What happened to Tosh and Some Other Thoughts on Season Three (spoilers)
I thought season three was pretty good but not quite up there with seasons one and two. I think that the problem was that Shetland strikes me as a pretty unlikely place for multiple murders related to Scottish organized crime. It was enjoyable but I liked the stories about Shetland with crimes that were part of the tapestry of the place, and I hope that season four returns to that mold instead of having something else wild taking place (like Jimmy fighting an incursion of the Camorrah or the Real IRA).
Two additional points:
1. The Asha story-line was actually pretty well done. I'm glad they didn't kill her off in the end and at least showed that she and Jimmy were in touch. I hope to see her character return, although the idea of her suddenly joining the Shetland Police Service while being Jimmy's lover seems rather unlikely.
2. The story-line with Tosh was a mixed bag. It was a good idea not to show the actual rape take place. Showing something like what we've seen in "Game of Thrones" would have sort of broken the spirit of the show. Besides, the actress playing Tosh did a fine job showing the impact of being assaulted had on her life.
I'm not so sure a woman who is also a police officer would easily choose not to pursue the man who raped her. I know she rationalized that decision by saying that the lawyer who commissioned the rape was dead, but not going after the actual rapist would still leave a very violent dangerous criminal who could very easily rape more women on the loose. I would think that a police officer would have a hard time doing that, especially since part of any future police job she might have might entail having to persuade a rape victim to press charges.
I kind of hope that whenever season 4 rolls around, we find out that Tosh decided to press charges against her rapist (and he was convicted) and also stay on in Shetland. They could address both of those decisions with just a few lines of dialogue in the next season.