Yes its getting bad reviews but whatever. Its good for what its not more so than what it is. No expository dialogue, no dumb typical horror character decisions, not an abundance of exorcism shlock, which was a surprise, and no wasted scenes. Great acting and Joel McHale was great. More cop story than horror. Not really noir inspired like i had read, (unless you count it being always dark and rainy) but more procedural. The story kind of suffered near the end, (which got really, really intense btw) but hey, most of them do. Definitely worth a ticket. Eric Bana is a very good hard boiled cop.
lol sure dont have high standards when it comes to movies or horror movies for that matter...this one was lame as most of them and like so many other retarded horror flicks, they forget the details that makes a movie more realistic beside the overnatural...this fail on everything...and its not even scary...
I am avid horror movie aficionado at least I think so! my favorite horror themes are zombies, apocalypse themes, science fiction, utopian movies and demonic movies. I think this movie was awesome. Don't be Debbie downers guys... it was really entertaining. I love the whole zoo scene. from erin shelley
I am 39 so I am definitely not 12. Listen, all I am saying is that there are SO many demonic movies out there that are just awful, that in comparison, this one actually had some good acting, scary moments, a decent plot, good cinematography and I enjoyed it. To each his/her own.
Good acting? lol...not high standards here cause Ive never seen Bana this bad. Scary moments? lol...not very high standards in horror movies either, cause this is more of a laughfest than scary...its like a scary movie comedy. Decent plot? lol...really not high standards in any movie cause there is no plot at all...this movie is just all over the place...but sure...good cinematography I cant argue was pretty good...but in overall...this aint a movie...this is like a bad school project with a high budget...this is maybe the worst horror or I mean horror parody of all times...this is painfully bad and Im glad I dont have to endure your bad tastes in movies, but what ever keeps your boat floating...
Wow! You're kinda harsh huh? That's okay. My boat floats just fine. I wpuld say my overall taste in movies is quite good. I wrote a 15 page paper on Lord of the Rings and my teacher said it was the best movie report/review/disection that he had read in 15 years. Hey, we don't have to agree on liking the movie, but you don't have to slam someone's overall taste when you don't know the half of it. But it's cool. It will get mixed results. Thank goodness we all have our first ammendment eh? I think people will like it or hate it. It's just that kind of movie. Have you seen SHARKNADO 2? Ha ha. Have a good one and people... Keep open minds :) Movies rule! -iggypopgirl
Nah...Im not harsh...Im just speaking the truth here...I cant understand how you can like this movie when its so poorly executed in every possible way. As I said...not even Bana is good in this one, if you think he is, then you havent seen alot of movies with Bana and I cant agree that I think you have a very good taste in acting skills.
I agree that we should all keep our minds open, but what I dont agree on, is to be blind and not to see when we get fed with poor garbage...we must set our bars higher to make Hollywood produce better movies overall. I cant actually remember when I last saw this kind of lame horror flick, but sure...its better than sharknado 2...but then again...sharknado 2 doesnt try to be a dead serious movie like this joke of a film does.
I bet your writing is good and you should get some cred for writing a 15 page paper on lord of the rings, not bad at all, I myself once wrote a 12 page paper on The Crow and the mysterious death of Brandon Lee...but that doesnt make this movie less bad.
Movies rule...I agree on that aswell...but not this turd movie...maybe if I was like 10 and I wouldnt have much need for a plot, cause 10 year olds doesnt watch movies for the plot...maybe then this could work...but now when Im much brain is agonized by this so called random plot that is appalling bad...its like the scriptwriter just took a few campfire scary stories and put em togheter and this is the bad result. Nah...I really have some higher standards in movies than this lame crapfest.
Well thank you for complementing my writing - and good for you as well... listen, I agree the acting wasn't incredible with a few exceptions. Bana I am well familiar with and I do think his acting was just limited my the lack of chemistry in most of the movie with the priest. But listen, it was fun to watch and I watched it twice.toake sure I wasn't crazy. I enjoyed it a second time. Movies like Grave Encounters 1 and 2 are great, and my fave, 28 Days Later. I hope you agree that this movie really delivered in EVERY way. I have watched it at leat 20 or more times... I get what you're saying about DUE but I still think there were creepy cool parts. It wasn't knock my socks off scary but it was creepy and fun enough. Now you have to tell me your opinion on a movie that maybe I have or haven't seen as a GREAT example of a good horror movie because they don't come along very often. I also thought the Conjuring was excellent. PEOPLE, just expect it to be entertaining and with all that garbage around this is better than the horrible horror movies that are being jammed down our throat. I wish they would make at least 30 good horror movies a year.. we are lucky to see a good one here and there!!!! -iggypopgirl
And there is the Walking Dead which is incredible. DUFE is worth checking out People. It's not going to BLOW you away but a nice smoldering mysterious plot. -iggypopgirl. Or watch a horror movie amd something silly on netflix That will waste your real time! it entertained me plenty. Corny at times? Yes. Bad acting at times? Yes. Over all darkness and intrigue - very good! - iggypopgirl
And btw I also like walking dead but that show is only good cause of the fine acting and interesting characters...not cause of some lame zombies who isnt even alittle scary...they are kinda a lame but the characters and their "journey" is for sure interesting.
Well...there arent many horror flicks that are great or good these days but some of them atleast have good acting and disturbing feeling to them so they become atleast watchable and creepy. This movie had neither...and I cant understand how you can like this or even think its creepy cause its not...its a big luagh in everything from start to finish...scary movie 15 is more creepy than this rambo police hearing voices crap movie. But like it and I dont understand it, but what ever makes your boat float. As I said...there isnt very many horror flicks out there worth mentioning but Sinister and Exorcism of Emily Rose had some good acting and a distrubring creepy atmoshpere...Derrickson is for sure one of the best horror directors today but when Hollywood start telling him what to do, then this crap gets made. I do agree on that The conjuring was atleast decent and worth a watch but the ending was almost as pathetic as in this movie...excorism in a police house and no one reacts...what a laugh and a rambo cop running around taking on wife beaters and some junkie in a stair with a combat knife? comon...I can keep this going all day if I wanted, not even sharknado 2 is this lame.
I'm almost completely desensitised to horror/scares. I recognise the tropes of such films and there was a lot to tick off. The failing lights, the POV torches, the thematic elements of possession etc etc. But it was all so obvious and cliched, and the characters so two-dimensional, that I just felt I was watching what I was to expect and ticking off the cliches until the derivative plot ran its course.
Yes, the bar is set low given the genre... That does not make this film any better.
As a film Dracula 2000 is not worth of 7/10 just for being slightly less complete rubbish than the genre is it represents.
I totally agree. I thought it was more of a cop movie with some supernatural elements. I think the ending was pretty brutal, but I'm still sticking to mu overall opinion that I liked it. I know there are a lot of nay sayers, but sometimes I feel like if I'm entertained, then the movie did it's job. I do have high stadards as my favorite movies are Amadeus, Gladiator, 28 Days Later, Life Aquatic and Grizzly Man, and many other horror/suspense movies so I'll take the hits for liking it :) -iggypopgirl.