MovieChat Forums > Deliver Us from Evil (2014) Discussion > Liked every second of it. Not bad at all...

Liked every second of it. Not bad at all.

Yes its getting bad reviews but whatever. Its good for what its not more so than what it is. No expository dialogue, no dumb typical horror character decisions, not an abundance of exorcism shlock, which was a surprise, and no wasted scenes. Great acting and Joel McHale was great. More cop story than horror. Not really noir inspired like i had read, (unless you count it being always dark and rainy) but more procedural. The story kind of suffered near the end, (which got really, really intense btw) but hey, most of them do. Definitely worth a ticket. Eric Bana is a very good hard boiled cop.



derekjager, hope you enjoy the movie for what it is, an adult orientated horror flick that is derivative but mixes in the cop aspects well. Eric Bana nails it for mine, delivering on all aspects.

About the only real problem I had was with the pacing seemingly off in places, but that might have been due to me watching it tired after a 14 hour day in the salt mine. - horror's last colonial outpost.


I found it pretty enjoyable. 7/10

What'd you say? 'Everything happens for a reason'.



Yeah I totally understand the mixed reviews. I'd still recommend this though.

What'd you say? 'Everything happens for a reason'.


Completely agree OP. Nothing special at all, and everything in the film has been done before but 'DUFE' was very well done. A solid show.

"A true archer doesn't even need a bow or an arrow."


I agree with you. It was entertaining and held my attention throughout. There were the standard sudden noise and gory scene scares, but the cops personal life was a big focus. They even injected some humor into the exorcism scene.


I agree. I enjoyed it.

She had the saddest look I've seen in years, A kangaroo cry ~ Blue October


Because of the bad reviews, I probably would not have seen this in theatre.
But because Sinister is one of my all time favorite horror movies, I had to see this. I'm glad I did. Very intense movie. Really had a Seven-feel to it imo.
Really wish Derrickson was directing Sinister 2.


Get the *beep* out of here.


"No expository dialogue.."

Sure, if you don't count the 15-minute-long story the priest tells in the car about his backstory.


right, i didnt count that. because it wasnt expository dialogue.


LOL. Served.


Yeah, it didn't explain the priests motivations and mental state or (presumably) explain where he was going to attack him during the exorcism. Nor, did the priest explain why he became a priest in dialogue. That never happened and would have been good too.



You're right about it being good for what it is---it's actually both equal amounts gritty cop thriller ( I love those anyway) and horror movie (love those too.) But yeah, nothing new that I hadn't seen before, but at least it was done well---especially that last intense half-hour with the exorcism. I just wish it hasn't been so gross in some parts---that wasn't anything that hadn't been done before either. I also liked the priest because he was not only cool as hell, he showed himself to be very human and not at all like the stereotypical priest you usually see in films. Basically just another exorcist film with the police angle added to it to make it somewhat fresh, but there was obvious effort put into making it a decent thriller to watch--I also liked the scenes where the little girl was being stalked by those creepy sounds at night--well done. Liked Bana, McHale and the demon dude---whom I didn't even recognize until I saw his name in the credits--Brit actor Sean Harris---who always plays mean, hateful creepy dudes, it seems.


Actually, I thought everything was very well done up until the exorcism part, which was just boring and derivative and allowed the movie to very quickly and quietly tie itself up with a neat little bow. Shame as it was promising for the first hour and a half.
