MovieChat Forums > The Night Of (2016) Discussion > Basically perfect ending

Basically perfect ending

The series itself is just pure gold from start to finish. Bittersweet rather sad ending that was very real and emotional. Completely satisfying.


I agree, 99%. I think middle episodes somewhat got stretched out, and way too many red herrings, but otherwise without all of that they couldn't get to this kind of ending. It ended the way it should have to reward viewers for taking the ride, but without the "yay everything is wonderful" non-reality of life.

Although a number of characters who didn't deserve it came out worse in the end, the end reinforced the basic moral character of those who hold out to do the right thing. I also liked the wrap-up with Freddy, that ultimately no matter how shady he was that even he saw through to the importance of protecting true innocence. We see that also play out with Stone's fallback to taking the cat back in.


Yup. A 100% pure gold turd. This entire series was laughably bad.

Like literally, my wife and I watched every episode because we couldn't believe how bad it was, continued to become and finally ended up being.

If you think this show is gold, I can assure you, you have either been brain-washed by marketing and critics, or you have the worst taste.


So you and your stupid wife have superior taste over a majority of viewers and critics? No one cares about either of you, trust me.


I'd explain it to you, but you obviously don't have a clue, if you're defending this abortion of a "series."

And I always love how the person who insists he doesn't care, just has to make that statement, re-assuring another person that he doesn't care. It doesn't work that way -- you just don't care and then walk away without a production.

See ... this is why you think this show is good. Because you don't really know how things work.

And I don't have superior taste. I'm obviously just superior to you.

Have a good day.


Why can't you let others have their own opinions without trying to sarcastically denigrate them with sophomoric and puerile charientisms?


My brother got second place in the spelling bee.


By Mother fought first on sir welling sea.


People are more than welcome to their own opinion. However, in this particular case, there is absolutely no possible way that a person can logically look at this show and think it was any type of accomplishment without A) swallowing everything the critics vomited out B) the viewer being dull and stupid C) the viewer lying to himself/herself.

I'm just here to throw the BS flags, so crap like this isn't included in next year's line-up.

And I'm bored.


What an absurd bunch of nonsense. So we are entitled to our opinion, but that opinion can't possibly be that we liked something that you didn't?

This series was so far from "laughably bad" as you put it. Want laughably bad? There is plenty of other dreck on TV that isn't worth the time to watch, even to laugh at it. If you truly felt that way I doubt you would have watched the whole series.


True enough. But this is just a TV show, after all. Recognize it as that and nothing more. Liking or disliking it are not grounds for personal insults as to intelligence, etc. And, most of all, there's no reason to insult the man's wife when she's not even participating in the discussion.


Didn't know google translate now includes Dim-witted to Intellectual. Good for you, jack.


You're a loser if you wasted nearly 9 hours of your life, over the course of 8 weeks watching a show in its entirety just to come on here and talk *beep* about it.

Made you look!


Ending was great, was a brilliant series, loved every episode. just thought by the last episode they should of shown a scene of what actually happened that night. Looks like that Raymond guy killed her and there was footage of him walking away that night. Just thought they would of shown a flashback of the crime so the viewers know for sure what happened. but they left that part out. Would of been interesting seeing the crime again and showing how the real killer broke into the house. someone how carred Naz downstairs and left.


Are you being funny or just trying to confuse us post to post?

Here's your original post....

Yup. A 100% pure gold turd. This entire series was laughably bad.

Like literally, my wife and I watched every episode because we couldn't believe how bad it was, continued to become and finally ended up being.

If you think this show is gold, I can assure you, you have either been brain-washed by marketing and critics, or you have the worst taste.

And then this one from up above...

And I always love how the person who insists he doesn't care, just has to make that statement, re-assuring another person that he doesn't care. It doesn't work that way -- you just don't care and then walk away without a production.

You're trying to convince us it was bad, and making the statement to 're-assure us it was bad' because your wife thought so too, then condemned someone for doing what you just did in the same post.

Buttercup, you're a funny, funny guy.

~Keep some room in your heart for the unimaginable~





Your condescension of those who happen to disagree with your opinion isn't impressing anyone.

Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.


If you think this show is gold, I can assure you, you have either been brain-washed by marketing and critics, or you have the worst taste.

See ... this is why you think this show is good. Because you don't really know how things work.

You set yourself up for failure in more ways than one my friend. If both you AND your wife share the same views, you guys are a match made in heaven. I hadn't heard any reviews and ignored any bit of marketing pertaining to this show and I thought the series was perfect for so many reasons, aside from the fact that it was more real and authentic than any other court-based show trying to show how the legal system is. Literally, the most authentic. But that aside, the show was good for so many other reasons.

