MovieChat Forums > Dark Skies (2013) Discussion > 100 things I learned from Dark Skies...

100 things I learned from Dark Skies...

1. When aliens that can enter your house through closed windows and doors are coming for your children, put them in their room ALONE while you keep an eye outside their room in the hallway.

2. While guarding your children's room, if the TV in a different room turns on mysteriously you should immediately go see why, hey the kids are old enough to walk I'm sure they'll be fine.

3. 4 year olds get dressed all by themselves with no help from mom or dad, so no one ever notices 4 yr olds with bruising all over their bodies.

4. Teen angst makes you a prime target for alien abduction.

5. Always accuse your teenage boy's best friend, who happens to be smarter than the average donut, of branding your son's body with intricate geometric patterns.

6. The best way to deal with mysterious brandings on your son's body is to immediately beat up a teenager. Only works for adults.

7. If your wife suggests a possible alien invasion after all of the above has taken place, you should dismiss it and call her crazy.

8. Never question your children when they draw pictures of aliens UNLESS all of the above has happened, only after they have taken your child should you look at their drawings and other warning signs.

"It's so simple a six year old could figure it out."
"Quick! Someone get a six year old!"


45) Aliens hate bacon.

46) Felicity has kept her word and hasn't cut her hair again.

47) When you find your dishes and picture frames stacked up in such intricate ways to leave geometric shapes and designs when the light hits them, immediately ask your youngest son if he did it because all five year olds are mathematical wizards.

48) Felicity didn't choose either Ben or Noel but settled for a dude who can't hold down a job.


50) Get a dog for protection, but don't take him upstairs to protect the family.

It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog


51) When you know aliens are coming for your kids. Stay in the same house. don't go to where it's croweded staying in the house may confuse them into giving up.

52) When you know aliens are coming buy a sh!tload of guns that oughtta scare them.

53) Go to the weird UFO Guy for advice while you're under investigation by the Child protective services. That'll make you look sane. Instead of going tothe authorities and asking for help.

54)Implants are always disguised to look like rashes and other skin irratations.

Five to one baby,one in five. No one here gets out alive -Jim Morrison



55. Aliens - most of them - don't wear clothing.




#56 is a winner.

57. Alien dialogue needs very little editing.

58. Go to a job interview with 2 days growth of beard.

59. Think nothing of it when your youngest son manages to exit the house without setting off the alarm; yet your wife must scramble to turn it off when you run outside.

60. Walkie-talkies still work after being powered on 3 months. Alien batteries not included.


61. If your son dies of some weird sickness, you'll be just fine as long as your wife, whom as far as you know, no longer has a vagina, is by your side.

62. Neck beards never have and never will look good.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


63. A "very agressive" dog is perfectly safe to keep around small children

64. The husband always acts like a giant a**hole to add 20 extra minutes to the movie

65. Child protective services never really show up

66. Aliens behave exactly like ghosts

67. Aliens have the technology to mess up your video equipment but the don't now about still frames

68. Aliens like long walks in the street at midnight as much as the next guy

69. If your small child draws suspicious stick figures taking him by the hand, it's probably nothing. Forget about it for the next couple of years

70. Aliens can completely derail your senses and remote control people, but only one person at a time

71. Whatever weird stuff happens, the police will always laugh it off and tell you it was your child doing it

72. If it's just one full flock of birds crushing into your house, it's a perfectly normal thing

73. Alien scientists do absolutely nothing for a couple of years but start rushing the experiments over the course of a few weeks when they realize they are on a deadline

74. Being a drug addict or heavily alcoholic would make you pass the alien abductee test with flying colors

75. Aliens stay absolutely hidden, however, they have the compulsion to sign their work with an easily recognizable symbol of circles

"I am NaN, I am a free man!"



65. And when CPS is on the way, board up your door and stand ready with a shotgun to shoot the first thing that tries to break it down, because it might be aliens.


76. Autopsies are performed on deranged birds quite often. Never is it classified as a Necropsy.

77. If your young child is seen at the community pool with horrendous bruises all over their body, people WILL whisper and gawk in amazement. No one will ever follow-up on why the child even has the bruises. Not to worry though, life goes on as normal.

78. Realtors are really just honest human beings who don't really care about making a sale.


78.5. If you botched the job interview, don't lie to your Realtor(TM) wife, or she might tell her next prospective buyers that the house isn't all that great.


N. When both parents have blue eyes but one of their two children has brown eyes, the aliens want the child with the blue eyes.

My name is Colin Creevey
and I’m a photoholic.


79. Aliens who supposedly have built interstellar spaceships appear to have unusable creepy hands and look like they couldn't lift a cat.

80. Aliens from a much more advanced civilization travel light years to study human teenage boys, possibly the worst specimens among humans (all they care about is food and porno). Forget the best and the brightest...give us Dobie Gillis!

Et lux perpetua luceat eis


81. When the baby sitter sees bruises all over the kid's body, they take the kid back to his parents, but give them a disapproving look.


82. Aliens don't just take the kid and leave, they mess with you for a year or so first, building stuff out of the contents of your refrigerator for reasons our primitive minds can't understand.
