MovieChat Forums > No Time to Die (2021) Discussion > lowest ticket prices you got?

lowest ticket prices you got?

I barely want to see this, but feel obligated by my fandom of the past legacy of 25ish bond films.... so I don't want to pay much.

I'm in the midwest USA, and see $6.00 as about the lowest

What are prices around the country/world?


Here in Las Vegas I see tickets as follows:
Matinee tickets are $15.75/online -- $13.75 at the ticket booth.
Night tickets are $17.25 online/$15.25 at the ticket booth.

I checked Sarasota Florida:
Tickets average around $10 but can be as low as $8.50 and high as $15.00.

This is why I'm leaving Las Vegas, it's turned into L.A. with L.A. prices trust me.


do they have CHEAP TUESDAYS or anything?


no but I checked there's a Regal theater in the bad side of town that weekday matinee is $9 and $12 all other times.


I surfed to Norman Oklahoma theater and it's $7.50 for matinee and $11.00 after 6PM.


not bad. I feel like over $10, you could have saved and bought it :)

that said, I'd pay 15 to 20 for IMAX version


I agree, I would go to a movie if there were more positives instead of negatives. I went to a few movies in 2018, surrounded by obese people but at least they were civilized. Prices were cheaper back then, the quality of the theater was fine it's just the movies I went to see were Jurassic World 2 and some other sequels. Boring, waste of money.


Once the movie gets to 10 dollars you are really left with a why bother when you can buy it for less when it comes to DVD... I mean when you go with your spouse you're at 20 bucks, if its a movie for the family then you are 30 or 40...And that assume you get nothing to eat or drink during the movie... It really make little sense to go to a theater especially when the movies pop up on streaming services or on disc with a few months of being released. I mean what's a few months when a movie like No Time to Die was pushed back more than a year.


A theater here in Oklahoma City has matinees for $4.75-ish. That's generally what I pay.


Back in the late 80's I remember OKC had that dollar theater on or near South Shields. I went there several times, usually to see movies I missed first run..I saw The Fly 2, Wired, Eight Men Out, and a few others. Still, I probably saw 20 or 30 movies at regular movie prices while I was there. Mostly at Crossroads Mall but some in Midwest City(Heritage?), up near Bethany, a little south in Moore or Norman. Lot's of good times back then!


DL for free online. It was still too much for this crapfest.
