MovieChat Forums > Parkland (2013) Discussion > Some basic things to know about JFK's mu...

Some basic things to know about JFK's murder...

JFK was killed by an amalgem of CIA/oil interests, with mob support, and complicity from VP Lyndon Johnson and FBI Director J Edgar Hoover.

Today, having the public know what essentially happened in Dallas seems to be just fine (as long as no one tries to actually do anything about it) because it communicates clearly to everyone "who rules".

** Oswald was set up as "the nut," the CIA routinely setting up official patsies in advance when committing assassinations overseas. Oswald was a low-level intelligence grunt who'd participated in the fake-defector program of the Cold War era and who was carefully positioned to take the blame.

** 95% of Oliver Stone's movie was based on the more responsible investigations of many researchers from the '60s to the '90s.

** While some continue to assert that "there's not one piece of evidence that anyone other that Oswald killed JFK," in fact valid evidence has fallen out left and right... Recently, infamous Watergate conspirator, E Howard Hunt, long-assumed complicit in JFK's death, left an audio and handwritten confession for his son, although only "Rolling Stone" would touch it and, later, Jesse Ventura; CBS' 60 MINUTES was going to do a piece on it, and had investigated and verified the portions which could be so verified (like the handwriting and voice) but word came down from the top of CBS that they weren't going to let 60 MINUTES run the story, no matter what they had.

So it was killed and shelved away.

** Whatever data in the official files hidden away for 75 years will, in all probability, not reveal the truth of the assassination, but will likely re-affirm comfortable Lone Nut lies, and maybe falsely implicate Castro and the KGB, insisting that such data "supporting" a Communist conspiracy had to be kept secret in order to avoid WW3 (which is what LBJ told Earl Warren to get him to participate in the commission that bore his name).

The records are never going to say, "Oh, by the way, LBJ, H L Hunt and Murchison, Brown & Root, and Texas oil, the CIA, the mafia, and the Cuban exhiles all colluded to kill the 35th President, with Hoover's FBI manipulating the Warren Commission's investigation... "

** LBJ was being investigated by Ways & Means for a long series of corrupt activities including skimming Texas Agricultural Commission funds for personal and political finance reasons, and local Texas murders. Bobby Kennedy at the Justice Dept could have suppressed this but didn't, and there was much backroom talk of LBJ either being off the 1964 ticket, or removed once JFK won re-election. LBJ was about to be destroyed and JFK's death would stop all of it. (Once JFK was dead, the necessary pressure was applied to end the investigations directed at Johnson).

** LBJ's well-known girlfriend, Madeleine Duncan Brown, (and mother of his spittin' image son, Steven, who died in 1990) and who spoke well of Lyndon Johnson until she herself died in 2002, nevertheless remained consistent for many years about LBJ's admitting complicity in JFK's murder (when asked by her on New Year's Eve 1963, he angrily insisted the Texas oil guys and the CIA had done it, yet it was evident to her that he'd known all about it, before and after the fact). Others from LBJ's law office have said the same thing essentially.

In Dallas, it was immediately understood that LBJ had green-lighted the assassination, if not planned it personally.

** LBJ had very, very close ties to the Texas oil guys involved, the mob guys involved, and, of course, J Edgar Hoover. In 1963, the men at the top of these groups were all a very tight circle (half of them literally vacationed together). And they essentially owned the CIA because that agency was up for the highest bidder (which meant oil and defense contractors). And you don't want defense contractors setting war policy in order to create an artificial market for their own product. But that's what was happening, and JFK had attempted to rein this in.

** Miss Brown and others have also admitted that the Viet Nam war went on as long as it did because of the profits being made by LBJ's buddies in the oil/defense-hardware business, and the kickbacks that LBJ and Nixon received over a period of years for prolonging the war while publicly stating their intent to end it.

** One of the reasons Oswald was sheep-dipped as a Communist, and thereby potentially framing the Kremlin and Castro in JFK's murder, was to create a huge public backlash to launch a nuclear strike on Cuba and even Russia. Today, this sounds unthinkable, but in the Cold War hysteria of the late-'50s/early-'60s, many in the federal government thought this was not only doable but necessary --- the CIA and the Joint Chiefs approached JFK twice (in June 1961 and again in September 1963) to drop the Bomb on Russia, and he angrily refused... They believed that a unilateral strike on Russia was possible as long as it happened by late 1963 (or 1965 at the latest) because Russia's automated nuclear response system was supposedly still so shaky -- and even if Russia was able to get in a retaliatory strike, 30 million Americans lost was seen as acceptable collateral damage.

Even JFK's public success in preventing nuclear war during the Cuban Missile Crisis of October 1962 was deemed just another wasted opportunity by many hawks in military/intelligence.

Once in the White House, LBJ nixed any nuclear holocaust occurring on his own watch and dictated that the Warren Commission minimize Oswald's manufactured Communist connections. As a consolation prize, LBJ immediately ramped-up the lucrative ground war in southeast asia (Vitenam was the biggest business in America by the late-'60s), a war Kennedy had been dragging his feet on and privately talking about pulling out of.

** The 2 presidents which followed JFK were in on his assassination, and the third (Ford) was a(n easily duped) member of the Warren Commission.

** The mainstream media still wont deal honestly with the subject even after 50 years, insisting that "there's no irrefutable evidence of a conspiracy" and giving their stamp of approval to every book or documentary which exercises wild selectivity in its choice of data to "confirm" the Warren Commission's Lone Nut findings. Because the same dynamic still exists today: the oil and defense industries (and other corporate influences) are still setting federal governmental policy.

** 51 people at least heard and saw shots from the grassy knoll. Almost none were asked to testify, and the couple that were were dismissed with the old "echoes" rationale. Even a couple of Kennedy aides, Dave Powers and Kenneth O'Donnell, in the motorcade saw shots from the front coming from the grassy knoll, and both later told Senator Tip O'Niell that they'd been coerced into changing their story by the FBI because "you're wrong, and the family wants to get this behind them". And when the media runs assassination retrospective programs today, they never show you the widely-available footage (from multiple cameras) of the Dealey Plaza witnesses, both young and old, sprinting up the grassy knoll to look behind the fence, because the footage is too evocative of something other than a Lone Nut inside the Schoolbook Depository.

** Discussions of assassination amongst the guilty parties began as early as 1961 after the Bay of Pigs failure, dependent on what Kennedy did in office. Not only was Oswald trained in Russian as a private(!) in the service (which was only done for those being groomed for intelligence work), once he "defected" and then returned to America, he not only wasn't prosecuted as a traitor, he actually brought back a Russian wife (almost impossible to do at the time) and was never even de-briefed by any federal agency. All of which was unheard of for 1963. (In fact, the State Department gave him money for living expenses).

** Oswald had known Jack Ruby (with mob, CIA and FBI in his background) since the former was a child. And Jack Ruby had worked for Nixon during the McCarthy days.

** Terrified, Marina's verifying at the time that Oswald had attempted to shoot General Walker earlier in the year was something she was pressured to say by the CIA. (She has long since expressed her view that Lee didn't do it). And even the "package" Lee was duped into taking into the TSBD was too short to be the weapon, even when broken down... Marina admits to taking the famed photo of Lee behind their house (with the rifle and the Russian paper) and it is not a fake, but she's said he came home one afternoon and urgently asked her to take the photo as if he'd been assigned it.

