Cringeworth cgi

Ive seen some bad cgi over the years, but this has got to be the worst cgi since the 90s. Even the cgi in the spawn movie was better


I thought it was some of the best i have seen...... mixed with some of the worst.

looks like they ran out of budget, finsihed off the spending on the big action scenes, and skimped on alot of the minor scenes.

There was one where they walked through the dessert, i think someone said prealpha quality.. it was horrid. yet the scene where SET was being upgraded lookes great as well as his battle with RA on the ship.

Yet the big worm thing when eating the river looked un-finished more than being bad CGI... it need more passes to fine tune it.

Im sure it is budget related. They ran out of Dosh, and spent the last on the Scenes that counted most.


i loved the Cgi. Armor looks solid. a few scenes were not so well done but not as bad as indiana jones : kingdom crystal skull bad or transformers 4


The CGI wasn't so bad as you said but it wasn't fine.


I dunno. Its like they intentionally made the CGI look bad, to give the film an artificial feel, like we were in a dream, where nothing is real? I'm clearly reaching here.


This is what I was thinking^^^^


Yeah, pure trash in pretty much every aspect. At least Butler was hilarious in his typical overacting.

This is - excuse me - a damn fine cup of coffee.


The people running around in the first battle looked bad. I have to say, that looked bad. But... for being such a huge movie it had a sort of "cheap" quality look to it. It lacked a cinematic quality.

I just finished Midnight Special and it had every bit of cinematic feel over this movie with a tiny budget with pretty cool effects mixed in.

If you guys have a chance, check that movie out, really awesome.



The CGI was good. Quit bitchin'. It was far better than anything you or anyone else on this board could have done.

Every person that served can be called a veteran, but not every veteran can be called a Marine.


"It was far better than anything you or anyone else on this board could have done."

There's always this one comment. Are all moviegoers supposed to be digital artists now? People can't have an opinion about something unless they're absolute experts?

The CGI was about average. This movie was done the way pretty much all movies are these days. The only real thing you're watching is the actor.

Does it look bad? A lot of times yes. Really depends on who's doing it. But it reduces costs by a long margin. Overusage of CGI and green screen are here to stay.


For me it wasn't the CGI that was actually putting me off. It was actually live stage.

Something that I always find verrry disturbing is that use of a lame "real life" stage, you know, with flat ground and a few cardboard rocks here and there. It's even worse when they indeed do mix that up with CGI - like adding plants and a jungle.

I'd say the pure CG shots were actually kinda nice looking, and a few visual ideas were cook, like that sandstair constantly shifting, Apophis, or the overall look of the Realm of the Dead. And they handled the difference of size between men and gods quite well. And the snakes were cook.

On the other hand the sunspear looked bad and the entire final fight was terrible, with that atrocious red tint.

Not the worst I've seen, but way too unbalanced. Still a fun movie despite following the typical hollywood storyline.
