
Apparently according to the leaks Bond has a kid, that sounds like an awful idea.

I realize he did impregnate Kissy Suzuki in the novels but that plot point went nowhere.


I'm actually for it if its well executed. I think it would be a twist that would definitely turn a lot of Bond fans off, but I'm all for coming up with something new for a franchise that's 58 years old now. I think it would also play into what the Craig run of Bond films has been doing by showing more of Bond's humanity. It seems like this is the way to end his run, so I'm down for it.

As long as that "rumored" 5 year old child aint a clone of Madeleine made by Safin because he's "obsessed with her." NOW THAT'S where I would draw the line. Or Bond dying, which is also rumored. But Bond having a kid ain't so bad IMO. Sure, I get it, he's a womanizer, but if Tracy had remained alive or if Bond married Vesper and she was alive I think one could assume they would have kids. So as long as it fits with what Fukunaga is going for, then by all means, do it.

Keep in mind though that even though a call sheet has leaked on eBay, Cary Fukunaga did say he filmed 3 different endings for this movie so that call sheet could reveal one of those endings and may not even be used.

I'm taking everything that has been leaked so far with a grain of salt until I actually see the movie.


That's one thing I don't like about the Craig Era, it seems to feel that all the films need to be tied together and tell a continuous story, it doesn't, the Bond franchise was fine when every film was for the most part it's own separate thing.


Yeah, but it's nice change of pace. Shaken and stirring things up every once in awhile aint a bad thing. I actually really embrace the more serialized style they're going with for Craig's run. I do eventually want them to go back to a standalone, anthology type format but the idea of Quantum being a direct sequel to Casino Royale proved to me that this was gonna different kind of era for Bond.


There was some continuation in the earlier films too. Bond's wife Tracy was mentioned in some later films.


Not nearly to the degree that it is now. You can watch The Spy Who Loved Me and it will make sense even if you haven't seen On Her Majesty's Secret Service. It's pretty hard to watch Quantum of Solace having not seen Casino Royale.


This is a stupid idea. Can't Bond be a womanising superspy anymore? I'm tired of the producers trying to make the Bond franchise into some dramatic soap opera especially since 2006 with 'Casino Royale.' I want the Bond films to go back to being fun. Not about his backstory and his daughter. No one gives a shit lol. This is a really stupid idea. James Bond is a fantasy. Him having a daughter just ruins it. I hope it's not true.


it's a trans kid.


Actors should stay away from producer's seat...


Where is the rumour coming from? I have a sinking feeling in my gut with this one, but I still want to hold off judgement until I've seen it.


A call sheet for the film was sold on eBay with a 5 year old character named Mathilde that has brought the idea forward. There is also a shot in one of the trailer with a woman in the backseat of Bond's car many assumed was simply Madeline but is likely this daughter character.

Personally, there is precedence as Bond has a son with Kissy Suzuki in the books so it's not unheard of, and likely is the producers attempt to have a female led series with Bond's daughter which I welcome. Of course, if fans really don't like it she's likely to be sent to boarding school never to be heard from again.


It could be very bad. The most aggravating thing would be if they made some online streaming TV show about Mathilde Bond all-grown-up and it turns out James Bond died and she's after his killer or something and they'd wind up making up a bunch of backstory crap (whether he's dead or not) that would feel icky. For them to definitively say, "This is the end of James Bond, 007's story would have a 99.99(repeating)% chance of being ill-conceived and terrible.

As long as they keep making Bond movies in the idiom laid out by the series up until this point, I'm cool with them having a daughter in this film. I just probably want to stop hearing about her in the future. One or two movies from now, they should be mentioning her name at most. Yeah, boarding school would be a good idea.

The direction they seem to be tilting/shoving the series in doesn't sit well. Up until now they had this great, perpetually-reborn phoenix character who defied eras and change. It was kinda fun to have that other-world of James Bond to head off to. It'll always be here... The more they try to hammer in "definitive" arcs and change the character to suit this era, the more it makes me feel like they're trying to erase the past and that they don't care about the character or the series.

This wouldn't feel anywhere near as bad if they started multiple Bond projects at once, of course. If two people were playing "James Bond" and there was no "official" series, it'd be okay. Nobody complains about Casino Royale from the '60s "harming" the franchise. Nobody's upset that "James Bond" was officially stamped as American just because of that TV movie. Why? It's not the "official" continuity. But if they made him American in the EON Bond films, everybody'd freak out.
