Stop With the Jump Scares!

This is the most over-used device in horror by far. It's tired, a cliche, and just a cheap easy way to scare (or attempt to scare the audience). I lost count at how many jump scares were in this film, which weren't scary because anyone watching was expecting them to happen.


I'll give them credit that at least the jump scares fit in with what is happening on screen. The worst to me is when the jump scare comes from the loud music effect and not what is physically happening. The original Resident Evil had a scene where they played really loud music when a zombie's eyes opened. The zombie's eyes opening wasn't scary and was in fact predictable, but the loud music that accompanied it startled me. I've even seen two or three movies where the loud music startled me without me ever actually "seeing" what was supposed to have scared me. This would happen when my eyes weren't focused where the filmmaker wanted, something appeared that I didn't see, and then I jump when the jump scare music played, leaving me wondering what the hell I was supposed to have been scared of.


Even when I KNEW they were coming.. the bastards STILL got me. Seriously.. wtf!
I HAD to turn my lamp on to finish watching! lol 😈


I know, I actually yelled "BOO!" every time I expected a jump scare to happen and got them all : ALL of them!

I nearly died of laughter, every single time it was so obvious that it was going to happen, that's how predictable this movie was.


Worked every time.

What's best in life ?


I agree, one more thing, I am watching the movie right now, I can´t believe that when they caught the ghost stalking or watching the little girl, the men decide to film instead of running from the house and preserving the life of the little girl! if you catch that ghost on camera, wouldn´t you take the girl and leave the house?!!??
only in movies... disgusting..


I find them an unimaginative way of making us up jump. They are used too often, and do nothing to add suspense to a movie. Make me jump because I'm scared, not because you shout BOO


They annoy me more than anything. I hate jump scares and too feel that it's a cheap device. Which is why when I think one is coming, I'll mute my tv and just read the captions.

I love suspense, and find it way scarier than cheap shots via jumpscares.

I don't want the world. I just want your half.
