Good series finale

I liked it very much


They did a solid job with it. While I wouldn’t say that it was a perfect finale by any means (felt a bit anti climatic and like something was missing), all in all it was a good conclusion to the series.


On my first view of the finale episode I felt the same way but I just rewatched Season 7 and this time around I felt nothing but warmth and love for the way they were all sent off in that last episode.

I think it has something to do with processing and perspective that it is really over now whereas on first viewing there’s an element of denial going on and all your hopes and fears are wrapped up together in your expectations that ultimately, are hardly ever met in show finales.

I’m pretty content now with how it ended and when you think about it, it’s so rare after you leave a workplace to keep in touch with the people you used to spend soooooo much of your time with. I think they really nailed it with that last scene being a ‘virtual’ catch up that they ‘hoped’ would happen once a year. The truth is you move on and real-life takes over and more often than not you rarely see such people ever again. It’s very bittersweet - that’s what that final meeting between them represents to me.

Such a wonderful season all up that was filled with many callbacks to much loved previous characters/ storylines.

I’ll really miss this show.


I liked it, the whole final season was excellent, much better than the previous one


I already miss the show. Will they ever bring out it together again...


Coulson's send off felt disappointing.I just kept thinking that Coulson was still dead and buried and that was a robot with his memories flying away in his Lola.Other than that it was good.


Me too. It was cool!


In England, the final season still hasn't been aired on the E4 channel.
