MovieChat Forums > Spectre (2015) Discussion > Worst Bond film by far

Worst Bond film by far

Ridiculous plane chase (somehow there's time to move to the plane and take off in the time it takes for the bad guys to get into their cars) after a ridiculous effort to kill the girl (just have the injection ready when she gets into the car.
Ridiculous info from a ring, scanned from some bs doohingy.
The visit to the bad guy lair with the ridiculous escape (line gunman was felled by an opening door, Bond goed commando and shoots ten guys from the hip, whole compound is made of C4 apparently, gets to da choppa!)
Convenient net is installed along the Silva and M portraits in Mi6 building and Bond casually shoots a chopper down with a 9mm.
And there is a lot more wrong, but I won't spend more time on this shit fest.
Recently watched all Bonds again and this is really the worst. Quantum if solace is a bit boring but at least it's a real bond film.


So this film is somehow worse than great moments in Bond cinematic history like 6"2 Connery disguised as a Japanese man, Blofeld in drag, Bond going into Space, the Golden Girls spinoff that was A View to A Kill, and all the ridiculous crap like invisible cars as seen in Die Another Day?


Yes. Because the corny Bonds didn't try to be rooted in realism. And the horribly racist Bonds were products if their time and the sick Imperial mindset of the British. Blofeld in drag was a well carried out disguise and a view to a kill is an excellent Moore sendoff. Die another Day was kitsch but it was entertaining kitsch. Spectre feels like a kick in the balls. Like GoT season 8 did. Their fault for making Craig's Bond play in one long serial story.


I guess your just looking for a different type of movie. Spectre wouldn't be in my top ten Bonds, but it's hardly the disaster you seem to think.


I assure you it is to me. But everyone is entitled to an opinion.


"horribly racist bonds"?

You whiners making everything about race these days have set back equality 20 years.

But I agree Spectre was pretty weak. Too long, and too boring.


You're white, aren't you?


Lol. Have you seen them all?

They go back to the early sixties, you know.


Bzzzz, little fly. Finish your "Rex the big dinosaur" first.


Have you seen Moonraker???


"the corny Bonds didn't try to be rooted in realism"
-but they still entertained.
Drax with his mega mansion and well trained Doberman pinschers! All a bit silly but not poorly thought out like cringe fest Spectre.


Common, lets be honest...
There are about 5 bad Bond films, about 10 decent, about 5 good, and 5 great.


Ridiculous plane chase (somehow there's time to move to the plane and take off in the time it takes for the bad guys to get into their cars) after a ridiculous effort to kill the girl (just have the injection ready when she gets into the car.
Ridiculous info from a ring, scanned from some bs doohingy.
The visit to the bad guy lair with the ridiculous escape (line gunman was felled by an opening door, Bond goed commando and shoots ten guys from the hip, whole compound is made of C4 apparently, gets to da choppa!)
Convenient net is installed along the Silva and M portraits in Mi6 building and Bond casually shoots a chopper down with a 9mm.
And there is a lot more wrong, but I won't spend more time on this shit fest.
Recently watched all Bonds again and this is really the worst. Quantum if solace is a bit boring but at least it's a real bond film.

well said, friend.

after much thought i have concluded that it's sam mandes who ruined bond movies for me. he's just f__king lame. there's nothing else to say.what were they thinking choosing him in the first place?? HE'S THE DIRECTOR OF AMERICAN BEAUTY AND REVOLUTIONARY ROAD FOR CRISSAKE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


f_k it. it's over. for me it died with quantum.


I agree with all of that, but have you ever seen a Bond movie that didn't have some stupid cheese acton in it?


Erm, no.

Spectre's disappointing - the yellow tint look which was completely overdone, the Bond and Blofeld childhood connection, and the contrived way that Blofeld was apparently behind all of Bond's pain, but the pre-credits sequence (again while still too yellow), and Bond's fight on the train, prevents it from being the absolute worst.