** All the Dallas police initially identified the "sniper's nest" rifle at the TSBD as a German Mauser. Later, it became an Italian Mannlicher Carcano.

** Russia's KGB was, however, well aware of the plans to murder Kennedy by his own government, and the intention to use Oswald to frame the Communists. In order to preempt this, the KGB dispatched Richard Case Nagel, a double agent also with the CIA, to kill Oswald in advance to prevent it.

Nagel walked into a bank in El Paso, Texas in the fall of 1963 and shot thru the ceiling and then went and sat on the curb and awaited arrest by the local police in order to avoid his assassination assignment. He later nervously relayed this in 1967 to Jim Garrison, and this meeting was the partial basis for the "X" scene in Oliver Stone's 1991 film.

** Earlier in November, JFK's murder was scheduled to occur in Chicago, with mental patient, Thomas Arthur Valle, the intended patsy and an even better choice than Oswald. The scheme was foiled and re-scheduled for Miami on November 18, which was also stopped.

** None of the Parkland medical team recognized the "official" autopsy photos of the back of JFK's head showing it intact. They all described seeing a huge, grapefruit-sized rear exit wound when he was brought into the ER.

** JFK was beloved only by the public and (most of, if not all) the press. There was no single motive for the murder, but a myriad of them.

** As far as the "someone would have talked by now" argument, in fact plenty have. And no matter how credible, the mainstream media in the U.S. simply will not report it.

And why not?

The CIA now even admits that their Operation Mockingbird Program placed "friendlies" in the media to control the flow and tone of information (although they insist it was disbanded in the '60s because it had "failed"). In the '70s, even CIA Director Colby admitted that the agency had every journalists of note on their payroll (and while this was hopefully hyperbole, it certainly speaks to the agency's confidence that they had the press sufficiently battened down).

Also in the '70s, a CIA memo was leaked directing reviewers to use the same canned phrases and observastions about any book released which addressed the conspiracy to kill JFK (e.g., "there's nothing new here;" this material has already been thoroughly de-bunked; there's a cottage industry in keeping the conspiracy theories going; the author has a well-known agenda; etc...). Phrases still widely used even today.

** When former president Harry Truman made comments in the press (only one month after the assassination, and suspiciously under-reported by the nation's newspapers) that the CIA had been doing things it wasn't supposed to do ever since he'd expanded the agency's power 15 years earlier at the behest of CIA godfather Allen Dulles, Dulles (who really ran the Warren Commission, not Earl Warren) asked Truman to retract his comments; when Truman refused, Dulles forged a retraction for Truman -- and then published it!!

** Watergate, ten years later, was largely about the assassination of JFK... Numerous key figures in Watergate (Howard Hunt, Frank Sturgis) were in Dallas for the assassination in 1963 (which Hunt recently confessed to on paper and audiotape just before his death). Watergate was not so much about the break-in at national DNC headquarters, but attempts to protect the intelligence's black-operations, most noteably, as Nixon cryptically said, "that whole Bay of Pigs thing" (an odd comments since everything about the Bay of Pigs had supposedly been public knowledge for a decade). It was a reference to what happened in Dallas, and led Nixon and CIA-demigod Richard Helms to essentially blackmail each other during the Watergate scandal regarding all they "had' on each other.

Nixon's White House aide, H R Haldeman, believed that "the whole Bay of Pigs thing" was a reference to the assassination, and was told by Nixon that fellow aide, John Ehrlichman, "knows all about it."

When asked by respected Republican senator Howard Baker what he knew about JFK's death, Nixon responded, "You don't want to know."

**In the mid-1980s, Howard Hunt sued a rightwing periodical, Liberty Lobby, which ran an article about Hunt's presence in Dallas on November 22, 1963. Hunt initially won the suit, and his win was broadcast throughout the American media (thus "validating" yet again the lone gunman scenario the establishment media is so fond of). But on appeal, Liberty Lobby hired famed JFK researcher Mark Lane who found ex-Castro lover and CIA moll, Marita Lorenz, who testified that she'd ridden with Sturgis from Miami to Dallas (in that muddy white Chevy seen roaming behind the fence on the grassy knoll) carrying guns a day or so before JFK was killed. They met E. Howard Hunt in a nearby motel who apparently was acting as paymaster.

Lorenz was sent home. A few day later, Sturgis wistfully admitted to Lorenz that they had killed Kennedy... Liberty Lobby won -- and Hunt lost -- on appeal, only this time there was no media coverage of the final verdict at all, even locally.

Twenty years later, of course, Hunt confessed to the entire thing shortly before his own death. A confession accompanied by essentially zero media coverage.

** Efforts have since been made besmirch the Kennedys' reputations over the years (given that a governmental conspiracy in their assassination is likely to eventually become accepted as historical fact) by making it look like they were the victims of a kind of "rough justice" or "blowback" brought about by their own supposed complicity in the plots to assassinate the Ngo brothers and Castro -- an implication which created some friction between the JFK and LBJ staffers. (Bobby, angry at the assertion, snarled "I didn't start it, I stopped it!", regarding the failed CIA/mafia attempts on Castro).

Also, JFK had demanded that the agency be broken up "into a thousand pieces" because it was now setting policy on its own (decidedly not the CIA's proper function) as they had done in the Bay of Pigs fiasco (during which they lied to Kennedy left and right) and in the assassinations of several foreign leaders not sanctioned by the White House, as in the Ngo brothers' murders in Vietnam. (Kennedy couldn't even get the agency, or his own ambassador to Vitenam, on the phone prior to the Ngo brothers' murders).

And then there's the showbiz gossip about Marilyn Monroe's death, also dumped at the feet of Jack & Bobby.

By making the Kennedys look in history as if they were behind all of this, it appears as if the assassinated Kennedy brother were in turn "assassins" themselves --- which isn't true at all, but is designed to make the public care less about what happened to them, and why and by whom.

And this may have been the most effectively subversive approach in neutralizing concern over what happened to JFK.


Just a potpourri of enlightening pro-conspiracy videos :

Oswald's killer, Jack Ruby, implicates LBJ in the assassination:

This is Part 9 of a British produced documentary "The Men Who Killed Kennedy", a flawed but admirable effort. The doc started in 1988, and has had additional chapters added over the years.

In 2003, three more chapter (7 thru 9) were added for the 40th anniversary of JFK's death --- but Chapter 9 in particular, "The Guilty Men", elicited such a response from LBJ's corner of the world, that The History Channel was pressured to remove it from the air, and even from, despite (or perhaps because of) the fact it was based on fairly good data. The British producer was even censured on the floor of Parliament for this 'travesty'.

(Even though Chapter 9 is the main object of suppression, they yanked Chapter 7 & 8 too, just for good measure, because they were the sections also completed in 2003). Here's Chapter 9:

Here's an interesting ~80 minute interview with Madeleine Brown, the mistress of of LBJ (from 1948 to 1969) whose relationship to Johnson was known to all around him including the press corps and Lady Bird.

She addresses LBJ's complicity in JFK's death; she's never waivered on her story:

Part 1:

Here's is the confession audiotaped for his son by infamous Watergate burglar E. Howard Hunt regarding JFK:




I posted the below as response in another thread but wanted to share it here with you as well:

Apparently some found the lone nutter theory and the Warren Commission laughable, including the Presidents of the US.

