Comparing it to Spain is completely ridiculous, not to mention insulting.
Your commentary is also insulting then (I don't feel insulted but by your parameters I think I should, so you must know that in your own terms you're insulting people too, taken or not). If you say that, you clearly don't understand anything about Spain, you're not being any different of what you criticize.
Do you know how close Spanish and Euskera (a language spoken in Spain) are? Let's see...
- Spanish is a romantic language: related to Portuguese, French, Italian...
- Romantic languages come from the same family of Indo-European languages, that include: English, German, Greek, Russian...
- Then, it's Euskera, a language no one know where the hell does it come from (a.k.a. language isolete) that it's not related to any of those I've said before. That means that Spanish and Russian have more in common that Spanish and Euskera.
Also, in Spain Euskera is not the only different language (though it's the one less related to Spanish). There're more different languages (Galician and Catalan for example). I could actually understand someone talking those at some degree and they would understand me too of course, the same that happens in the scene. Yet, I couldn't say a sentence in Galician or Catalan.
Of course that couldn't happen with Euskera, that's a language absolutely impossible to understand if you don't specifically know Euskera, there's no language close to it that could help you understand it.