MovieChat Forums > Masterminds (2016) Discussion > Went to Screening of Masterminds

Went to Screening of Masterminds

After watching the trailer I wasn't too excited going in, but I have to admit that this movie destroyed my expectations. What an absolutely hysterical movie. Me as well as everyone who was asked to stay behind to answer questions agreed that it was in fact a very good movie. I laughed so hard throughout the whole thing. If you're a fan of the cast you'll love the movie. Kate McKinnon, with what little she's in, steals the movie every time she comes on. Her performance alone is worth paying for. I highly recommend seeing this movie if you're looking for a good laugh.


Agreed, i saw a screening a few months ago,and my only criticism was that it needed more Kate McKinnon. Sounds like they ignored my advice. Still pretty funny throughout, i really enjoyed it.

all work and no play make jack a dull boy.


What will this end up being rated?


I don't remember anything too raunchy or offensive, my guess is PG13

all work and no play make jack a dull boy.


How do you get into movie screenings? Have you gone to any in the past?


Just walk around in the tourist areas of Los Angeles. Someone will offer you screening tickets.


With the exception of Mad Max, every movie ive seen this year has been a free preview. I get emails, or passes whenever I'm near a movie theater

all work and no play make jack a dull boy.




Damn really, I'm shocked by that. The trailer looked awful! If a second trailer looks good and the reviews are decent, I may re-evaluate though. As I said though, I'm truly shocked by the fact that the movie is actually good.


It's a movie that will be better when viewed with a low expectation. So if you still aren't impressed after another trailer, then go see it haha. I enjoyed it mostly because of the awesome cast. There's plenty of bad, really dumb jokes, but there's a lot more winners. If you enjoy silly, stupid slapstick comedy then you'll have fun.


A few questions if you don't mind...

1. I heard this was an action-comedy. Is there any real action or is it just slapstick (e.g. hits in the groin, the man getting shot in the butt in the trailer, etc.)?

2. What would you guess the running time is? Also, do you think it will be PG-13 or R? I'm hoping it's R.

3. I really like somewhat clever low-brow/slapstick humor with at least some wit even if it's still silly, like the Johnny English movies, but I absolutely hated something like Mortdecai which was just low-brow jokes repeated over and over again with nothing actually funny. I do like the cast of this movie though. Do you think I would like it?


1. There's shooting, explosions, chases. Everything that could be labeled as action comedy is in there so it fits the bill.

2. It could potentially be R but from what I remember it was mostly clean enough that it could be PG13 but I don't remember too much detail on how explicit it was.

3. Considering that Mordecai was just an absolutely horrible movie, you'll like it a lot if you compare it to that. Otherwise, there's not a lot of witty jokes. Its a very in your face comedy.


Oh and running time was probably around 1:50. Definitely under 2 hours.


A bit surprised about the running time. For some reason this is the type of movie that I predicted to be short (80-95 minutes.) But thanks for the review. It might be fun. I'll add it to my list to watch, for now at least.


Another question, if you don't mind: How does it compare to Hess' other work? I like Napoleon Dynamite and kind of like Nacho Libre. I pretty much disliked Gentleman Broncos, though.


How did you get into a movie screening? Have you gone to many before?


My girlfriend receives emails from a local theater, it was an Edwards, that regularly puts on screenings. This was my first time going.


You can go to and they will email you special screenings. The only downside is that its always first come first serve so even if you have the ticket, you have to be there like an hour and a half to 2 hours before the time in order to get seats.


How close did it stick to the original story?
When I read about the heist and seeing a doc on TruTV a few years back and it was funny on its own and with this movie, I'm worried whether it changed too much.


The story is accurate but the comedy of course was added. But the original story is all there.


I'm disappointed that (per the IMDB page for this movie) it was cancelled due to bankruptcy issues. I was really looking forward to seeing it!



Definitely not fake haha. Yes this movie was supposed to be released a long time ago, I'm not sure when, but then the studio went bankrupt and put it on hold. If you have any questions about it you can ask, but no this was not a fake post, and if it's not normal to see a screening that early, then I guess I lucked out because this movie was actually the only screening I've ever been to!


Looks like a decent rental, but i probably wouldn't see this in thd theaters.

-- Sent from my 13 year old P.O.S. Desktop®


The Campaign with Zach G is on TV and they showed the Masterminds trailer. I am not watching the entire trailer because they usually give away the best jokes.
I may go see this movie even if it gets bad reviews.

How does this compare to these films:
The Campaign 2012
Ghostbusters 2016
Don Verdean and other Jared Hess movies. Saw that he just got the Shanghai sequel, so he's working with Owen Wilson again.

Jon Heder has kinda disappeared.


Literally anything would be better than Ghostbusters 2016.

All great and precious things are lonely.


Definitely not up there with the original 2 - yes, Ghostbusters 2 is good - but 2016 GB is not as bad as some want it to be.


I'm no botanist but you sound like a plant.

"I thought about what you said to me the other day, about my painting..."


That's funny. But no, not a plant, just someone who thoroughly enjoyed this movie and plan on seeing it again when it's released. Thanks though


You don't sound like a plant, plants can't talk!
