List of problems with this movie
1). The movie did not provide the horror. The only parts that might have scared someone was the part where the eye-dude saw ghosts in his home, and the suicides / demon-massacre in "Safe Haven."
2). Related to #1, the movie depended too much on gore / disgustingness instead of pure horror. "Ride in a Park" showed zombies eating guts and ripping people's faces off. Safe Haven shows heads getting blown off by shotguns and the demon ripping its way out of a pregnant girl's belly. The guy in the first episode tears his eye out. These sort of scenes make you go "eww," but they don't scare you.
3). Also related to #1, the movie had unintentional humor, which a top sign of poor horror-filmaking. For example, in "Phase I Clinical Trials," the movie showed the creepy uncle at the window, and that image was a little scary. But then the movie has Clarissa try to distract the protagonist with sex. Then, all of the horror was gone; the creepy uncle went from scary ghost to that monster that disappears with sex. Likewise, the zombie episode offered some comedy with the way the girlfriend comes back and eats the boyfriend. The aliens were like the Simpsons aliens, the way they abducted the kid in the air.
4). The costumes were atrocious. The demon looked like a muppet from PBS. The aliens looked like people in bad Halloween attires.