8/10? Wtf?

This movie was awful! First, so dark I could not follow them running through the house and it was too confusing as to what was real and what was fake. 3/10


Excellent film... well worth 7/10 at least.


8/10. Solid.


I agree with the title.. only 8/10??? I gave it 10/10.


I agree with the 8+ or higher rating. I think a lot of people just are nuts on IMDB. They got movies that are actually crap rated higher, and excellent ones rated lower. This one was great. I really like it, and it is no darn build up crap that people keep saying are great horror. How does a slow pace horror movie that does nothing at all until the last 15 minutes of the movie scary at all? Well, read IMDB reviews, and you got that answer. They praise the boring movies, and the ones that are actually scary are the ones rated lower. One movie comes to mind I saw in the theater, and it is exactly the boring build up movie that is not even scary even for the last 15 minutes, and that is "The Conjuring". I was so bored and almost fell asleep like 30 times during the movie. The ending almost did not keep me awake.

So sad that people think mellow horror movies are scarier than the ones that actually got the violence. Lately for the last 15 years, a lot of PG-13 horror has been released, and people are saying those are scarier. I say WTF, there. Not saying gore is scary. Ignoring my signature. It really is PG-13 horror is like a thriller with a horror taped across the movie to make people think they are really horror movies. A real actual true horror fan knows that anything mostly in the 80's horror is not PG-13, but rated R or Unrated. The younger generation is twisting this horror genre to what it shouldn't be at all. Now you got James Wan twisting it too. He is coming back with the sequel to "The Conjuring", and I will not bother with that at all, since the first was utterly crap.

People even put down "The Shining", and that was 1000 times better than "The Conjuring". Heck, Aliens was even better, and The Exorcist. The Descent is even better. That is to name a few. Really, people are that nuts to say this one is crap compared to the utterly crap ones. Annabelle is even as bad as "The Conjuring".

I am a gore watching freak!!!

If it don't have it, it isn't worth the watch.


I agree with the title.. only 8/10??? I gave it 10/10.
10 out of 10?!! So it ranks up there with Jaws, Godfather, Psycho, Citizen Kane, Star Wars IV, and Gone with the Wind?

The story was hackneyed, the lead actress was bad, it was predictable and often dull. I gave it 5/10 and thought THAT was generous.


Well its a lot better than Jaws and Gone with the Wind. Most of those movies are iconic rather than great with the exception of Star Wars. It was easy to stand out in the 70's and early 80's because everything else was so bad.


actually I don't think (whispers) Star Wars IV is all that good either. And I'm a kid of the 70s who saw it on TV each Xmas in the early 80s. It's extremely over-rated in story and atmosphere.

Jaws on the other hand is a solid movie, does what it sets out to do and has good pacing, atmosphere, great acting etc.

If we are to 'not believe a large shark could cause such horror' then how the hell do we believe Darth Vadar and his cronies could instill fear in a make believe world (in a galaxy far, far away no less). Especially considering that stormtroopers couldn't hit an elephant with a cannon only 20 yards ahead. ;)

I guess the fact is, on a technical basis few of those 70s blockbusters (Star Wars, Jaws, Superman etc) were 'amazing' in all areas, and are just iconic and appealing to the 30-40-50 somethings who grew up with them as kids, they are still great movies within our lifetime, as movies that relate to our personal history and nostalgia. Being overly technical about "the greats" of our time is a short cut to becoming morose and cynical, killing your own joy in the process.

Alien is an exception to the 'easy ride/nostalgia' pass, it's an amazing movie technically AND iconic.


Lol @ thinking Jaws is good. But whatever.


Yes, right, a derivative ghost story with bad actors and a predictable plot is SOOOO much better than an iconic 40 year old movie that invented the word "blockbuster" with Oscar-winning stars and now-famous music and is still being ripped off to this day. LOL @ your idiocy, you must be about 15.


Jaws is for people who have no critical thinking skills.

"Hey guys there's a massive scary shark in the water. What should we do?"

"Let's just not go in the water"

"Wow awesome decision, haha. Much better idea than chasing it in a tiny boat and trying to kill it."

Roll credits.


