MovieChat Forums > Focus (2015) Discussion > Interracial couple are still tricky for ...

Interracial couple are still tricky for me.

It´s still awkward when I see interracial couples in movies. Born and raised in a small rural town in Idaho I never witnessed something like that, that´s really something new for me


Move to where the people are. It's not uncommon at all here in NY. I have been seeing a black girl on and off since 1987(neither one of us are the marrying type). Back in the late 80's and early 90's we used to get funny looks everywhere we went. These days nobody gives it a second thought.



Hate your views but well done for being honest.





yikes you must have never been to a town with more than one street light because these days in the bigger cities thats all you see, white on black, black on brown, brown on yellow, yellow on red, red on purple.

-things I write on IMDB may come from my blog


The fact that people like OP and some of the other ignorant people here still exist bothers me. The fact that the OP is likely born in 1982 (I'm guessing) and is relatively young bothers me even more. You'd expect ignorant outdated views from old people, but for young people to think like this is something else. Also, the whole thing about races mixing causing illnesses and stuff is absolute nonsense. As a matter of a fact, the entire purpose of sexual reproduction is to increase variability in the gene pool, thus making it so that your offspring is more likely to survive. Different types of people getting together is good, not bad. People that are too similar getting together is bad. Which is more likely to get skin cancer? Two white people having a kid? A white person and a black person producing a biracial child? One will be more likely to survive (without extra care, such as sunscreen and such). Genetic variability is good. Take a science class. They have those in the 21st century, once you join us.


Jesus, people, can't you spot a troll when you see one? Don't feed them, they'll keep crapping everywhere

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


The fact that ignorant people like superfly2008 still exist bothers me.

A child inherits traits from both parents, in various proportions. The tricky part is that humans have just one fundamental trait that matters, compared to dogs for example [some dog breeds run faster, others have stronger jaws]. In humans, the only trait that makes the big difference is IQ.
White genes come with a higher average IQ than black genes. The key threshold is somewhere between white and black - that is, blacks are below the civilizational advancement requirement [the ability to invent useful stuff for society, like the wheel or the light bulb]. Basically this means downgrade for the white parent; of course, blacks have all the interest in this kind of upgrade - be it with whites or asians or whomever.

Before crying "racist", keep in mind that these are facts, just like it has been proven that East Asians have a higher average IQ than whites!!

Also, it's simply irrational for a white woman to put a 9-month strain on her body in this context [downgrade]. It's downright disgusting. Common sense says the upgrade labour should be done by the lesser side, in this case a black woman.

And no, we're not "all equal" and stuff. Far from it, actually. We're equal in rights perhaps [or should be], but even in a "same race" context it's quite difficult to find two equal persons, let alone when looking at a different race. Thinking in terms of race does NOT make one "racist". The word's meaning has been severely altered as of lately. This is all simply racial science.

Not a native anglo.


You sound like one of those 20th century quacks who tried to prove blacks had smaller brains than whites. Your racial pseudo science does not hold water. Minorities tend to have lower IQs due to poor education and upbringing not genetics. The fact that you don't know this suggest that you yourself are poorly educated. American school system at its best.


We don't know for sure how much of an impact race has on intelligence, since it's considered racist to even study it, thus, the scientific community wouldn't dare try. It would be denying evolution to say that all races are exactly equal. However, I believe you're correct that socioeconomic factors play the biggest role. I think culture is a close second as well, but that's hard to determine since culture often changes with economic status.

My observation as a poor "white" student (I'm Native) that went to both poor and upper-middle class schools, is that the education quality was drastically different. This wasn't because the teachers at the upper-middle class school were better. There was no noticeable difference in that regard. The difference is that at the poor school, the students had zero respect for anyone. They constantly disrupted the class to the point that the teachers just didn't care and gave up. The students were predominantly black, and rarely did I see white students act this way, but it would be dumb to assume young black males are genetically predisposed to act like jackasses. This was the '90s, when white students were just starting to adopt "black" culture. I'm sure white kids are just as bad today.



do you have the same discomfort when its a white guy / asian girl?



It's not that you're racist, but you've really twisted the words of Richard J. Herrnstein and Charles Murray (see The Bell Curve) and presented an argument based on racist science.

Furthermore, before accepting their work as "fact", you might want to spend some time researching the overwhelming amount of criticism their work has received from other researchers. Ignoring any emotional response, far more has been writing invalidating their methods and results than the book itself.

I remember when the book came out and I was pretty fascinated by it. Charles Murray was doing all kinds of interviews and speaking engagements and it was really interesting stuff. Unfortunately, it was all pretty much debunked shortly after. Murray did attempt a weak rebuttal to the criticism a couple of years after The Bell Curve, but pretty much moved on to attacking women with just statements as, "No woman has been a significant original thinker in any of the world's great philosophical traditions."



All the bull**** you said has already been debunked. Get real---race dosen't have s*** to do with intelligence. That's just some racist bull**** white people have always said to justify dominating damn near everything. I know too many black folks that are educated to believe the stupid racist bull**** you just spouted. That's the kind of bull**** white racists tell themselves to justify looking down on black people since that's something white folks have always done,and to make them feel better about themselves. . And you talk all this bull****, yet we have a black man in the White House who's way smarter than little whiny-a** racist punks like you (he's a Harvard graduate, for goodness' sakes.) Get real---you only believe that s*** because it makes you feel like the s***. Also, you haven't provided any links with any data or proof to back up your bull**** claims because you don't have any, and you know it.


Good thing people like you weren't in charge of developing the alphabet... there'd only be one letter.

Cardboard Box is the Future.


I can understand that you would feel awkward about something different considering you have been living in one hole all your life. What I don't understand though is that you don't feel awkward admitting to it.

I would advise you to travel around a little. I am getting a feeling that there are other weird things that you believe are normal. :)

~Luca Brasi sleeps with the fishes~


Get some exposure in your life, dude.
