so I couldn't quite give it a 7/10 for that reason.
You really don't watch that many horror movies, do you ? I mean everyone's got his/her opinion, but really ? How would you rate Insidious, Conjuring or some other good horror classics ? 12/10 ?
That movie was insanely bad and probably one of the worst PA movies, i simply can't remember what the other titles of this franchise were all about.
So many moments without any logic in this on, i don't even know where to start.
If they pick up all that religious stuff and exorcism they have to do it right. It was stated that Tobi might be a prince of hell and all they got in this movie to stand up against this force of hell is ONE priest ? The catholic church has an arsenal of weapons and soldiers prepared for this, but they probably just didn't care... Then there was almost no preparation for that ritual at the end, they obviously did not watch Supernatural. Not to mention that the protagonists never heared of "flashlights".
The movie could have been a lot better, if they just didn't pick up all those satanic elements. The 3D was unnecessary, the CGI was bad. The plot had holes and the dialogues were so boring, I dont even want to start blaming the actors.
I rated this movie in its genre 2/10; overall considering the mass of movies out there it's probably just a 1/10. Just another bad PA movie, better go watch "The Vatican Tapes", cause it takes only one movie to tell basically the same story instead of five.