Re: The cop

I'm not believing for a second that he could get the drop like that on that cop. Especially when he was already suspicious of the entire situation. He came across as a man who took no shit but end up getting jacked anyway. It was unbelievable for me.

Movie was okay and had some good suspense. I didn't like the ending. It felt sudden and it makes me wonder why so many movies end so abruptly and let you fill in the blanks.


Yeah the cop was obviously on alert, he wouldn't be taking his attention away from the very weird acting guy enough to get slugged like that.

Also, what were the guy's intentions in towing his car away from the tree? What was he planning to do then?


Good question. That made no sense, either.


I actually rolled my eyes as soon as Richard grabbed the towing cable. How many times has this been done?!
I also rolled my eyes when I realised the cop was alone. In reality, cops are always with a partner. In all the movies where a cop gets jacked right before saving the victim, if they had their partners with them, all those victims would have been saved! It's so cliche!


Cops are definitely not always with a partner


Even on a call out regarding someone acting suspicious or suspicious circumstances, isn't it caution to not go alone? Being on the beat alone is one thing, but going alone to a potentially dangerous situation is another.
