Cringeworth cgi

Ive seen some bad cgi over the years, but this has got to be the worst cgi since the 90s. Even the cgi in the spawn movie was better


what was wrong with it?

Its the best blending of CGI, green screen and perspective manipulation (large god/small humans) i have seen in a while, much better than Peter Jackson's LOTR

the studio feel is often masked by the panaroma in the green screen


Come on, where did you put your eyes? As long as it was full CGI, it was fine, but as for the green screen keying, most of them were horrendous. Especially the close-ups on character heads before green screen? I couldn't believe those are release-quality shots.
You can't even compare with LOTR and that's like fifteen years back.


Yes, fifteen years back and still better than this x)




I agree, though in the trailer looked quite rubbish, the movie was actually very good at blending actors with cgi generated "everything else". Anyone with a doubt, go see this movie, then watch Riddick (2013) to apreciate the appaling difference with only 3 years in-between.


Have you played any of the Uncharted games or The Last of Us? Naughty Dog made better water effects than Gods of Egypt did..


much better than Peter Jackson's LOTR

This is just hilarious. Even at 15 or so years old, LOTR still represents the best that the industry has to offer. I have yet to see a film that truly blends live action and visual effects so seamlessly and realistically as that trilogy managed to do. Now, The Hobbit is another story...was not so impressed with that. But LOTR? Still way at the very top. Gods of Egypt doesn't even come close. Few things do.

As for Gods of Egypt, it's not even a contender for quality effects. Yes, there was some beautiful cinematography but "good effects" =/= "lots of effects." They could have taken a more subtle approach and gotten beautiful results but they went all out and then some, and the result was way too over the top and downright cartoonish much of the time.

Hell, Dragonheart was made in 1996 and I still haven't seen many films that managed to bring a non-human character to life that well. Gods of Egypt had far too many annoying tropes, overdone dialogue and performance and went hardcore style over substance.


You have to be kidding me, Gandalf at Bag End was laughable....Their eyes dont even meet, Gandalf was looking straight over bilbo most of the time.


The matte paintings were pretty obvious

It's like selling a million grills at the same time! With extended warranty!


Couldn't disagree more.


So then, what your saying is that you couldn't discern the matte paintings.

It's not somethhing you can disagree on, you either see it or you don't. The fact that I can discern them means that they are obvious (I don't think I have a trained eye or anything like that).

They weren't as obvious as the ones in Batman 89, but still.

It's like selling a million grills at the same time! With extended warranty!


cgi was ok. i think camera work was bad. the same moving camera shots seemed just too repetitive and draw the eye out of the scene and of story


Its the best blending of CGI, green screen and perspective manipulation (large god/small humans) i have seen in a while, much better than Peter Jackson's LOTR

One of the most ridiculous posts I've seen in quite awhile. Many video games look better than this.


Distracting CGI was part of the charm.

This movie was supposed to be campy and fun.


Is that the argument people are using now to try to defend how @#$% the movie is?


because it s a darn fun movie, full of heart


You must have been born in the 90's.


Some of its cgi was good and much of it was really bad. Like really bad. Pre-Alpha test footage bad.


which parts?

As underrated as Prince of Persia


It seems you're a bit of a troll!! This isn't a matter of opinion as any movie fan can see how bad this film actually is, in all departments. The CGI is so bad that Jurassic Park puts it to shame, along with LOTR trilogy, and both films succeeded because of the great story telling, effects and good acting. The director was awful as he didn't use the actors talent and The film suffered as a result, hence the box office figures.


How movie fans are saying this film is great, plus the cgi was great and the musical score was good.... It was dire and the cgi was on the level of The Scorpian King!

I can't be alone on this?


the reason the movie looked good was because the director pulled the camera back and we had plenty of panaromic shots rather than the constant close-ups of LOTR



ya some of it looked like games from the 90s cinematics. I was mind blown how unrealistic some of the cgi was. Like the fight scene with mnevis and company.


did it really cost 140 million or 140 thousand?


Agreed, horrible CGI. It was painful getting through the movie

Halfblood #15
"I like him, he says okie dokie" ~ Dean Winchester.


I didn't find the CGI distracting bad at all. Not the best ever, but good enough



The CGI was the worst part of the movie for me. It didn't look that bad but it was terribly blended and was way to easy to tell the real shots from the fake ones.


I agree with the original poster, the cgi in certain scenes was not good, seems like it was not finished or rendered properly, most of all of the two main characters when they turn into their bird thingys... also in some scenes you could see the green screen lines around the actors, check out the fight on the lift in the last scenes...



why not video game cutscenes have been better cinematic quality than crappy hollywood movies


I definitely agree, I just watched the Immortals(2011) after viewing Gods of Awful and Immortals was better..
