MovieChat Forums > Oculus (2014) Discussion > How can people enjoy this

How can people enjoy this

They say opinions cant be wrong but anyone who rates this film highly is just that. Next to nothing happens, and some people give this a 9 or a 10. 10? This films as good as a horror can get?


They say opinions cant be wrong but anyone who rates this film highly is just that. Next to nothing happens, and some people give this a 9 or a 10. 10? This films as good as a horror can get?

are you sure you didn't accidentally turn the TV off or pause the movie

so many movies, so little time


this is one of my top horror flicks in recent memory. it built up great atmosphere and mind warping psychological hijinks.



It's unusual in that it's an intelligent horror film. Unfortunately, most horror flicks these days involve a bunch of obnoxious teenagers getting bumped off at a cabin in the woods, or else we get lumbered with lame Japanese rip offs.

If you have a working brain that you enjoy using from time to time, you'll like this film. If not, you can always catch the next idiotic blood and gore yawn fest.


I consider myself to be quite intelligent, but I did not enjoy this movie. It had potential to be a great horror movie, but then at around the last hour it just blows it. If someone completely understands every single time shift that happened, you must be a genius! I don't even think the director knew what was going on at that point. If they had just focused on the present, it could have been suspenseful. Instead, it is just a mess. 5/10

Get away from her, you BITCH!!!