George H.W. Bush Sr (former owner of the Zapata Oil Company (a CIA corporate cover for anti-Castro operations including the Operation 40), the former director of the CIA, the 41st President) laughing when he mentions "a deluded gun-man assassinated President Kennedy at Gerald Ford's funeral:

So what is so funny about a deluded gunman who assassinated President Kennedy? Why George Bush Sr was laughing at his own words at another President, General Ford's funeral ? What is so funny about it? George Bush knows things that we don't about the assassination of Kennedy?

Gerald Ford was a Warren Commission member and the 38th president and 40th Vice President, that became the first and to date only person to have served as both Vice President and President of the United States without being elected by the Electoral College. Ford was the first person appointed to the Vice Presidency under the terms of the 25th Amendment to serve under Richard Nixon, after Spiro Agnew resigned. And upon Richard Nixon's (the 36th Vice President under Eisenhower who lost presidency to JFK and the 37th President after LBJ) resignation due to the Watergate Scandal, Ford became the president and granted pardon for Nixon.

Nixon was trying to protect E. Howard Hunt (the former CIA supervisor of the "misguided" anti-Castro Operation 40, was one of the head suspects at the JFK assassination, and later part of Nixon's Plumber's Unit that got arrested with his hands dirty as one of the Watergate burglars) by stopping the FBI from further investigating the issue.

Gerald Ford was put on the Warren Commission by LBJ together with Allen Dulles (the former director of the CIA that served under Eisenhower and JFK, and fired by JFK because of the Bay of Pigs fiasco, the father of the Anti-Castro operations including the Operation 40, also the father of the CIA's Operation MKUltra (a.k.a Operation Mind Control - remember the movie The Manchurian Candidate?):

The phone conversation between LBJ and Gerald Ford (Gerald Ford on Warren Commission):

As a member of the Warren Commission, Gerald Ford is the one responsible for moving the Kennedy back wound and lying about it so everything fits the single bullet theory:

Gerald Ford Moving the JFK Back Wound (Interview from June 30th, 2005, with former FBI agent James W. Sibert, one of the two FBI agents who attended President Kennedy's autopsy at Bethesda Naval Hospital ...):

Of-course, besides the bullet, the wounds there are so many things that the Warren Commission falsified in order to cover up, including the fake photos of Harvey Lee Oswald holding up the rifle. LBJ wanted a result from the Warren Commission, which was "Oswald Did It Alone".

Let's check out Gerald Ford's involvement in the Kennedy Assassination to see if we can gather a clue why George Bush was laughing when he mentions "a deluded gun-man assassinated Kennedy" at Ford's funeral:

LBJ himself did not believe in the findings of the Warren Commission:

Walter Cronkite interviews LBJ (LBJ makes an incredible mistake with his first answer by undermining the purpose of his Warren Commission)

and obviously LBJ did not stop at Warren Commission:
Cover up in progress - Phone call between LBJ and JEH (Phone conversation between Lyndon B. Johnson and J. Edgar Hoover)

Bobby Kennedy (brother of JFK, the 64th US Attorney General, was a leading candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination in the 1968 election who was also assassinated) asking LBJ why he killed his brother:

Yet another president laughing about the Kennedy Assassination:

Richard Nixon jokes about LBJ killing JFK

Well guess the lone-nutter, or a deluded gun-man assassinating President Kennedy is laughable alright.

Very powerful devils killed JFK and played their parts in his assassination. I believe assassination of Kennedy in Dallas, not only changed the course of history of America but the world. That of-course is not a laughable matter, and only the truth will set us free !!!





I had never heard much about Gerald Ford and any role he may have played. Quite interesting!


Oswald wan't one of the shooters, BTW.



Tell us, ProT, who were the shooters then?

"Dave, this conversation can serve no purpose anymore. Goodbye." 2001: A Space Odyssey


Prometheus, I have mixed feelings about your comment. Certainly any evidence could have been planted after Oswald left the building. Is it possible both LHO and Jack Ruby knew the assassination was going to take place? Please refer me to any YouTube or article which could guide me further. I have done a lot of reading and viewings on YouTube.

Again, I do believe there were two shooters, and I am 99% positive Oswald was one of them. Now, something will be happening in 2017 regarding documents. Then there is the opening of other documents in 2038 (75 years), right? Where are these documents stored?

Even lone-killer theorists could answer these questions.


Certainly any evidence could have been planted after Oswald left the building.

Sure and the Martian Inter-World Military Industrial Complex could have been behind it!

Oswald shot Kennedy and he was the lone gunman. If you are relying on YouTube for your information, no wonder you have been hoodwinked by the CTers.

The remainder of the approximately 1,100 sealed records are at the National Archives and Records Administration in Maryland and are supposed to be released in 2017, though agencies may petition to have records withheld if disclosure would compromise "military defense, intelligence operations, law enforcement, or conduct of foreign relations." Time will tell if any will successfully be withheld from release and while I'm sure they will prove to be interesting, I'll go on record banking that the findings of the Warren Commission will not be changed in any significant way after the final records are made public.

"Dave, this conversation can serve no purpose anymore. Goodbye." 2001: A Space Odyssey


Ah, yet another "martian" analogy --- how do you guys manage to keep it so fresh???



how do you guys manage to keep it so fresh???


Because we have a never ending group of people like you, ProT posting things equally ridiculous and preposterous. Next question?

"Dave, this conversation can serve no purpose anymore. Goodbye." 2001: A Space Odyssey


Doc, your rants are the product of a closed mind. Even Robert Kennedy, Jr is on record as reporting that his father, RFK, said the Warren Commission is sloppy and fictitious (RFK's words).

You might try taking off your own foil hat and learning the facts. You can start by reading the 1976 Church Committee Hearings reports. It's filled with facts left out of the Warren Report. Just one example (from page 60,61 of THE INVESTIGATION OF THE ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY: PERFORMANCE

Given the thorough investigation the CIA and the FBI conducted of most of the leads they received, their failure to follow significant leads in the Cuban area is surprising. These leads raise significant questions, and there is no evidence the Warren Commission staff was ever provided information which would have allowed it to pursue the leads.

On December 1, 1963, CIA received information that a November 22 Cubana airlines flight from Mexico City to Cuba was delayed some five hours, from 6:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. E.S.T., awaiting an unidentified passenger. This unidentified passenger arrived at the airport in a twin-engined aircraft at 10:30 p.m. and boarded the Cubana airlines plane without passing through customs, where he would have needed to identify himself by displaying a passport. The individual travelled to Cuba in the cockpit of the Cubana airlines plane, thus again avoiding identification by the passengers."

In response to a Select Committee request of January 9, 1976, the CIA wrote it had no information indicating that a follow-up investigation was conducted to determine the identity of the passenger and had no further information on the passenger, and no explanation for why a follow-up investigation was not conducted.

In early December 1963, even more intriguing information was received by the CIA, and passed almost immediately to FBI. In the case of the Cuban-American, a follow-up investigation was conducted. Although the information appeared to relate to the President's assassination and one source alleged the Cuban-American was "involved" in the assassination, the follow-up investigation was not conducted as part of the FBI's work for the Warren Commission.
The CIA learned that this Cuban-American crossed the border from Texas into Mexico on November 23, and that the border had been closed by Mexican authorities immediately after the assassination and reopened on November 23. The Cuban-American arrived in Mexico City on November 25. He stayed in a hotel until the evening of November 27, when he departed on a late evening regularly scheduled Cubana airlines flight to Havana, using a Cuban "courtesy visa" and an expired U.S. passport. He was the only passenger on that flight, which had a crew of nine.

