MovieChat Forums > No Time to Die (2021) Discussion > might move again - to summer 2021

might move again - to summer 2021

that would almost equal the longest ever gap in Bond history: the 6y between LtK (summer 89) and GE (Nov 95) .. and of course itd be the 1st Bond since LtK to open in summer ( prior to GE Bond was mainly a summer franchise - similar to StarWars before Disney took over - although all of Connerys were released in the winter except YOLT. whereas all of Moores/Daltons were summer bar TMWTGG)


It's just delaying the inevitable that the movie is going to fail.


If Babs was smart, she would release it now so that she could blame the film's inevitable failure on covid-19. When it bombs post-covid, what will be her excuse then?

I have zero sympathy for anyone involved in this production. It's been one moronic decision after the other. Covid has nothing to do with their incompetence and failure to produce an acceptable film ready for release in a timely fashion.

I expect that they still need to do major re-shoots regardless of whatever Fukunaga has said in an Instagram post.


If they caved to the feminists in making this movie they get what they deserve with it failing.


Yeah, and once they delay it until the summer, the Craig cucks on reddit will be like "just delay it until November to keep with tradition." I expect a November 2021 release date.

Of course this is just delaying the inevitable.


World ain't gonna be any different next summer. This is the new normal. Viruses don't go away, we generationally evolve till they become the common cold.


It's for the best. Can't be certain how the covid will go.


Considering covid infection rates on now rising (obviously due to lifting restrictions past couple of months) and Tenet isn't doing well as hoped and other late 2020 movies are now moving its likely Bond will go to summer 2021..

Man, Eon must be f***ing furious they didn't get it out nov 2019 as was planned and bagged that 800m before the pandemic started!


I think they should just accept they lost all those millions and release it for streaming. Theaters are a thing of the past, like video rental stores. COVID just did them in sooner rather than later. I say good riddance to them. I haven't been inside one for over a decade since they got rid of 35mm film.


That's quite something.

At least the gap after LTK was partially as a result of the comparative disaster both box office-wise and critically of Dalton's "run" as Bond.

This gap comes with the same Bond in place, meaning there's likely to be another long gap afterwards as they decide on the next Bond / navel gaze over what direction Bond should go in next in today's world, bla, bla, bla...
