MovieChat Forums > Project Almanac (2015) Discussion > How stupid was this movie?

How stupid was this movie?

YouTube has ruined the movie industry with these hand-held videos and what people are trying to coin as 'found footage'. I think it was more annoying watching these "actors" look into the camera constantly than the terrible movie itself.

If I want to watch a home movie, I have plenty of my own AND none of them will make me sick because I don't have Parkinsons when I hold a camera.


Thank you. I just watched "Area 51" and swear that's the last of this so-called genre I will ever force myself through. FTS.


Don't blame the format for the film. There are still good found footage films out there.


If I want to watch a home movie, I have plenty of my own AND none of them will make me sick because I don't have Parkinsons when I hold a camera.

They why'd you watch this in the first place.

The trailer made it clear it was a "found footage" movie.


I watched it because I like the idea of time travel. Too bad it was more about high school rejects than the concept of time travel.

What was up with the loser who kept failing his science project? I like how he just ended up STUDYING in order to pass. Why didn't he just do that in the first place?


Well, he failed because he was completely focused on working on the time machine in the weeks leading up to it.


Check out Primer .. much better time travel movie..


It was more about the rejects instead of time travel because the screenwriters weren't intelligent enough to get to involved in the time travel part...


I was bored. I didn't get half of what was going on. It started out well, but I guess they were only going to do what typical teenagers would do (get backstage passes)


I was bored. I didn't get half of what was going on.

Well there ya go....

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


Yeah it was so stupid and bad.


I especially like the part in the middle where it stopped being a movie and instead become a Lollapaloowhatever concert film. /s.



A couple of brief moments? It felt like half an hour.

I think what made it worse was that, in a sense, the movie hadn't started yet. I.e. there was no conflict, nothing to keep me watching. So a movie that had not yet introduced much of a plot decides to continue deferring the plot to advertise for Lollapalooza. Yes, this was an MTV-produced film.

The diner scene in Goodfellas was iconic and contributed to our understanding of the characters. The Lollapalooza scene I suppose lets us in on the surprising fact that these teenagers enjoy live music. Um, ok?

For the record, I wasn't trying to pretend I don't know the name Lollapalooza. Even if I didn't, I do have access to the Internet, obviously. I think I was trying to evoke my "not-caringness" regarding the event. Sorry for the misinterpretation. I'm old enough to remember when Lollapalooza was something I actually would have wanted to attend.



I especially like the part in the middle where it stopped being a movie and instead become a Lollapaloowhatever concert film. /s.

Precisely, except it didn't make as far as the middle to become a Whatever film.

It was not remotely plausible, even as far as these kinds of movies go. They win millions, and then just hang out, and then at the end don't even save his father?

Useless tripe.


What do you mean? It is a recognized film genre now. If you don't like it, don't watch. The same could be true for any genre. If I didn't like sci-fi movies, I wouldn't watch them.


How can found footage be a genre? Is Super 8 a genre, or bluescreen? It is a filming technique, a style, but not a genre. And it is annoying if it used as in this boring movie. So many scenes in this flick could never be on a real found footage "tape".

And this movie isn't sci-fi either - at least not in the sense of hard sience fiction where the concepts shown try to be scientifically correct as far as possible and innovative at the same time. Time travel is a lame theoretical concept, wishful thinking, more of a psychological issue we have with our limited existence than science, science shows that it is not possible, at least not in the way we would want it to work. The technical aspects of the movie are silly, all that techno-babble makes no sense at all. It's a movie about being a teenager having that magic wand we all wanted to have when we were young underdogs. The kids in it don't act like someone who get's admittance to study at the MIT. The act like 15 year old hollow-heads driven by their hormones only. This movie feels like it was filmed by a teenager not by someone who wants to show us some interesting aspects of time travel or science.

A waste of time for me. There are many movies that handle time travel and it's inherent problems way better.

All these "accidental" scenes where the camera glides over boobs or asses... I am sure this movie was a success with it's intended audience.

reply definition of "genre":

"a class or category of artistic endeavor having a particular form, content, technique, or the like"

How is FF not a genre?


Yeah my thoughts exactly. I don't mind bad camera work, it actually ads some reality in "found f...", but what characters did was beyond stupid! lottery win - ok, cool, but risk so much (and every use of machine is risk) just to go to stupid concert, oh c'mon! also, first night when one character drawed smiley face - god!!!!

But the thing about camera work, it makes no sence plenty of time. FE, when they listen some music - song goes without cuts, which means its eigher edited or there are 2 cameras. found footage is not easy to make to make it beliaveble, and in my opinion, this could be among the worst in this category.

overall solid movie, could have been better by far - 5/10


