MovieChat Forums > Oculus (2014) Discussion > This was terrible!!!!!!!!

This was terrible!!!!!!!!

i hated this weird and confusing......


Yeah I have to agree. I thought there was no real 'horror' about it.


by benstone-60993 » Sat Aug 22 2015 08:03:39
IMDb member since May 2015
Yeah I have to agree. I thought there was no real 'horror' about it.

oh, the horror was the pure boredom he placed on people seeing this awful movie. LOL


I agree.
What was the point of all this? What is that mirror and what was its purpose?
We know nothing in the end.


By that standard you probably dislike American Psycho.

The new home of Welcome to Planet Bob:


Ive never seen American Psycho


Maybe you shoukd


It's an excellent film. Just don't expect much in the way of solid answers. The last third of the film goes over the top, but there's a reason for it.

The new home of Welcome to Planet Bob:


If you think we know nothing at the end of American Psycho then you don't get it.


We don't, because we've been lied to by the narrator the entire film. We can't trust anything we've seen because it's all been told to us through the filter of someone who suffers delusions. We have no objective point of view for us to determine what was true and what was a delusion.

If you think you know anything by the end of the story, YOU didn't get it.

The new home of Welcome to Planet Bob:


Well, for starters what you just described is not "nothing"...


Yes, it is. We can't trust anything we've seen, thus we've learned nothing. In the same way that by the end of Oculus, we don't know how much of what we saw really happened. Though I would argue that because we aren't following the word of a delusional narrator, it's easier for the audience to determine what may and may not have really happened.

But hey, if you think we learned something, why don't you actually state it instead of being a passive aggressive asshat?

The new home of Welcome to Planet Bob:


That's sorta the point. The characters still know nothing, so we know nothing.


so weird and confusing......

You say that like it's a bad thing for a horror movie.

For a dollar, name three white people. . .


How are we supposed to trust the opinion of someone who thinks Fight Club was just an okay movie and has a shallow plot? Your review suggests you missed the entire point of the film by saying "it is about beating the bloody tar out of someone to fix your problems". Because that isn't even close to what the movie is about. You seem to confuse what happens in a few scenes with the central focus of a film.

Also, weird and confusing is not necessarily a bad thing for a film to be.

The new home of Welcome to Planet Bob:


and i'm sure there are other people that would agree with me (those that gave Fight Club a 1 star) too.


0.000000001% people gives Fight Club less then 2 stars.

You belong in the weird category.


i changed it to a 5 star rating for fight club


Good, and I agree with your ideas. :)

Oculus wasn't that good IMHO.


And those people would be objectively wrong. Fight Club is absolutely not at all about fighting. That's like saying the Aviator is about flight. It's a gross oversimplification at best and entirely wrong.

The new home of Welcome to Planet Bob:


It wasn't terrible, I've seen a lot worse.


It wasn't terrible, I've seen a lot worse.

This. I really liked this film. Very creepy and the ending gutted me.

"I'm the ultimate badass,you do NOT wanna f-ck wit me!"Hudson,Aliens😬


Gutted Kaylie, too.


totally agree with unknow 1000 this movie is pure crap, and lot of people love it??? people are so stupids

my rating for this crap is 2/10

ehy H2 haters, look this


I recently watched Oculus.I don't think it's terrible.However I do have some complaints.I would've preferred a different actor and actress playing the kid roles and a different actor and actress playing them as adults too.In MY OPINION I think all four of them gave a weak performance.I almost forgot about the boyfriend.Even though he didn't have a lot of screen time.The little bit that he did have his acting annoyed me.I also think the ending was a let down.This movie did manage to keep me interested through some of the movie(that's probably why I don't think it's terrible).Overall I consider Oculus to be a mediocre movie at best.


I liked this movie. Yeah, it was weird because it was a mental screw, but it wasn't really confusing. I really dug how they did all the past and present scene changes and interactions.
