And not to mention California was where Paranormal Activity 3 took place, I was actually confused because of how it was labelled a Latino spin-off which made it sound as if the area was set in a location populated by latinos and mexicans, as in Mexico, yet the main characters discover the connections of Jessie's mother and Anna to Grandma Lois, then they actually go to Lois's house at the end which I could never understand, but I went back and saw that the time-signature at the start says 'Oxnard CA' meaning that it was in fact the same location of PA3 but in a different area as you said, and most likely filled with many Covens that link directly to the Midwives Coven that made the deal with Toby.
Yeah, it really was a sequel, rather than a spin-off or 'cousin' to the series, I mean we saw Ali Rey after 2006 who is probably on the hunt for Hunter (pun not intended) and has become more knowledgeable of Toby's Coven and what Toby requires the first born males for, giving this knowledge to Marisol and Hector to help Jessie from losing to the Demon, and the Demon that took over Jessie was Toby, right? Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't the Demon that took Jessie write 'MEUS' on his bedroom wall?
And the filming style and editing was so much like the previous films, the CGI was actually even better, those black eyes and the 'bugs' crawling within Oscar's skin as he shows the bite mark to Jessie? Chills... and we even got a more closer glimpse of Toby, remember that scene in the basement where Jessie is looking for his dog but is caught off guard by Katie and Kristi who tell him 'He's Ready For You' which they are probably hinting that the 'He' is Toby, then he sees a horned dark figure in the distance and it precedes to attack him, which I guess we can assume that it was Toby?