MovieChat Forums > American Primeval (2025) Discussion > The historical Brigham Young was pretty ...

The historical Brigham Young was pretty hardcore.

He talked about killilng thieves on the spot, instant justice, judge dredd style, but it was also to sort of purify their souls while sending them to the afterlife. It was connected to his doctrine of blood atonement.

A white person marrying a black person was reason for blood atonement. He didn't really fit our current image of Mormons.

The defense would probably be along the lines of it being a violent time, but he didn't exactly discourage the violence. That was pretty aggressive compared to other sects or fringe religious groups of the time, I think.


Yeah, he and his boys were kinda buck wild. I know it's based on actual history, but I have no idea how accurate it is. I treated it as a TV series. I had never heard of the Mormon Militia until this series. Just like any religion, they use it to justify their own personal beliefs liking having more than 1 piece of booty in the house, other motives, and even atrocities. Anything is righteous when you claim god is backing you.

I'm not positive, but I believe they detest black people as much as any religion or group. Something about all black people being fallen angels and are going to hell. (blah, blah, blah...whatever).


The dark skin is a curse. In the preexistence, there was a war and the people who were on the wrong side (with Satan) got cursed with dark skin. Something along those lines.

To be fair, it was a wild time. Things like vigilantism and mob justice were a lot more common. The Mormon Church tends to leave out the things one by those early Mormons that lead to that hostility, though. They were banished from Missouri, but one of the things that lead up to that was an attack on a legal militia that they mistook for an anti-Mormon mob.