In March 1964, the CIA received a report from a source which alleged the Cuban-American had received his permit to enter Mexico on November 20 in Tampa, Florida. The same source also said the Cuban-American was somehow "involved in the assassination." There is no indication that CIA followed-up on this report, except to ask a Cuban defector about his knowledge of the Cuban-American's activities.

You tube offers videos of these hearings that are quite interesting. If you've seen the movie "Parkland" it shows the FBI systemically destroying evidence. One would have to be clearly lacking in cognitive abilities not to wonder how the most sophisticated investigation agencies on the planet could have overlooked so much evidence pointing to the involvement of others in JFK's assassination.


Doc, your rants are the product of a closed mind.

Nice try, though I have looked at what is known and most of what has been conjectured. I even held doubts for many years about the possibility of conspiracy but have concluded Oswald was the lone gunman. I will acknowledge that we have no proof that he wasn't involved in a conspiracy and you can't prove a negative can you? However, here we are fifty years later and there is no credible evidence, let alone conclusive evidence of a conspiracy.

We know the CIA withheld things from the WC, though Blakey and others who supposedly had access to this info later couldn't connect the dots either, so we have nothing to refute the basic findings of the WC. Blakey for instance has been consistent to my knowledge in believing there was a conspiracy (think he has always believed it was the mob) but has remained honest that he has no proof.
If you've seen the movie "Parkland" it shows the FBI systemically destroying evidence.

I'm awaiting its release on NetFlix later this week.
You might try taking off your own foil hat and learning the facts

The kindest thing I could say to you in this exchange is "pot, meet kettle".

"Dave, this conversation can serve no purpose anymore. Goodbye." 2001: A Space Odyssey


Although my friends do believe there was more than one shooter, they find it hard to believe Oswald was an agent of the federal government with an extensive CIA intelligence file. Just so I understand, both the FBI and the CIA were involved in the cover-up?


Well some members of the CIA and FBI were definitely involved.

Allen Dulles, George H.W. Bush, E. Howard Hunt, David Morales, George Joannides, Frank Sturgis, Clay Shaw (a.k.a Clay Bertrand), David William Ferrie, J. Walton Moore and so on ... George de Mohrenschildt (LHO's handler) was also involved and I started a thread at the JFK movie here:

Earle Cabell, Mayor of Dallas on 11/22/63, whose brother, Gen. Charles Cabell was fired from CIA by JFK.
Gen. Charles Cabell, the former deputy director of the CIA, was the right-hand of Allen Dulles for 9 years.

J. Edgar Hoover, the director of the FBI was involved and many other members of the FBI.

Gerald Ford as a Warren Commission member was also the FBI's inside-man, and he was secretly working as an informant for the FBI:

Ford told FBI about panel's doubts on JFK murder
The Associated Press, Saturday, August 9, 2008

There are also other members of the CIA such as Leroy Fletcher Prouty (Chief of Special Operations for the Joint Chiefs of Staff under President John F. Kennedy that was sent to the South Pole during the time when Kennedy was assassinated) , that came forward and claimed that JFK's assassination was a Coup D'etat!

Leroy Fletcher Prouty (January 24, 1917 – June 5, 2001)[1] served as Chief of Special Operations for the Joint Chiefs of Staff under President John F. Kennedy. A former colonel in the United States Air Force, he retired from military service to become a bank executive, and subsequently became a critic of U.S. foreign policy, particularly the covert activities of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) about which he had considerable inside knowledge. Prouty, along with Richard Case Nagell, was the inspiration for the character "Mr. X" in Oliver Stone's movie JFK.[2]

According to Prouty, people within the intelligence and military communities of the United States government conspired to assassinate Kennedy.[1] He maintained that their actions were a coup d'Ă©tat to stop the President from taking control of the CIA after the Bay of Pigs.[1] Prouty stated that the assassination was orchestrated by Edward Lansdale ("Gen. Y" in Oliver Stone's JFK) and that Landsdale appeared in photographs of the "three tramps".[1]
In 1975, Prouty appeared with Richard Sprague at a news conference in New York to present what they believed was photographic evidence of a conspiracy.[8] According to Prouty, the movement of Kennedy after a bullet struck his head was consistent with a shot from the grassy knoll.[8] He also suggested that the actions of a man with an umbrella, the "Umbrella Man", were suspicious.[8]


Karian1964 check out Mary Ferrell Foundation archives:

You can find all 26 volumes of the Warren Commission hearings and the report, plus almost any released or newly discovered documents related to the JFK Assassination.

For example you can find the extensive documentation produced over the last 50 years indicating Oswald was an agent of the federal government with an extensive CIA intelligence file that stretched back to 1957.
The documents on the JFK assassination released by the federal government in the past few years show the CIA had an intelligence file on Oswald.

Oswald's “201″ CIA file, a personality file, was numbered No. 39-61981, with the “39” denoting an intelligence file.

The Mary Ferrell Foundation has made public 50,000 pages of documents from Oswald’s CIA file, including a small selection of the pre-assassination file, followed by a huge collection of post-assassination documents pertaining to the Warren Commission and other subsequent investigations of the JFK assassination. _Online

As pointed out by Jerome Corsi in his book "Who Really Killed Kennedy?: "As remarkable as it seems, the evidence suggests Lee Harvey Oswald prior to the assassination was on the payroll of the FBI,” says Corsi.

J. Lee Rankin, the general counsel of the Warren Commission, wrote a memo to the file in January 1964 documenting that a reliable source informed him of journalists in Texas who commonly knew Oswald was receiving a monthly check of $200 from the FBI.

In that letter, as reproduced in the archives preserved by the Mary Ferrell Foundation online( ) or , Rankin documents that on Jan. 22, 1964, he received a telephone call from Waggoner Carr, attorney general of Texas, communicating on a confidential basis an allegation that Oswald had been an undercover agent for the FBI since September 1962 and had been paid $200 a month from an account designated as No. 179.

Rankin’s letter further documents that on Jan. 23, 1964, Secret Service Report No. 766 summarized an interview conducted by FBI agent Bertram with Houston Post reporter Alonso H. Hudkins III that read in part:

On December 19, Mr. Hudkins advised that he had just returned from a weekend in Dallas, during which time he talked to Allen Sweatt, Chief Criminal Division, Sheriff’s Office, Dallas. Chief Sweatt mentioned that it was his opinion that Lee Harvey Oswald was being paid $200 a month by the FBI as an informant in connection with their subversive investigation. He furnished the alleged informant number assigned to Oswald by the FBI as “S172.”

According to Corsi, Rankin further affirmed that District Attorney Wade in Dallas and “others of the Texas representatives” stated the rumors that Oswald was an undercover agent were widely held among members of the press in Dallas and that Melvin Belli, attorney for Jack Ruby, was aware of the allegations.

Wade further told Rankin that Oswald was an informant for the CIA, carrying No. 110669.

