Got WORSE reviews than the film it was made to "reboot"...
... and so the people who made it shout "FULL SPEED AHEAD!!!!" and greenlit a SEQUEL, which is coming in 2023. They couldn't afford to get Nic Cage back, so they talked Kevin Sorbo into doing Left Behind 2.
Left Behind (2000) with Kirk Cameron has a 16% score on RT. Left Behind (2014) has an absolute rock bottom 0% score on RT.
Reminds me of the mindset the people behind the Snyderverse. Man of Steel got WORSE reviews than the "failed" Superman Returns? FULL SPEED AHEAD!!!!! Hire back the same people to make ANOTHER one, only this time we'll add BATMAN!!! Batman v. Superman got even WORSE reviews than Man of Steel? Hire 'em back to make JUSTICE LEAGUE!!! Justice league failed? Restore the Snyderverse!!! It will be awesome ANY day now...