MovieChat Forums > Deliver Us from Evil (2014) Discussion > What do you think of people laughing dur...

What do you think of people laughing during horror movies.

Those people that for some reason went to a horror movie only to laugh during the scary stuff, as if to show everyone that they aren't scared.

I saw this movie and there was a guy like this behind me, laughing his ass of every time creepy stuff happened.

I know horror movies can be bad sometimes, even laughably bad, but comon, cant you just stay quiet until the movie ends?


I guess that people who laugh unnecessarily at demons because they're trying to cover up their fear with laughter. Inside, they're trembling!

When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies but the pack survives.


To be honest, i coudnt stop laughing. There were so many retarded moments, especially the owl scene. I mean it really depends on the movie. When i saw as above so below no one laughed.


stefa, but every comment and a LOT of the reviews said AS ABOVE, SO BELOW was god awful. so i assume the audience was quiet because they either fell asleep or were so depressed that they wasted their money on the movie. :)


Dude i stopped listening to critics after i saw imdbs top 250 list.. Batman is like top 7 goddammnit :P


stefa, i actually agree w/ you. i NEVER listen to critics or read reviews (to decide if i want to see a movie). if i want to see a movie i go see it, reviews be damned. :)


people deal with things in all different ways. i've met people who laugh when they are scared, just like i've met people who scream when they are scared or etc, etc.

just like some people laugh at sad things, while others cry. some people have NO visible reaction to sadness or fear or etc.


Some horror films do have intentionally funny scenes in them. An American Werewolf In London comes to mind. Though some are unintentionally funny. Also people do laugh after they have just been scared, it's a natural reaction.


I think it's immature & inconsiderate. Why see a movie based on the supernatural if you don't believe in it? Everybody saying how "unrealistic" this film is, is just closed-minded. I've had several experiences in my lifetime that have proven to me beyond a doubt that the "other side" exists. And to those using the "you must be religious" argument, I have never been to church in my life.


I agree, there is a proper place to laugh at pathetically and poorly made horror movies, which BTW are all of them. But to interrupt anyone which has paid an admission is inappropriate.

And not to be disrespectful, but if you have had these "other side" experiences, then maybe you should consider writing a book as your imagination is running wild.


I know what you mean, it takes away the effect we look for in the movie we're watching. It's one of the many reasons I don't go to the theater and just wait until it comes out on pay per view. What can you say to these morons? They paid their $6 like the rest of us and it's their choice to react however they feel. The cost for just one person, if you buy popcorn & a drink is over $20 today. Too many bad experience's for me, to waste that kind of money. I'll go to movies that are action films like The Avengers etc..moron safe movies and must see on the Big Screen. Sorry to hear your experience was ruined by some meathead.


Because parts of this film are so badley acted and written that it is jawdroppingly amazing that rubbish like this gets on screen ... Thats what people are laughing at ... The idiots who make these really bad unimaginative "horror" films today