As documented by the proceedings of the Warren Commission’s executive session Jan. 27, 1964 ( ), another document archived online by the Mary Ferrell Foundation, Rankin presented to the commissioners the allegations of Oswald’s connections to the FBI and the CIA.

At that meeting, Rankin made clear his intention to cover up the information when he told the commission, “We do have a dirty rumor that is very bad for the commission, and it is very damaging to the agencies that are involved in it, and it must be wiped out so insofar as it is possible to do so by this commission.”

At the Warren Commission’s executive session on Jan. 27, 1964, commissioner Allen Dulles commented in concluding the discussion of the information Oswald was a paid FBI agent: “I think this record ought to be destroyed. Do you think we need a record of this?”

Apparently LBJ did not put Allen Dulles (the ex-director of the CIA fired by JFK) together with other members such Gerald Ford (who intentionally moved JFK's back wound and later admitted that he lied about it) on the Warren Commission without a reason.

So the Warren Commission suppressed evidence of Oswald’s relationship with the FBI, precisely because the information undermined the commission’s central conclusion that Oswald was the lone assassin.

Corsi says the evidence shows Oswald was a patriotic U.S. citizen who earned his employment as a well-trained intelligence operative, with his primary allegiance to the CIA. It could be, Corsi concludes, “a key part of the deep secret the CIA could not afford the U.S. public to know in the aftermath of the JFK assassination when the Warren Report was issued in 1964.”

Note: I replaced the long links to Mary Ferrel Foundation's archives with the shorter TinyURL links 'cause sometimes IMDB tends to mess up the long URLs rendering them useless.


Corsi says the evidence shows Oswald was a patriotic U.S. citizen who earned his employment as a well-trained intelligence operative, with his primary allegiance to the CIA. It could be, Corsi concludes,

I see Corsi and Marguerite Oswald share a lot in common. Is Corsi's mental stability any better than hers was?

Or it could be the CIA-FBI-WC-LBJ-USSR-Cuban-Mafia-Martian conspiracy, right? Or a lone nut who accomplished exactly what he was after. After all here we are 50 years later talking about him.

"Dave, this conversation can serve no purpose anymore. Goodbye." 2001: A Space Odyssey


Is Corsi's mental stability any better than hers was?

Do you have anything to question Corsi's mental stability or just speculating?

The only person in the movie that states that his son was working for the government is HLO's mother and she's portrayed as a crazy person. And like i commented earlier this is exactly the reason why ... An attempt to discredit ... Thanks for this excellent example ...


This is so overwhelming. I was hoping someone would come forward and tell the truth for this anniversary date. What is going on when I see "Comments are disabled for this video." why would that happen?


This is so overwhelming. I was hoping someone would come forward and tell the truth for this anniversary date. What is going on when I see "Comments are disabled for this video." why would that happen?

But it wouldn't matter if people came forward and told the truth because the media simply will not report it (unless it supports the LoneNute dynamic).

In fact, people have already -- just look at the videos contained in the OP! Has any of that changed what TPTB say about the assassination?

No, it hasn't.



Kariann1964: If Bobby Kennedy wasn't assassinated he could, and probably would come forward and tell the truth! But unfortunately he was murdered just like his brother.

And some people that were involved in JFK's murder and the cover-up became Presidents of the US: Lyndon B. Johnson, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, George H.W. Bush

JFK and RFK Assassinations were Coup D'etat!

"Talk About The Fox Investigating The Chicken Coop" - Oliver Stone's JFK


Who's this in this 1947 photo between Richard Nixon and Prescott Bush?:



I have no idea, but I wonder if it's Jack Ruby?


Bing! Bing! Bong!



Oh, am I right? Wow. The plot thickens. I don't see how anybody can buy into the lone nut argument.

Richard Nixon looks like Bush's little boy in that photo.


The photo may be 1953...



The photo may be 1953...

Nah, GWB would have been 6 or 7 by then.

"Dave, this conversation can serve no purpose anymore. Goodbye." 2001: A Space Odyssey


I don't understand your comment. I meant that Richard Nixon looks like Prescott Bush's little boy. I don't understand your reference to George Bush.

Sorry, your humor goes over my head. I have a simple mind.


Don't lose any sleep over it. The entire premise of the thread is humorous and I'll plead guilty to random.

"Dave, this conversation can serve no purpose anymore. Goodbye." 2001: A Space Odyssey


Doc likes his little ha-has.



You certainly crack me up, ProT. Of course you are a little bumpity boo, aren't you?

"Dave, this conversation can serve no purpose anymore. Goodbye." 2001: A Space Odyssey


More flirting?



More flirting?

Uh, no.

I'm flattered that you have projected an attraction to me but sorry, I'm unavailable. I'm sure you can find satisfaction in your life elsewhere. Call me an undying optimist.

"Dave, this conversation can serve no purpose anymore. Goodbye." 2001: A Space Odyssey


More flirting?

Uh, no.

I'm flattered that you have projected an attraction to me but sorry, I'm unavailable. I'm sure you can find satisfaction in your life elsewhere. Call me an undying optimist.

You two crack me up. What I don't find funny is the possibility that so many Presidents might have been involved in the killing of Kennedy!


Welcome to the jungle Kariann.


Doug, it is complicated and only the strong will stick with searching for an answer. PBS is having a special on tonight, so we'll see what they have to enlighten us!


What I don't find funny is the possibility that so many Presidents might have been involved in the killing of Kennedy!

The fact that you still can post 'might' gives me hope that you haven't been sucked down the CT rabbit hole irrevocably. Think this through. The USA has plenty of problems, do you really believe it sunk this low?

"Dave, this conversation can serve no purpose anymore. Goodbye." 2001: A Space Odyssey


Think this through. The USA has plenty of problems, do you really believe it sunk this low?

Actually you need to think it through Doc. The USA has many problems indeed, but unfortunately it sunk even lower.

Here's a reality check for you:

Wealth Inequality in America, Perception vs Reality:

Do you think we came to this point just like that? You really think that top 1% of wealthy people worked so hard for their money?

Getting away with the murders of JFK and RFK was just a part of their legacy ...

Wake up !!!


Here's a reality check for you:

Thank you for the link. I watched it and did not learn anything that I did not already know.

Getting away with the murders of JFK and RFK was just a part of their legacy ...

How does this in anyway prove that those two assassinations were done to further a political agenda? That is what I was referring to as "sunk this low".
You really think that top 1% of wealthy people worked so hard for their money?

People who accumulate that kind of wealth are not lazy and rarely have inherited it. Bill Gates comes to mind. He's not working on an assembly line or scrubbing toilets for a living and did come from an upper middle-class family so I'd agree he had a leg up, but his wealth is based on something he created, marketed, invested and worked very hard at. Mike Ilitch and Tom Monahan came from very humble backgrounds and built empires based on selling pizzas and I don't think you could accuse either of them of not having worked hard. Capitalism certainly has its flaws but the gears of capitalism have been whirring along for a very long time without the need to resort to murder. You seem to infer that had neither Jack nor Bobby been assassinated that the graph you linked to would somehow look different today. I guess neither of us know that but without trying to be offensive, that sounds rather naive to me. The Kennedys indeed had some lofty goals, however, I don't remember generalized income redistribution being one of them and as I'm sure you are aware, they were pretty far to the right side of that graph.

