Without a doubt, one of the worst movies I've ever seen!
Now, before all the pretentious snobs start chiming in with "you just don't get it" or "you're just not smart enough," let me explain a couple of things. I don't hate movies with non-traditional endings. I am a big fan of Indies and I am quite educated. This film had some of the worst writing I have ever seen. The dialogue was about as well-written as a Sci-Fy Network original movie and the ridiculous over-acting reminded me of bad community theater. Add to that a plot-line that goes nowhere and you have this steaming pile. Just because Woody Allen may have made some good movies once upon a time, people seem to faun over this when really they should be putting the inverted plastic bag over their hand and locating the nearest receptacle.
PS-Seriously, always clean up after your pets.