
It was okay, nothing spectacular but definitely not awful. Straight to the point and didn't overstay its welcome being only 1hr 24m.

A few subplots weren't really explored such as one of the boys getting bullied for not having a phone and what happened after with the daughters boyfriend who was in the car crash.

No one created AIA? And why did they just hop in the car willingly at the end, was this them accepting AIA even though they resisted the whole film with no sign of giving in? Interesting, a lot left open to interpretation. Again didn't really overstay its welcome at least.

PS: The jump scare with the warped face outside the front door was the best part.


Agree with you 💯 pct.


I agree with you for the most part, although I liked it better than you did.

They should have mentioned at least what happened after Iris' boyfriend killed himself. They just skipped over it like it never happened. Same with Preston's friends. In terms of the family getting into the car at the end, I think they just felt defeated, plain and simple, understanding that AI will follow them wherever they go, whatever they do. It was truly a bitter sweet yet ominous ending.


I also, agree. It was as expected. No surprises.

Seems they did forget about the boyfriend. But there would be no "link" to AIA, so no one would suspect. But I bet the family would eventually figure that part out. But what the hell they gonna do. They had no choice but to give in to "Future Skynet".
