MovieChat Forums > Jobs (2013) Discussion > What's the point of biographical movies?

What's the point of biographical movies?

Do people honestly think they can come to understand a man by watching two hours of fictionalized clips out of an entire lifetime? I think these make for the worst kinds of movies - low in entertainment value and at worst a rewriting of history.


Yeah, movies about real people--they're the worst. I mean, "Patton," come on, that SUCKED, as did "La Vie en Rose," "Nixon," and countless others. It isn't full understanding that people expect, but some insights into significant people from past and present. Seeing important people and events dramatized can be entertaining and enlightening.


The best ones draw parallels to other events at the time of making... I don't think this film did that very well, but it doesn't mean that it can never be achieved, within a similar format.

"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"
