HATED the ending

First of all, for killing off Amy Pond, and secondly, for not destroying the mirror. I hated the fact that it claimed one more victim and the other was executed (or as good as) and thus was able to continue its killing spree with new owners.

But then, I suppose this will be another case of SequelBait, eh?

Why are you here if you haven't seen the movie yet?


is Amy Pond her Doctor Who character?



Yes. Because I haven't seen her in anything other than Doctor Who until now, it's weird seeing her here, especially with an American accent.

Why are you here if you haven't seen the movie yet?


I understand your feelings, but it's got nothing to do with sequel bait or something.

It's just one effing time a damn straight story with and to all its consequences!

Most movies totally fail at that nowadays, and you've just gotten used to it.

I loved the ending! I was sad for the girl though, and about all her pointless efforts :'/
However, it's been a looong time since I saw an ending that really made logical sense
... in a horror movie. So I appreciate what is good instead of what I had liked to see :)


Hush is a horror movie. And guess what, it doesn't end like this.


That's not a set up for a sequel. That is simply a good ending! At least it didn't go with a crappy Hollywood ending where everything ends all happy. I'm tired of happy endings in movies, it's so predictable.

What's the point if you can write the movie ending in your head before the movie is even over?


Of course there will be a sequel. This movie was too profitable to be left hanging.

In the sequel, some intrepid psychiatrist (or intern or law student or something) reviews all the video footage the brother and sister shot and just knows the brother didn't do it, even though he did it. Maybe a cameo from the brother actor in there as this character, inevitably a sexy 20-something female, tries to piece together what really happened.

She comes up with a foolproof way to break the mirror and when it comes time to do it, the mirror somehow finds a way around the foolproof method of destruction and the lead character dies or is incarcerated and the mirror continues on.

Part 3? I'm fresh out of stale ideas.

All Art is pretense.


Not setting up for a sequel? Of course it was. I predict there will be many sequels, with the mirror always almost being destroyed, but surviving after killing those who tried to break it. Boring. It's pretty cliche for most horror movies to NOT have a happy ending.


It's a horror film. A lot of them have nasty endings. Up to, and including, the end of the world.

And it's the nasty endings that stick in the mind longest, which is a good reason to write such an ending.


I think this is one of the few times that the dark ending actually works for the film.


The mirror goes to the auctioned dealers. And the horror continues with the new victims. Yes, the brother actor can have a cameo,, or the lead part.


Doesn't need a sequel. It has a downer ending, and that's fine. More films could use one.

What I got from the story (and the ending just confirmed it) was that they were never going to beat the mirror. It had them where it wanted them right from the beginning. It was just toying with them the whole time and letting them think they had a chance of destroying it, or even escaping the house.

A sequel would just be driving that same point home. The only way for it to work would be to have the next person (or maybe just Tim again, avenging his sister) figure out some genius plot-twisty way to finally beat it.


I really liked the ending.

One thing I did not like in the movie and really brings it down - the ghosts. They did not need to have had them in the movie at all. They filled no purpose. Was the mirror even haunted or was the whole family just mentally unstable?


It seemed like the mirror was collecting souls. For what purpose, I'm not sure. Maybe it was a portal to Hell? There are all kinds of possibilities, but it's scarier if we don't know.