You do know that half the reason why Jaws exists in the first place is because of the Jersey Shore shark attacks in 1916. That gave inspiration to the film. So you're saying the people who died from those shark attacks are dumb and cannot think. I DO think that this was a good movie though, the ending wasn't predictable as most people are claiming. I bet majority of you didn't know what was going to happen EXACTLY WHEN YOU BOUGHT THE TICKET. So shut the hell up. I do think that the ending could have been a little more creative. It was already on the David Lynch style until the ending (which I think could have been a little more mind bending). I'm not disappointed with this movie, but I think that people who are hating on this and loving (example only) Mad Max were only there for the action. Sure it was going to happen, but it would get there. There always needed to be an established plot. That's why I give this a 9/10 stars. Is it perfect? No. But it is much better than other crap that is out there today. (*cough cough* Mad Max *cough cough*)



I always find it amusing when people rate a movie based on whether or not they liked it rather than on the merits of the film. Compared to other films of the genre, this is actually quite good.

It's like the difference between crackin' open a can of beans and slow cooking beans in a cast iron pot over an all day fire. The can of beans will fill you up, but them slow cookers will give you much more satisfaction.

I admit that I was a little put off when I saw "WWE Studios" in the opening. I had this sudden frightening vision of John Cena mouth breathing his was through choppy convoluted lines.

I'm glad I stuck with it.

If you didn't like it, great. You gave it a shot, it wasn't to your taste, and you moved on. You'll kindly allow some of us to enjoy it, though, yes? Thanks.


Horror movies are always rated lower than equal quality movies of other genres simply because a lot of people don't like scary movies. So they give it a 1 because it scared them.


Or they try to be all big and bad and say they "laughed throughout the movie" when they were probably hiding under their bedsheets.


"... it was too confusing as to what was real and what was fake. 3/10"

THAT was the whole point of the movie and the premise of the story, i.e. that the Mirror distorts reality in the mind of its victim, that they no longer know what is real and what is not and thus the viewer also wonders what is real and what is not. Wow, would have thought that is premise is obvious.


"... it was too confusing as to what was real and what was fake. 3/10"

THAT was the whole point of the movie and the premise of the story, i.e. that the Mirror distorts reality in the mind of its victim, that they no longer know what is real and what is not and thus the viewer also wonders what is real and what is not. Wow, would have thought that is premise is obvious.


"I'm the ultimate badass,you do NOT wanna f-ck wit me!"Hudson,Aliens😬


Yes OP...I agree...this wasnt anything special at all...boring and dull and not scary or creepy, there isnt any good score, atmosphere or actors who can make this movie good...it shouldnt even be listed as horror, more like a thriller. Everything was lame except the story...it was decent cause it havent been overdone and a big plus for no cheap jump scares...but other than that, it was absolutley nothing special about this flick. Decent at tops and 4/10 in rating for me.

~If the realistic details fails, the movie fails~


Agree 100%


I thought it was okay, but nothing special and certainly an 8/10 would be far too high a rating for it, to me.

Hey, look at that! She's not crazy, she&'s being chased by a cheetah!


You know, it's been too long since we've got a real psychological horror, and then I go to this film and I love it, For one, it actually expects it's audience to pay close attention to the film, you can't turn you're brain off. Also, this is a mindf*#k done right, it just turns the line of past and present, fantasy and reality into a zigzag of tension filled suspense. If you think the acting is bad, then you don't know what true bad acting is, because these are some good performances, this was Karen Gillan's first big non-TV role and she gave a great performance for it being her first major movie role, also some of the best kid acting I've seen in years. Also, this film actually did the skeptic right, have him in denial when it seems that the supernatural stuff is just the sister's psyche still trying to cope with their traumatic childhood, but when the first instance of something supernatural happens, he start to quickly realize the truth and stops being skeptical, most horror films have the skeptic remain skeptic until either they die or something along those lines, and those characters are annoying as they keep denying what's in plan sight. The fact they were able to create a very suspenseful movie with out jump scares, needless violence, and having everything spelled out for the audience is a great breath of fresh air I've craved for this genre.

I say 8/10 is the appropriate rating for this movie, as it's my rating. This film puts The Conjuring to even more shame then it was already in by itself.


