In the dive into water scene....

They have 3 min to insert some chip and get out. First off, why does Tom Cruise start his clock before and waste 15s on the top?

But the biggest goof is why didn't he just carry some fancy oxygen getup? That makes no sense apart from needlessly creating drama when there could've been drama from other sources.

Still, a highly enjoyable movie.


They said that they couldn’t carry anything metal in there. So they didn’t have some fancy oxygen getup (or at least one that didn’t involve metal).


Well, ok but he could've easily carried a plastic tank with like 2 hours of air


That would be too much of a technical macguffin. They had barely enough resources to get those convenient self turning lockpicking rings for the combination locks to Benji plus the metal free arm wearable diving computers and the metal free defibrillator kit.


defibrillator kit was already at the escape site near the car, I thought

including a change of clothes for Ilsa - who wasn't supposed to go through the water
