MovieChat Forums > Project Almanac (2015) Discussion > How stupid was this movie?

How stupid was this movie?

YouTube has ruined the movie industry with these hand-held videos and what people are trying to coin as 'found footage'. I think it was more annoying watching these "actors" look into the camera constantly than the terrible movie itself.

If I want to watch a home movie, I have plenty of my own AND none of them will make me sick because I don't have Parkinsons when I hold a camera.


They don't have resistors and capacitors at Home Depot, and if they did - capacitors would not be next to the "couplers," whatever couplers are.

''I'm fortunate the pylons were not set to a lethal level.''


They don't have resistors and capacitors at Home Depot, and if they did - capacitors would not be next to the "couplers," whatever couplers are.

And this matters how?

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!



I got the home movie of my sister's wedding from a few years back. Maybe I could market that. The thing is,the film is really awful. The camera man didn't know what he was doing, and things really got worse when the camera man got drunk at the reception and tried to film.
The camera man being me.


Well, it couldn't be any worse than this crap.
Honestly, these "found footage" movies had their day about 2 years ago.
Hasn't ANY film maker got an original thought or idea in their heads anymore??


Just as stupid as the people it's targeted to. As long as daft teenagers keep watching (and loving) any shaky-cam tripefest, this type of pseudo-films will continue to exist. Sigh.

🐺 Boycott movies that involve real animal violence (& their directors) 🐾
