting off starkiller base is beside the point because she was not in immediate danger to an immediate threat. the death star 3.0 blowing up was incidental. It is an extreme stretch to say she was rescued by Chewie. But you TFA apologist are really flexible in your stretching.


For fvcks sake Luke and Rey are in entirely different situations when it came to being guided by the Force in their first movie. Luke gets a basic outline of the Force and how to use it basically intuitively by a Jedi Master. Luke also has amateur training in piloting and shooting back on Tatooine so the Force didn't do it alone. And Luke was using the Force against a non-Force-sensitive Death Star, not another Force User. Rey has no Jedi Master, no training or experience in any relevant skills, and she managed to overpower Kylo Ren in lightsaber-fighting and Force-using. Kylo Ren, compared to Rey, has training and experience and skill and power in everything Rey does not.
If clearing their minds and letting the Force guide the is all thats needed, then why the fvck didn't Obi-Wan win against Vader? Why the fvck didn't Luke win against Vader? I'll tell you why. Because Luke wasn't ready and he needed more training and experience to develop himself.

I have this strange sense of deja-vu.


Being a scavenger doesn't translate into knowing how to repair and pilot ships. If she has those skills, why the fvck is she still a dirt poor scavenger? And she never left her planet or went into hyperspace until she did and suddenly she knew how to fix the hyperdrive on the Falcon.
Here's a concept for you to grasp: the Business Cycle. The economy goes great for a while, then it doesn't; and people who had trained for jobs in demand at the peak can't find work at the trough. I remember, back in the mid-1970s, lots of teachers couldn't find work because the schools weren't hiring.

Jakku was in a permanent state of depression--the scavenging of the hulks left behind after the Battle of Jakku had pretty much cleaned out everything. I would think that most of the scavengers had traded labor for transportation, but Rey felt obligated to stay on the planet.

Unkar Plutt did have a sideline of selling spaceships, but didn't have many customers any more. I believe that he had occasionally needed to hire a pilot, and that Rey would sometimes get these jobs; but Plutt didn't have enough work to hire her full time.

Call Rey insane for not being able to leave Jakku, but the rest of your critique shows an unwillingness to exert even a little imagination. I've seen so many posters here who demand to be spoonfed, I'm convinced that you guys don't want to give up on your Mary Sue narrative, so you don't think about anything that would interfere with it, even if it makes you look like dullards.

This picture contains no physical depiction of the Godhead.


and how did she learn to be a pilot to be hired in the first place? What Unkaar just say, "you there, girl, you look like and strong independent and interesting woman. you will go pilot my ships to the selling yard."

You do not hire someone untrained. So she has experience flying working for unkaar, but what made her able to be considered to be a pilot in the first place? uncle Unkaar give her lessons in between scavenging?

See why this sort of empty development leads to endless baseless speculations? That is why it is poorly written script and the character sucked.


and how did she learn to be a pilot to be hired in the first place? What Unkaar just say, "you there, girl, you look like and strong independent and interesting woman. you will go pilot my ships to the selling yard."
Is it really that hard to figure out that Rey learned everything she could in order to get such a job? Do you need to be shown that back when Jakku was at least a little prosperous, Rey could team up with trained pilots to learn how to do it? Why shouldn't I criticize you for laziness? I've speculated that you were so committed to the Mary Sue narrative that you were excluding contrary evidence; but now it seems you don't want to expend the energy to find any evidence one way or the other.

This picture contains no physical depiction of the Godhead.


Is it really that hard to figure out that Rey learned everything she could in order to get such a job? Do you need to be shown that back when Jakku was at least a little prosperous, Rey could team up with trained pilots to learn how to do it? Why shouldn't I criticize you for laziness? I've speculated that you were so committed to the Mary Sue narrative that you were excluding contrary evidence; but now it seems you don't want to expend the energy to find any evidence one way or the other.

Okay there is literally not one shred of evidence to support any of your theories and you think my unwillingness to fill in the holes left by crappy writers is laziness?

You are so dedicated to liking Rey and TFA as a whole you jump through what ever gaps of logic you have to justify it and you claim I am the one with an issue?

Well with the length you go to validate you own skewed opinion I cannot accuse you of laziness, just stupidity.


Name one character trait of hers that isn't "good at everything". Seriously, try.

She doesn't act like a convincing human being - she always has this pouty stare going on in every situation. She may be some type of force savant - like the Rainman of all things Star Wars.


That is a failing on the actress and not the character I suspect. I honestly do not know what people liked about her performance. I thought it sucked.


I think the problem is that there were too many people "charmed" by her posh British theater accent and unblemished face (despite not really fitting the character's based on her environment) to see that her acting was actually fairly flat & outright bad in some cases.

Search your feelings, you know it to be true.



Daisy had 2 things going for her. One, if people liked the character enough they typically ignore the acting itself. If it is a badly written character a good performance can override bad writing. Daisy did not do a good job so the poor character writing stands out, but extreme fans and feminist will ignore both criticisms to suite their biased.

2 as you said people were "charmed" by her and ignored her performance because the actress managed to make them feel good.


She's an attractive retard, I recon. Pretty lady with a dopey stare, kind of the blonde of brunettes :D


Personally I do not find her the least bit attractive. Forehead is too big, jaw to wide, her eyes a pretty beady but also have a dooey look to them, check bones come far but are not proportionately wide, I do not like her lips or her smile.

Yeah agree with you about the dopey stare. She looks dumb.


Perhaps my tastes have mellowed also, I found her pretty enough.

Years ago, when I was a copper, I worked with this older copper and this young WPC. The WPC had the hots for me and I wasn't interested, was critical of her looks and such. The older copper said, "When you get to my age, anything under 25 starts looking good." He may have been half right :D


Luckily for me I married a sexy Asian and they age very well. My mother in law is almost around 45 and still looks great. I have at least 25 years of my wife looking good. I will be an old hairy fat broken old fart and she will still be sexy as hell. I feel kinda bad for her. lol So hopefully I never get to the point to were my standards drop as a result of my age.


*beep* off. Nobody wants to know that.

I shall be known from now on as the Black Vegetable


haha fake


I hope this trilogy will die. And a new one will be spawned instead. This movie is utter garbage.

I shall be known from now on as the Black Vegetable
