MovieChat Forums > Spectre (2015) Discussion > Why do white europeans think it's ok to ...

Why do white europeans think it's ok to steal the Mexican culture?

That opening scene is the worst example of cultural appropriation I've ever witnessed


Maybe non-whites should stop appropriating white culture


"So now I should thank them for stealing my culture?"

Utter rubbish. 'Stealing'? People like you look for anything they can moan and scream about. Stealing your culture - if you are of Mexican indian descent then you 'stole' Spanish culture. If you are of Spanish descent then you didn't steal the indian's culture you just slaughtered thousands of them.

People like you are a joke. As soon as you open your mouth, people are scrambling for the exits. If you live in Mexico, stay there. If you live in the USA, get back to Mexico or adopt the USA's culture.



School us. How would the Mexicans have been behaving during this festival?

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Mexico would look like a total slum if it wasn't for White Europeans 

Even now it looks like a slum but the only thing that is keeping it slightly in tact are the white Europeans(aka Spaniards)


Mexicans should stop appropriating Spanish culture. I mean, they speak Spanish? It's like a wholesale cultural theft.

Kentoc'h mervel eget bezañ saotret


That entire idea is condescending. The other day I read a rant about how white people should not "steal" rap music because it is "appropriating" black music/culture. However, they never complain that black music appropriates a lot from white music/culture.

Why not? Because of inherent racism. They put whites above blacks in their mind, almost like an adult and a child, and say it's ok for one to appropriate the other but not the other way around, because it isn't "fair."

Its condescending and racism in its own right.

In truth, movies like this actually showed a famous cultural event in Mexico and did a very good job of showing it off (better than they did for carnival in brazil in moonraker)


As "Felix the cat" (cartoon character) would say:


You make a point about Mexican culture being some "glorious country" that everyone wishes to climb over borders to live in! It's a 3rd world country that's STILL a 3rd world hell hole!!! Why is Canada similar to the USA and borders the USA like Mexico borders the USA but yet, SO RADICALLY DIFFERENT from Mexico? One word: CORRUPTION!!!!!!! That's your wonderful, glorious Mexican "culture"~ along w/the drug Lord's, sex slave trafficking, etc...... Go live in Mexico!


These are actors in movies and they shouldn't have this type of power.