I admired the Kennedys and grew up in a family that did as well. I think their deaths were tragic. I think some things would have probably been different had JFK continued his presidency but I seriously doubt that much. The US political system has its flaws, though there are many checks and balances that tend to keep the pendulum from swinging too far too quickly. While the POTUS may well be the most powerful man in the world, he's not a dictator and still subject to Congress and the Court. While you may consider me naive, it's this chugging along of a laborious political process that makes people like me dubious of assassination by powerful, rich men who have much to lose by doing that with doubtfully much more to gain. We may have stayed out of Vietnam or we may not have and I've read convincing arguments for both. Civil rights likely ended up moving forward as it did because of LBJ, not in spite of him and probably quicker than JFK could have accomplished it, if at all. Honestly, history dictates that organized crime has been very loathe to murder elected officials too, because the backlash is severe and they frankly want to rock the boat as little as possible with the government.

I have no illusion that I can or would change your mind about any of this, but I am awake.

"Dave, this conversation can serve no purpose anymore. Goodbye." 2001: A Space Odyssey


How does this in anyway prove that those two assassinations were done to further a political agenda? That is what I was referring to as "sunk this low".

LBJ, Nixon, Gerald Ford and George H.W. Bush ... They all furthered their political and other agendas by getting away with the murder of JFK and RFK ...

People who accumulate that kind of wealth are not lazy and rarely have inherited it. Bill Gates comes to mind. He's not working on an assembly line or scrubbing toilets for a living and did come from an upper middle-class family so I'd agree he had a leg up, but his wealth is based on something he created, marketed, invested and worked very hard at. Mike Ilitch and Tom Monahan came from very humble backgrounds and built empires based on selling pizzas and I don't think you could accuse either of them of not having worked hard. Capitalism certainly has its flaws but the gears of capitalism have been whirring along for a very long time without the need to resort to murder. You seem to infer that had neither Jack nor Bobby been assassinated that the graph you linked to would somehow look different today. I guess neither of us know that but without trying to be offensive, that sounds rather naive to me. The Kennedys indeed had some lofty goals, however, I don't remember generalized income redistribution being one of them and as I'm sure you are aware, they were pretty far to the right side of that graph.

I wasn't referring to Bill Gates actually (Bill Gates also gave away his fortune). But there are other powerful devils who are not like Gates, and they're within that top 1% owning 40% of nation's wealth ...

4 days after the Coup in which Kennedy was murdered, LBJ signed National Security Action Memorandum No. 273. NSAM! 273 reversed NSAM 263 -President Kennedy's notice of withdrawal from Vietnam per the McNamara-Taylor report.

Perhaps the most powerful evidence indicating that select Senior Administration Officials and Senior Military personnel may have had foreknowledge of the plot to assassinate the 35th President of the United States, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, is found in the DRAFT of National Security Action Memorandum (NSAM) Number 273. There are several smoking guns, but the one that initially stands out as the most obvious is the date of the DRAFT, which was subsequently signed by McGeorge Bundy, Special Assistant to the President for National Security. The DRAFT was written and dated November 21st, 1963 less than 24 hours before the assassination. It was ostensibly the result of the meetings that took place the previous day at the Honolulu Conference. The text of the DRAFT of NSAM 273:

Don't you think everything would be much different for Americans if Kennedy's withdrawal from Vietnam plan was not reversed ?

The Vietnam war made LBJ's military industrial owners; Brown & Root and Bell Helicopter, very rich, compensating them many times over for their investment in the corrupt and ruthless politician LBJ ...

Besides LBJ, do you know how and how much Nixon, Gerald Ford and George H.W. Bush (Poppy)benefited from JFK and RFK's murders ? and what was their involvement in the Coup ?

As for Kennedy's domestic policies:

"JFK was president at the height of the Cold War, and foreign policy initiatives and crisis often dominated the agenda.

But President Kennedy was active on the home front as well. His brother, Attorney General Robert Kennedy, unleashed an unprecedented war on organized crime, one foreshadowed by the brothers' days together on the McClelland Committee. This aggressive federal effort against Carlos Marcello, Sam Giancana, Jimmy Hoffa and many others had its own political costs, and was particularly sensitive given the Democratic party's relationship with organized labor."

"Beyond these two great issues of the day, JFK created the Peace Corps, initiated the "space race" which put a man on the moon in 1969, advocated on mental health issues, and worked with Congress on affordable housing, equal pay for women, and a host of other agendas.

In the economic arena, JFK is remembered for his tax cuts, particularly by Republicans eager to claim their share of his memory. Often forgotten is the uneasy relationship he had with big business. The most dramatic moment came in April 1962, when Kennedy took on Big Steel, forcing rollback of price increases which he declared were not "in the public interest."

Also, Kennedy did not have to issue a policy on income redistribution because unlike today at least there was a middle class back then... He did something better though:

He issued the debt-free United States Notes !

Can you imagine what would have happened if JFK continued issuing debt-free United States Notes and freed us from the FED ? Do you know who owns the Federal Reserve banks ?

The U.S. government still has the power under the U.S. Constitution to issue debt-free money, so why are we using debt-based Federal Reserve Notes today instead of debt-free United States Notes?

I believe things would be very different today, if JFK and RFK were not murdered ... but the powerful devils gave out a very strong message with these murders ...

I also highly recommend you to read Stephen Kinzer's "The Brothers - John Foster Dulles, Allen Dulles, and Their Secret World War" . It's not a book on Kennedy assassination, but a joint biography of Dulles brothers ... It's amazing to read how so many of the US policies were originated by them and can be traced back to them ... and also mind-blowing to see how powerful these 2 siblings were, effecting not only the US but the world.

Here's a little something for you from the book that is related to the JFK assassination though:
A week later, Johnson called. He wanted Allen to serve on a high-level panel that would investigate the assassination— the Warren Commission.

Johnson told friends in Congress that the Kennedy assassination had “some foreign complications, CIA and other things.” Placing Allen on the Warren Commission ensured that these “complications” would remain secret. Allen never told the other members of the Warren Commission that the CIA had plotted to kill Castro, or revealed what it knew about Kennedy’s accused assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald. He advised other members of the commission about ways to question CIA officers, while at the same time advising the officers how to reply. By one account he “systematically used his influence to keep the commission safely within bounds, the importance of which only he could appreciate.… From the start, before any evidence was reviewed, he pressed for the final verdict that Oswald had been a crazed gunman, not the agent of a national and international conspiracy.”

Allen was in a unique position: the former director of central intelligence, dismissed by President Kennedy, helping to investigate Kennedy’s murder while guarding the CIA’s own murder plots. Some have found this suspicious.

As the Warren Commission was completing its work, Johnson asked Allen to take on a very different mission. On June 20, 1964, three civil rights workers disappeared in Mississippi.

Kinzer, Stephen (2013-10-01). The Brothers: John Foster Dulles, Allen Dulles, and Their Secret World War (Kindle Locations 5462-5473). Henry Holt and Co.. Kindle Edition.


You certainly believe in a vast conspiracy that obviously had an airtight cover up. I can't agree but so it goes.

"Dave, this conversation can serve no purpose anymore. Goodbye." 2001: A Space Odyssey


Let's acknowledge that you believe LHO was the lone shooter (really?), do you acknowledge that there was a cover-up in the investigation, especially involving information given to the Warren Commission AND the things they eliminated from their report?


