There are too many supposed accidents. Blacks need to read up on the Vril or Hitler and the Nazi parties psychological mind state and how there ideas had been obtained centuries before after the fairer skin blacks (whites really are blacks) took over the Black Moorish Kingdoms, Black Jewish Religion and Black Christian Religion. They implemented iconoclasm in which they hid the skeletons in their closet oh I'm sorry I mean their black relatives who were kings,queens, and dukes of England,Spain,Europe etc. They repainted them all white along with the Christian Saints and Jesus. This is a racist police state for blacks not only here but around other parts as well because this devil and it is a devil goes far back to those Dark Ages or code word for when Black People dominanted. In the Vril society it was designed to create a new world in which witchcraft cough science would dominate the world and Christ cough again the anti-Christ or Matreiya would rule or dominate the new age of supposed true enlightenment. Don't you understand? They had to subjugate blacks in order to bring about this new age and make them forget the True God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob. God was always sending prophets and they want you're mouths shut so they can start putting marks of the beast in people and have a field day. Just go and listen and read up on the psychology of how they think. These aren't coincidences.Not all whites are aware but there are those that are and that's why racism is so powerful. They have the true history and we don't.