MovieChat Forums > The Rover (2014) Discussion > What was your favourite scene?

What was your favourite scene?

I for one, enjoyed the movie quite a bit, and I found the most poignant scene to be the one where Rey and Eric approach the neighbourhood of the brother but decide to hold off until the morning, and "Pretty Girl Rock" is cued to which the scene then cuts to Rey attempting to sing it. Just felt like the character was a world apart from the music he was listening to and made it seem that he'd been coerced by his older brother into the life of crime he was in.


There was a very short scene where Eric was cleaning Ray's wound with water. There was a subtle background score which made the whole scene very touching. It revealed Eric's heart and sympathy towards Ray.


There was a very short scene where Eric was cleaning Ray's wound with water. There was a subtle background score which made the whole scene very touching.
Oh, I liked that one, too.

And when Rey rescues Eric and is so excited that his plan worked that he's recounting all the details...

Fear the man with nothing left to lose.


Since I only lasted 12 minutes before turning it off because how utterly stupid it was I'll say the first scene was my favorite.


That is my favourite scene as well, Rey singing along to pretty girl rock


My favourite scene is when he shoots the brother and sits down opposite the older bloke (Reys Father??) and a tear runs down Guy Pearce's face. So subtle, yet so powerful. Even the hardest of men have a soft spot when it gets too stressful!

you can't turn a turtle into a racehorse, but you can make it into a very fast turtle!


Christ...from the moment they get to Carloon (say around 1 hour and 15 minutes onwards)everything is top notch film making and acting...add the music which is haunting and powerful, and of course the very last scene which I won't spoil, and you get perhaps one of the greatest last quarters of an hour ever...

It just has it all: pacing, cinematography, music, acting, a great conclusion to this bloody story...and yet, nothing is revealed or finished...a great movie!


Yes that's my favourite scene as well. I can feel his pain, anger and sadness!
Guy Pearce shines in this film.


I was struck by the ending scene. I understand his immense love for his pet companion. I buried my dear cat on this day a week ago.


My favorite scene was when the credits rolled. SOOO glad this ridiculous snore fest was over!