Let's acknowledge that you believe LHO was the lone shooter
But of course.
do you acknowledge that there was a cover-up in the investigation, especially involving information given to the Warren Commission AND the things they eliminated from their report?

You'll have to be much more specific than that. This would be like answering the theoretical question, "do you still beat your wife?" Since I have never beat my wife, that is not a yes or no answer and no, I have never beaten my wife.

We know now that the CIA withheld info from the WC for instance, however, we don't know that changes the fundamental findings of the WR, and individuals like Belin who report they eventually had access to that info told us it didn't change those fundamental findings.

Was the WC perfect? I'm certain it wasn't. Did they come to the appropriate conclusions? I believe they did. They never saw themselves as being an independent investigative agency but rather a finder of fact based on the information that was available. Many will never be satisfied for that fact alone.

Despite the criticism they have received, both deserved and undeserved, the evidence points to Oswald having shot Kennedy and no credible evidence of a conspiracy has been uncovered in fifty years. Had they done things better or differently perhaps some of the CTs may not have arisen or could have been dispelled easier, who knows? The CTs all depend on speculation and innuendo and are much less credible than the WR, yet most people believe otherwise. Funny how majority of belief has so little to do with facts.

"Dave, this conversation can serve no purpose anymore. Goodbye." 2001: A Space Odyssey


But it's NOT an airtight cover-up. There were a fair number of mistakes and leaks. If it had been airtight, we wouldn't even be having this conversation.


Did the Senate Investigation acknowledge that Oswald did work for the CIA? I remember something about $200 a month payment.


To Kariann:

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't believe they did. The CIA may not have released those documents until the 1990s. Tons of stuff came out after the Oliver Stone film, and of course the Senate investigation was in the 1970s.

If you're interested, you might want to read "The Last Investigation," by Gaeton Fonzi. He worked for the HSCA and wrote a book about his experiences. It was a bureaucratic mess. They were allotted a certain amount of time to complete their work and either could not or did not want to follow various leads.

Mr. Fonzi was shocked at first, but apparently this is the way things work in Washington.


Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't believe they did. The CIA may not have released those documents until the 1990s. Tons of stuff came out after the Oliver Stone film, and of course the Senate investigation was in the 1970s.

If you're interested, you might want to read "The Last Investigation," by Gaeton Fonzi. He worked for the HSCA and wrote a book about his experiences. It was a bureaucratic mess. They were allotted a certain amount of time to complete their work and either could not or did not want to follow various leads.

Mr. Fonzi was shocked at first, but apparently this is the way things work in Washington.

You're absolutely right DrGerbil.

The post-Watergate Church Committee documented CIA plots to kill Fidel Castro in great detail; its probe into the Kennedy assassination was more limited, as seen in the name of the slim volume "The Investigation of the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy: Performance of the Intelligence Agencies." But this report was highly critical of both the CIA and FBI; Senator Schweiker told a TV audience that "the [Warren] report...has collapsed like a house of cards" and spoke of "senior intelligence officials who directed the cover-up."

The Church Committee's unfinished business fell to the House Select Committee on Assassinations, which got off to a rocky start. Shortly after Chief Counsel Richard Sprague declined to sign CIA secrecy oaths and began asking pointed questions about Oswald's visit to Mexico City, he began to be denounced in the press and even by his own committee chairman, Henry Gonzalez. The committee was almost terminated before it really got started, rescued only by the dual resignations of Gonzalez and Sprague, and the untimely apparent suicide of key witness George DeMohrenschildt on the eve of a refunding vote.

"The Last Investigation" @ ation

Also as a side note on George DeMohrenschildt (who was Lee Harvey Oswald's CIA handler and actually the one who brought Oswald to Dallas):

On September 17, 1976, the CIA requested that the FBI locate de Mohrenschildt, because he had "attempted to get in touch with the CIA Director."[42] On September 5, 1976, De Mohrenschildt had written a letter to the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, George H. W. Bush asking for his assistance. He was acquainted with the Bush family; George H. W. Bush had roomed with de Mohrenschildt's nephew, Edward G. Hooker, at Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts.[43] The letter said:

You will excuse this hand-written letter. Maybe you will be able to bring a solution to the hopeless situation I find myself in. My wife and I find ourselves surrounded by some vigilantes; our phone bugged; and we are being followed everywhere. Either FBI is involved in this or they do not want to accept my complaints. We are driven to insanity by the situation. I have been behaving like a damn fool ever since my daughter Nadya died from [cystic fibrosis] over three years ago. I tried to write, stupidly and unsuccessfully, about Lee H Oswald and must have angered a lot of people — I do not know. But to punish an elderly man like myself and my highly nervous and sick wife is really too much. Could you do something to remove the net around us? This will be my last request for help and I will not annoy you any more. Good luck in your important job. Thank you so much.[44][45]

George Bush wrote back:

Let me say first that I know it must have been difficult for you to seek my help in the situation outlined in your letter. I believe I can appreciate your state of mind in view of your daughter's tragic death a few years ago, and the current poor state of your wife's health. I was extremely sorry to hear of these circumstances. In your situation I can well imagine how the attentions you described in your letter affect both you and your wife. However, my staff has been unable to find any indication of interest in your activities on the part of Federal authorities in recent years. The flurry of interest that attended your testimony before the Warren Commission has long subsided. I can only speculate that you may have become "newsworthy" again in view of the renewed interest in the Kennedy assassination, and thus may be attracting the attention of people in the media. I hope this letter had been of some comfort to you, George, although I realize I am unable to answer your question completely. George Bush, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. [CIA Exec Reg. # 76,51571 9.28.76][46]

And De Mohrenschildt started talking about how Dallas CIA operative J. Walton Moore had given him the go-ahead to meet Oswald and other details. The HSCA considered him a "crucial witness". On the same day as the Epstein interview, the HSCA investigator wanted to see him, and that afternoon he was found dead from a shotgun blast to the head !

On March 29, De Mohrenschildt gave an interview to author Edward Jay Epstein, during which he claimed that in 1962, Dallas CIA operative J. Walton Moore had given him the go-ahead to meet Oswald. "I would never have contacted Oswald in a million years if Moore had not sanctioned it," de Mohrenschildt said. "Too much was at stake."[50] On the same day as the Epstein interview, de Mohrenschildt received a business card from Gaeton Fonzi, an investigator for the House Select Committee on Assassinations, telling him that he would like to see him.[51] The HSCA considered him a "crucial witness".[52] That afternoon, de Mohrenschildt was found dead from a shotgun blast to the head in a house where he was staying in Manalapan, Florida.[53][37] The coroner's verdict was suicide.[54]


Kariann, $200 montly payment was from the FBI ...

Oswald was working for the CIA as a false-defector, and in anti-Cuba operations ...But after JFK fired CIA director Allen Dulles, Deputy Director General Charles Cabell (Cabell's brother Earl was the mayor of Dallas at the time of JFK assassination) and Deputy Director of Planning Richard Bissell, he ordered FBI director Hoover to find the locations of the CIA's "misguided" anti-Castro operation camps. Hoover, who had written memos about Oswald’s CIA connections while Oswald was still in Russia as a fake-defector, recruited and used Oswald to locate the camps. So FBI used Oswald as an inside-man...

