MovieChat Forums > Deliver Us from Evil (2014) Discussion > Movie theater experience - teenagers

Movie theater experience - teenagers

I went to see this movie tonight in theaters with my brother. As we were sitting there waiting for the previews to come on I was telling him that this was the type of movie that would attract annoying ass teenagers. The previews came on and finished. And just as the opening scene of the movie came onto screen, my worst fear came true. A group of 10-12 young teenagers came walking into the theater laughing and talking and holding their cell phones, a mixture of boys and girls all probably between the ages of 15-17 years old. And they immediately went for the back row of the theater.

This was trouble. What is wrong with teenagers, and just society in general these days? No one has respect for anyone else. No one cares if they affect anyone else. Everyone seems to be ignorant, ESPECIALLY teenagers. From the moment they walked into the theater and sat down they were laughing, pulling their phones out, whispering NON-STOP, talking, creaking around in their chairs. They were such a large group that they were sitting in two rows (the very back row and the one right in front of that row). This one teenage boy kept getting up from his seat and walking to the next row and sitting down to talk to his friends, then getting up and going back to his seat and talking to those friends. Then going to the next row and talking to his friends again. All during the movie.

I was trying to keep calm and remain cool but I started getting extremely angry and pissed off thinking about the fact that I spent my hard earned money and all I wanted to do was relax and enjoy a decent movie on a Friday night but these ignorant, *beep* teenagers didn't have a care in the world and didn't mind ruining the movie for everyone else in the theater.

So after a straight 45-50 minutes of hearing them whisper and talk and laugh and move around in their seats I finally turned around, stared straight at them and really loudly said "hey, SHUT UP!" and for the remaining 45 minutes of the movie......not a PEEP from any of them.

When will teenagers learn to have respect for others, when will parents teach their damn kids some respect in public places. I seriously don't even go to the movies anymore even half as much as I used to because it seems now I have a 50% chance of having the movie ruined by an ignorant group of people.


Your post was somewhat believable until the part you said they respected your "Shut Up" order. Total lie. These type of kids would never have respected you, they'd actually be even louder just to annoy you.


??? So you think I came onto IMDB and fabricated a story?? What would that do for me? Believe what you want, I honestly couldn't care less. These idiots shut up completely after I told them.


Pensioners are just as bad.

Their bladders last about 4 minutes, they limp to the toilet & take about 3 days to return.

If there is a sad moment in the film, they start talking loudly, asking their partners "have you got the tissues, Deirdre? The Tisues! NO! THE TISSUES, not the popcorn!!"


That made me laugh! Thank you for cheering up my Christmas (which has been a disaster so far...)


You are as ignorant as the teenagers who ruined your movie experience.


And you are an idiot just like the teenagers. Haha


