Better than the 1st one

For me, anyway. I know everyone likes the 1st one better, but for me it was kinda messy. The beginning was out of nowhere and not all characters were given a chance to stand out (Hawkeye and Natasha are most obvious examples). It was still great, of course.

AOU was better for me for several reasons. Every character mattered this time around (in extension to that, it felt a lot more as a character-driven movie than the 1st one.
Ultron was a better villain then Loki (again, imo), There's something about Spader's voice that is just horrible, scary, beautiful and unbelievable.

AOU has some pacing problems and, at times, unnecessary humor, but was more emotional than the 1st one also.

It's all personal taste and for me, this one betas the 1st one.


"Messy" is the perfect word to describe Age of Ultron, not the first Avengers. A well crafted narrative structure that gives the character's and plot more room to breath is, in nuts and bolts, why Avengers blows Age of Ultron out of the water.

Officially Canadian for 26 years. Never heard "aboot."




That's what happens when every movie that you make as a studio is a great one.

I accept your surrender.


That's what happens when every movie that you make as a studio is a great one.

Even more so now that Civil War has hit right at the top.


This debate will last as long as time itself. What was the better Avenger film?


I wouldn't call it 'better', but I'd say it was certainly as good. I loved the first one, but do think it was somewhat overrated in the sense that I couldn't understand why everybody went SO crazy over it. It was a great film, and obviously a lot of talented people worked very hard on it. But people were talking like it was the greatest film of all time or whatever. I never got that.

Anyway, both excellent films. Top notch entertainment, and a blast to watch. Seems to me that the things that Age of Ultron was criticized for were also true of Avengers.


Certainly good indeed and a great continuation of the story perfectly setting up Civil War. It wins on all three levels.


It could be argued that way, yes.
