This movie was freaking amazing
Best movie of 2015 so far
shareI agree, it was really fun and entertaining.
shareSo much love and it's so well deserved!
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This movie is super freaky... YEOW!
shareAngry Bill is reading this... you just know it!
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.... so angry.
It reminds me that 21 years ago OJ had his Bronco chase. How time flies.
shareAvengers Age of Ultron is a genuine EPIC motion picture event. There are so many characters, moving parts and expectations involved in this sequel that the usual, succinct review system no longer applies. We need to look at and judge each aspect of the film in a new light because Avengers raised the bar. The movie works on every level and really is a genuine motion picture event. Honestly, no blockbuster can possibly top this one for the rest of the year.
shareImagine what would have happened had they thrown in a dinosaur or two!!!
shareI have to agree this is the best movie of 2015,there were a couple minor problems but I really enjoyed the movie
You want tah fack wit me? You ah fACKING choiah boi compahed tu me ah choiah boi
Isn't that what you said about the Luke and Laura wedding years ago?
I’m so glad to see the response to Marvel’s Avengers Age of Ultron has been VERY positive. If there was ever a case for expectations being unreasonable then this was it. Also, we always get some anal fans that are too attached to their comic book preconceived notions. Avengers and fan himself Joss Whedon stayed close enough to its root origins that fanboys should be fine. Most other people are judging it as the fine film it turned out to be regardless of the source material. That's the way it should be.
shareMarvel keeps putting out quality in waves but DC/Nolan fans have ONE movie to hang their hat on and that's TDK. EVERYTHING else the WB/DC has produced this century has been average (Batman Begins) or flat out crap (everything else) and since TDK blew up they feel the need to constantly defend and promote it. It's become a defacto defense and a paranoid one at this point. When others see new films and call it "better than TDK" it drives them crazy. This has led to trolling of unprecedented levels everywhere. Bashing Avengers and any Marvel effort now is just an extension of that paranoid delusion. Let them troll. It’s been seven years since these nutjobs had anything of which to be proud. All they have left is their bitter hatred.