'Francis Ha' Is Nothing To Laugh About
Baumbach is a scourge and a plague... a fifth rate bargain basement
Woody Allen wannabee whose "Greenberg", "Margot At The Wedding" and
"The Squid and The Whale" were such cinematic atrocities that even the
empty seats wanted their money back. You could take the worst Hollywood
Z movie schlock that ever played in a old fleapit drive-in and it would
have more memorable impact that even one second of any of these
lethally pretentious, Vassar-infected,hipster-conservative,literati-tainted wankfest-pieces of dysfunctional bourgeois sludge. It's as if Ed Wood came back from the dead with a Criterion DVD collection and an issue of The New Yorker tucked under his arm. Gerwig's "quirky girl" act is so way past it's sell-by date that you want to spray the screen with Raid. He gives Ben Stiller work,
which has already guaranteed him a loveseat in hell.
No wonder the masses watch comic books.