Cinematography is a medium, just as painting, drawing, or photography. It's not always designed to depict a happy story or tale. I'm not sure what you expected, but it seems you're the type of person to ignore all the nuances films have to offer and seem to align more with the person who considers something bad if you can figure out the outcome early on.

Since you conveniently tell people that they don't know how things work... I ask you this: how do things work? What does that even mean?

And since you are superior to everyone else with above-average insight into quality productions, just for *beep* and giggles (and for entertainment), i'm curious to know 3 movies or even tv series you found to be stellar or above average. This way we can all determine what kind of taste you have....... you and your 'wife'.


Jesus *beep* christ.

Get help dude.


I honestly can't follow your thought structure at all. You genuinely sound retarded.


Your wife is an idiot and so are you.


Like literally, my wife and I watched every episode because we couldn't believe how bad it was, continued to become and finally ended up being.

If you think this show is gold, I can assure you, you have either been brain-washed by marketing and critics, or you have the worst taste.

You must have gotten married at a VERY young age, because I can't imagine anyone of an adult age that doesn't realize there's something called "personal taste".

We thought we lost you. Welcome back.




I was so nervous toward the end for some reason thought he wasn't leaving the prison alive. Thought he was going to get the knife to the throat.

“I’m more humble than you can understand”


Same here. I was on the edge of my seat as he left the prison, which felt like an eternity.



No, not exactly "suspense", but more an uncertainty as to how they were going to wind up the show, knowing there was a possibility that Naz might not reach freedom.

Meanwhile in the REAL world, what a sad life, boring life you must lead to go through a message board just to make fun of other posters! I suppose that passes as fun for you.



What a sad life, boring life you must lead,

. . says the guy who posts fifty comments about a show he clearly didn't enjoy.

Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.


Great ending. Amazing season. 9.25/10

My Top TV Series Of All Time:


Great series but of course I hate they never caught the actual killer. They even said he left nothing at the scene of the crime. I feel like the other guy who we are to believe really killed her covered his tracks better, besides the phone records and traffic cams... which in the end is also circumstantial. The guy that guy off, was indeed innocent but looked guilty as hell.

It wasn't that happy of an ending... rather bleak actually.

The guy that gets out of jail is now a drug addict... for absolutely no reason other than being at the wrong place at the wrong time. His life does not look good. He doesn't respect his mother anymore... And he's such a harder person now in general. Bleak on his side. The Turturro's character is the only one that seemed sort of happy because he seemed to get the guy off... and now his business is going to pick up.


Not really the prosecutor pretty much said it all he didn't know if the girl was dead or not. He just ran off and even covered his tracks.


I noticed that a lot of time into researching this show.
Well I mean the life like jail environment, the in detail atmosphere, interaction and other matters related to the justice system was played out to it's fullest content on prime time media.
The twist with whom was the real killer left me thinking both through the first till the last episode.
I am assuming this might become a series now and I hope so if it has that dark side to the theme and a roller coaster ride of facts and conjunctures.



Yes, a pretty good portrayal of the justice system. It never really showed who killed Andrea, the next guy's lawyer could get him off with reasonable doubt also. Naz had a good character arc, he left the system worse for wear but at least on the street.


It even contained an homage to the last Sopranos episode at the family diner in New Jersey. While Naz and Stone are having coffee in the ethnic market/cafe the front door opens the bell jingles exactly in the tone of the final scene in The Sopranos. Seemed appropriate and a tribute to Gandolfini's quick eye-check of that door for his daughter.


I picked that up as well. Also when Stone referenced his guy "in Jersey" I thought that might be a reference to Soprano.



How was it a really good portrayal of the justice system? I saw soap-opera drama, but I certainly didn't see anything realistic about the justice system.

There was one or two things in there that, yeah, could happen in real life ... and about 50 things that a purely fiction and embarrassing.


Why are people feeding the troll? Don't bother!


The guy claims he's a writer. He's basically beating his chest saying that he's a better script writer than the Wire or Sopranos.


I'm sad too. This was 'must see tv' for me every week. I especially loved seeing John Turturro on screen again. Love that guy.

~Keep some room in your heart for the unimaginable~



Come on people, what about poor Stone? His skin problem was psychological? The "medicine" he obtained from Dr. Yee was garbage? He's back to scratching his sandaled feet on the subway? Shouldn't he end up better than this?