Hoover knew what was going on... Hoover had been, at JFK’s direction, spying on the CIA’s anti-Castro Cuban operation for months. Hoover distributed a memo to all the CIA’s offices the week before the murder telling them that there was to be an attempt on JFK’s life in Dallas on Nov. 22.

After reading a lot on the subject over 2 decades, I believe since Oswald was part of the CIA's anti-Castro operations, he became aware of the fact that "rogue" killers are going to be used in an assassination plot, not against a foreign leader but at home this time. Oswald was used to infiltrate the CIA's rogue group of killers ... It is clear that they recruited him and got him a job at the Dallas School Book Depository on October 15th.

That's one of the reasons why I think Oswald was framed.

Now as for the Church Committee and the HSCA you can read in detail here: ation

Also many new documents such as the FBI memos below were released later as a result of Freedom of Information lawsuits.

75 minutes after the assassination George Bush of Zapata Oil (a cover for CIA 's anti-Castro operations) called FBI, attempting to send them, apparently, on a wild goose chase investigating “one James Parrot” who Bush claimed had been talking of killing the president.

Memo from FBI Special Agent Graham Kitchel in Texas, regarding call by "GHW Bush of Zapata Off-Shore Drilling Company" received 75 minutes after JFK's murder

It begins: "At 1:45 pm Mr. GEORGE H. W. BUSH, President of the Zapata Off-Shore Drilling Company, Houston, Texas, residence 5525 Briar, Houston, telephonically furnished the following information to writer. .. BUSH stated that he wanted to be kept confidential. .. was proceeding to Dallas, Texas, would remain in the Sheraton-Dallas Hotel."

The Hoover memo below was buried among 98,755 pages of FBI documents released as a result of Freedom of Information lawsuits.

24 hours after the assassination, Hoover talked to George Bush of the CIA, fearing that "... some "misguided" anti-Castro group might capitalize on the current situation and undertake an "unauthorized" raid against Cuba" ...

Memo from J. Edgar Hoover, titled "Assassination of President Kennedy" referring to "Mr. George Bush of the CIA", briefed 24 hours after JFK's murder:

BTW, when President Gerald Ford (of the Warren Commission) appointed Poppy Bush as Director of the CIA in 1976, it was during the Church Committee investigations into the CIA assassinations, and Frank Church charged that Bush was appointed director after the firing of Colby in order to impede the committee's investigation. Colby had been cooperating with the committee, and Ford was trying desperately to thwart it. He brought Bush back from China ... and Bush did the job.





It was not airtight ! They used all their power and influence, tried so hard to cover things up and get rid of the loose-ends ... But still, here we are ...


You two crack me up. What I don't find funny is the possibility that so many Presidents might have been involved in the killing of Kennedy!

Read "Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty....." by Russ Baker. It will give you more detail -- and it wont make you happy.



Ruby in 1946 . .


George W. Bush in 1946:

"Dave, this conversation can serve no purpose anymore. Goodbye." 2001: A Space Odyssey


OMG, that's the first time I have laughed out loud today. Thanks for the humor, I really appreciate it.


Now, here is the mystery... there were three comments made after mine. How do I know whom replied to me? Unless, you use my name, I am unable to see how these comments rank.

Sorry to disappoint, but I just don't see LHO acting alone. Hosty's actions convince me of this.


I would agree re: Oswald not acting alone Karianne. You may be lagged somehow but this is a direct reply to you on the board here. Each message usually has a "Reply" option all its own. That's how you tell for the most part to whom you're talking or who's talking to you.


This FBI-document of 1947 recommends that "one Jack Rubenstein of Chicago" should not be called to testify for the Committee on Unamerican Activities, for he is working for Congressman Richard M. Nixon. According to the Warren Commission, Ruby had no connections with Oswald, Organized Crime or the Government. No wonder the header reads "This is sensitive".


I wish that at least one person would look at this and change their mind about the "lone nut" scenario.


I wish that at least one person would look at this and change their mind about the "lone nut" scenario.

Oh, they do, DrGerbil. For example, only about 1% (at most) of the IMDb traffic actually posts. Everybody else just reads.

The LoneNut brigade clearly are organized and have an agenda of disinformation; they're obviously not just people with an innocently misguided understanding of the assassination.

But getting the truth into the mainstream media has been a problem for 50 years.



Wow, that's the truth. I was shocked when I learned that the Howard Hunt lawsuit against Liberty Lobby was not front-page news. Well, the lawsuit itself was maybe not that important, but the fact that the jury found for Liberty Lobby and that Hunt WAS INVOLVED, well, that's pretty amazing.

My favorite part of the story was in reference to Hunt complaining that his stature with his children had been reduced, due to the fact that he had to keep reassuring them that he was NOT in Dallas on November 22, 1963. Mark Lane reminded him that his alibi was that he was at home on the East Coast watching the assassination coverage with his family. He asked, (paraphrasing), "If you were home with your children, why do you have to try to convince them you were not in Dallas? Wouldn't they remember you were home?"



Well, the media did report Hunt's initial win, but went silent over the fact he lost on appeal.

My favorite part of the story was in reference to Hunt complaining that his stature with his children had been reduced, due to the fact that he had to keep reassuring them that he was NOT in Dallas on November 22, 1963. Mark Lane reminded him that his alibi was that he was at home on the East Coast watching the assassination coverage with his family. He asked, (paraphrasing), "If you were home with your children, why do you have to try to convince them you were not in Dallas? Wouldn't they remember you were home?"

Heh. Correct. And 20 years later, he confessed...



Well, there ya go. And the media didn't cover that, either.


Right. And now they've tried to pretend Hunt was "coerced"?

So stupid.



Oh, I didn't know there were allegations that Hunt was coerced. Do tell.


Oh, those allegations always happen when someone comes forward.


Non-sequiturs are delicious.


That's a great point, DrGerbil!

I heard something briefly today about the CIA was involved in something or another, and I thought - there they go again. Do wonder what is in the classified papers and who is involved in the cover-up?


To Kariann:

I would love it if more documents are released before I die. However, I am pretty well pleased that so many things were released earlier than they were supposed to because of the ARRB. I never expected to know as much as I do know, since I will not be alive 75 years after the assassination.

If no more is revealed, I am very grateful to all the researchers who would not accept the retarded Warren Report, and pointed out how ridiculous it was. For example, they could not find any photographs to substantiate where they decided the head wound was, so they had a military artist draw a picture. They used a sketch, rather than X-rays or photographs.

Thankfully, enough brave people have worked on this case that we have some idea of what really happened. I will again quote researcher Penn Jones: "The only way to believe the Warren Report is not to read it."






To Prometheus:

Why are you bumping the thread so often? Are you looking for someone specific to answer you? I'm not sure if I myself have anything else to contribute.


People really should read Russ Baker's "Family of Secrets" and James Douglass' "JFK and the Unspeakable".


Non-sequiturs are delicious.


I have "Family of Secrets" but have not finished it. Many people have recommended "JFK and the Unspeakable" to me, but I found it dull. I got annoyed about the author constantly referencing Thomas Merton. I actually don't recommend that book at all.

Now, "Reclaiming Parkland," by James DiEugenio, is excellent, which is the book I'm reading now. Almost finished with it.


James DiEugenio is the absolute best. (I can't disagree that Douglass' references to Merton became a little too much, but I didn't find it all that hard to get around).


Non-sequiturs are delicious.





